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Title IX Employee Course

is a foundational, required online prevention and response course about sex- and gender-based violence and harassment for staff, faculty, other academic personnel, and student employees.

At the 糖心原创, we remain committed to fostering environments where you feel valued and supported and have the opportunity to learn and grow. As a UW employee, you also have an important role to play in ensuring a respectful environment for your coworkers and for students.

Throughout the course, the strategies offered are meant to create and support positive UW climates and endeavor to stop sex- and gender-based violence and harassment before they happen. The course is relevant to all UW workplace and campus locations and includes tailored content based on your employee role.

After completing the course, employees will have an enhanced ability to:
  • Contribute to respectful work and learning environments
  • Recognize sex- and gender-based violence and harassment
  • Intervene in situations where harm may be occurring
  • Respond empathetically when a person discloses they have experienced harassment and violence
  • Understand resources, reporting processes, and UW policies on sex- and gender-based violence and harassment
Access the employee course here:

Employee course completion expectations:

Employees include all staff, faculty, other academic personnel, and student employees.

  • New employees must complete the course within 30 days of their hire date
  • Existing employees were required to complete the course within 30 days of their .
  • Former student employees, who completed the student employee track but are subsequently hired into a staff or faculty role, are re-assigned to the employee course in the track relevant to their new role. They are required to complete the course within 30 days of their new hire date.

Course FAQs

Course FAQs

Click the link to be directed to the course. You will need to use your UW NetId to sign in to the course platform.

If you are a new employee, you will be able to access the course beginning your second day of employment.

If you are a returning employee, who needs to complete the HPR course, we strongly recommend you wait until after your official hire date to begin the course. If you complete the course before your new hire date your completion records may not be retained.

If you are experiencing any challenges accessing the course please email tixcourse@uw.edu.This email is monitored Monday through Friday 8 am-5 pm. We will attempt to reply within 48 hours.

It takes about 90 minutes to complete all the modules. The course is self-paced so completion time varies. You can complete one module at a time, and the program will save your progress. You can then return to complete additional modules at a future time.

You can complete the course on a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Your device must have an internet connection but it is not required that you be on the UW network/VPN.

All videos are captioned, and images have descriptions on them. There is an alternative version, available from the course main menu page, for individuals with low internet speed or for use with screen-readers.

If you have course accessibility needs that are not met please contact tixcourse@uw.edu.

The course was built to be trauma-informed, but it may bring up strong emotions for individuals who have experienced violence or harassment or recently supported someone impacted by violence or harassment.

If you would like to learn about alternative course completion options, contact tixcourse@uw.edu.聽It is not necessary to share personal details when you send an email regarding the alternative course option.

If you would like to seek support related to sex- and gender-based violence or harassment before completing the course, learn about options at the Survivor resources page.

The course has four unique tracks. There is a staff, faculty, and additional academic personnel, clinical healthcare, and student employee track. Employees are automatically tracked based on the unit where they work and their employee type. Each track contains unique tailored content and role-specific scenarios.

As of July 2022, the student employee track was abbreviated and now takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. The abbreviated student employee course presumes students completed the student version of the HPR course and provides additional, relevant information for students now operating in an employment context.

Please submit any feedback or questions about the course to tixcourse@uw.edu.

Completion Expectation FAQs

Completion Expectation FAQs

UW takes sex- and gender-based violence and harassment very seriously and expects all employees to do the same.

It is very likely you either know a survivor of sexual or relationship violence or will have a co-worker or student share with you their experience during your time at UW. We want to ensure you have the vital information you need to support that individual or seek support for yourself.

Yes, this course is specific to the 糖心原创 and contains information that every employee needs. This course may build on the information you have learned in other courses.

No, you will only need to take the HPR course one time. You are welcome to go back and access information in the course at any time.

New employees must complete the course within 30 days of their hire date.

Existing employees were required to complete the course within 30 days of their

An employee who has completed the course will have a completion certificate emailed to their UW email and can always return to the course to view information and save/print their certificate.

If you want to find a copy of your certificate enter the . On the homepage (where all the modules are listed) click on MENU on the top right-hand side, a menu will pop out and your certificate will be available.

Information for unit heads, administrators, and managers who are ensuring compliance with the Husky Prevention & Response (HPR) employee course requirement is available at Title IX course compliance for unit heads.

Supervisors may implement corrective action in accordance with the employee鈥檚 classification or job title. Non-compliance may be noted in performance or promotional reviews. An employee may become ineligible for opportunities that involve leadership, supervision of others, or other academic or work-related activities.

Student employees are able to access the student course and the employee course. If you were a new student in the academic years 2021-22 or later and were hired as a student employee, you are required to complete both the student and employee courses. The employee and student courses have unique information that is relevant to those respective roles.

