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A S 101 Foundations of the United States Air Force I (1)
Focuses on the basic characteristics of air doctrine; U.S. Air Force mission and organization; functions of United States strategic offensive and defensive, general-purpose, and aerospace support forces; officership/professionalism and an introduction to communicative skills. Additional one-hour leadership laboratory is mandatory for cadets, but not special students. Offered: A.

A S 102 Foundations in the United States Air Force II (1)
Focuses on the basic characteristics of air doctrine; U.S. Air Force mission and organization; functions of United States strategic offensive and defensive, general-purpose, and aerospace support forces; officership/professionalism and an introduction to communicative skills. Additional one-hour leadership laboratory is mandatory for cadets, but not special students. Offered: W.

A S 103 Foundations in the United States Air Force III (1)
Focuses on the basic characteristics of air doctrine; U.S. Air Force mission and organization; functions of United States strategic offensive and defensive, general-purpose, and aerospace support forces; officership/professionalism and an introduction to communicative skills. Additional one-hour leadership laboratory is mandatory for cadets, but not special students. Offered: Sp.

A S 211 The Evolution of Air and Space Power I (1)
Factors contributing to the development of air power from its beginnings to the present, and the evolution of air power concepts and doctrine. History of air power employment in military and nonmilitary operations in support of national objectives. Assessment of communicative skills. Additional one-hour leadership laboratory is mandatory for cadets, but not special students. Prerequisite: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: A.

A S 212 The Evolution of Air and Space Power II (1)
Factors contributing to the development of air power from its beginnings to the present, and the evolution of air power concepts and doctrine. History of air power employment in military and nonmilitary operations in support of national objectives. Assessment of communicative skills. Additional one-hour leadership laboratory is mandatory for cadets, but not special students. Prerequisite: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: W.

A S 213 The Evolution of Air and Space Power III (1)
Factors contributing to the development of air power from its beginnings to the present, and the evolution of air power concepts and doctrine. History of air power employment in military and nonmilitary operations in support of national objectives. Assessment of communicative skills. Additional one-hour leadership laboratory is mandatory for cadets, but not special students. Prerequisite: either A S 101, A S 102, or A S 103, any of which may be taken concurrently. Offered: Sp.

A S 250 Aerospace Studies Leadership Laboratory (0-1, max. 10)
Evaluates the challenges of team leadership in complex contemporary environments. Students apply critical thinking skills using scenarios that emulate real-life Air Force issues and environments. Evaluates Air Force leadership attributes, skills, and activities. Focuses on advanced leadership development. Corequisite: any A S course. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

A S 331 Aerospace Studies 300 (3)
Emphasis on basic leadership and management fundamentals, professional knowledge, and communicative skills required of an Air Force officer. Case studies used to examine leadership and management situations. An additional leadership laboratory (mandatory for cadets but not special students) provides leadership experiences, giving students the opportunity to apply learned principles. Prerequisite: A S 213. Offered: A.

A S 332 Aerospace Studies 300 (3)
Emphasis on basic leadership and management fundamentals, professional knowledge, and communicative skills required of an Air Force officer. Case studies used to examine leadership and management situations. An additional leadership laboratory (mandatory for cadets but not special students) provides leadership experiences, giving students the opportunity to apply learned principles. Prerequisite: A S 213. Offered: W.

A S 333 Aerospace Studies 300 (3)
Emphasis on basic leadership and management fundamentals, professional knowledge, and communicative skills required of an Air Force officer. Case studies used to examine leadership and management situations. An additional leadership laboratory (mandatory for cadets but not special students) provides leadership experiences, giving students the opportunity to apply learned principles. Prerequisite: A S 213. Offered: Sp.

A S 431 Aerospace Studies 400 (3) SSc
Needs for national security, evolution of American defense strategy, policy, and organization; methods for managing conflict, alliances and regional security to preserve American interests. Arms control, terrorism, and current military issues; refinement of communicative skills. A one-hour leadership laboratory is also required for cadets, but not special students. Prerequisite: A S 333. Offered: A.

A S 432 Aerospace Studies 400 (3) SSc
Needs for national security, evolution of American defense strategy, policy, and organization; methods for managing conflict, alliances and regional security to preserve American interests. Arms control, terrorism, and current military issues; refinement of communicative skills. A one-hour leadership laboratory is also required for cadets, but not special students. Prerequisite: A S 333. Offered: W.

A S 433 Aerospace Studies 400 (3) SSc
Needs for national security, evolution of American defense strategy, policy, and organization; methods for managing conflict, alliances and regional security to preserve American interests. Arms control, terrorism, and current military issues; refinement of communicative skills. A one-hour leadership laboratory is also required for cadets, but not special students. Prerequisite: A S 333. Offered: Sp.