The employee course contains a track for student employees. As of July 2022, the student employee track was abbreviated and takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. The abbreviated student employee course presumes students completed the student version of the course and provides additional, relevant information for students now operating in an employment context.

Unpaid affiliate faculty, contingent workers, contract workers, exempt employees, and ‘S-STIPEND’ group members are not currently required to complete the HPR course if they are in one of the following categories:

  • Employment Program/Type ‘V=Affiliate’
  • Employment Program/Type ‘T=Exempt Employee’
  • Employment Program/type ‘F-Academic Personnel’ with Job ID 21184 (Unpaid Academic)
  • Employment Program/Type ‘S-STIPEND’ with any of the following Job IDs
    • Job ID 10441 (Visting Fellow – Stipend)
    • Job ID 21191 (Graduate Fellow Stipend w/ Benefits)
    • Job ID 21192 (Graduate Fellow/Trainee Stipend w/o Benefits)
    • Job ID 10859 (Graduate Trainee Stipend (NE UAW ASE)
    • Job ID 21112 (Graduate Trainee Stipend w/ Benefits)
    • Job ID 21113 (Other Stipend w/o Benefits)

These individuals will appear as “currently exempt” in the course required column of the Title IX Employee Course Completion BI Portal Report.

These individuals do have course access and may complete the course if they are interested.

A department or unit may choose to put course completion requirements in place for their unpaid affiliate faculty members, contract workers, contingent workers, or exempt employees. If that occurs, those individuals will receive communication from the department or unit instructing them to complete the course.

If you have previously completed the HPR employee course you do not need to complete it again. If you are a returning employee, who needs to complete the HPR course, we strongly recommend you wait until after your official hire date to begin the course. If you complete the course before your new hire date your completion records may not be retained.

Former student employees, who completed the student employee track and are subsequently hired into a staff or faculty role are re-assigned to the employee course in the track relevant to their new role.

Employees are expected to complete the course during work time. Employees who are on consecutive leave during the 30-day period they are assigned the course are permitted to complete the course upon their return to work. Please communicate directly with your supervisor and/or unit head and unit designees about this issue.

Course Evaluation FAQs

Course Evaluation FAQs

Yes, the Husky Prevention & Response (HPR) course is being evaluated. The evaluation project is intended to examine whether employees who complete the HPR course are better equipped to recognize and respond to sex- and gender-based violence and harassment (SGBVH).

The HPR course has existing, built-in evaluation components that employees complete when they initially finish the course. In addition, over the 2022-2023 academic year, a six-month post-course evaluation is being distributed to employees who completed the course during 2021-2022.

The Husky Prevention & Response (HPR) course was designed to build skills related to recognizing, responding to, and preventing sex- and gender-based violence and harassment (SGBVH). Few evidence-based interventions exist for addressing violence, harassment, and discrimination in higher education settings, particularly for employees. The HPR course represents a critical opportunity to evaluate the impact of a promising program.

This evaluation will highlight implementation principles critical to program success, key participant outcomes, and lessons regarding program improvement and replicability. Results from this project will inform the development of future prevention and response educational opportunities at the 糖心原创.

Transparent and ongoing evaluation is one form of institutional accountability and is especially important on equity-related topics like SGBVH where campus community members have experienced harm and called for action.

This is a collaborative internal evaluation, meaning members of the UW community are participating in the design and execution of this evaluation. To implement this evaluation project, the Office of the Title IX Coordinator and lead evaluators are working together to develop the assessments, analyze the collected data, and develop summary reports. The UW Office of Educational Assessment is serving as the data steward and is managing the extraction of the in-course evaluation, distribution of the six-month post-course evaluation, and de-identification of data.

The lead evaluators include:

  • Dr. Erin Casey (Former Professor of Social Work, UW, Tacoma)
  • Dr. Lauren Lichty (Associate Professor, School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW, Bothell)
  • Dr. Paige Sechrest (Prevention, Education, & Communications Manager, SafeCampus, UW)
  • Elizabeth Wilmerding, MSW (Former Violence Prevention & Advocacy Program Manager, UW, Bothell)

Lead evaluators to the HPR course evaluation project will not have access to any personally identifiable information.

All information submitted via the evaluation is private. The post-course evaluation link is unique to each employee in order to connect responses back to an employee’s original course participation. The UW Office of Educational Assessment (OEA) is serving as the data steward for this evaluation and following best practices regarding data privacy. Evaluation data will be de-identified by OEA.

In consultation with the Office of the Title IX Coordinator, lead evaluators are participating in the analysis and report writing and will not have access to any personally identifiable information. Evaluation responses will only be presented as aggregated (combined) findings.

Because the UW is a state agency, it may disclose or share information to comply with its legal obligations. You can learn more about those obligations by reviewing the 糖心原创 Online Privacy Statement.

Please submit any feedback or questions about the evaluation project to tixcourse@uw.edu.