糖心原创 Tacoma Courses
The UW course descriptions are updated regularly during the academic year. All announcements in the General Catalog and Course Catalog are subject to change without notice and do not constitute an agreement between the 糖心原创 and the student. Students should assume the responsibility of consulting the appropriate academic unit or adviser for more current or specific information.
For an explanation of the symbols and abbreviations used in the course descriptions, select the Glossary link on this page or any of the course description pages.
The and are also available online.
Search UW Tacoma Courses
Business Administration
- Accounting (T ACCT)
- Business (General) (T BGEN)
- Business (T BUS)
- Business Analytics (TBANLT)
- Business Economics (TBECON)
- Finance (T FIN)
- Information Systems (T IS)
- Management (T MGMT)
- Marketing (T MKTG)
Core Courses
- Education (T EDUC)
- Educational Administration (TEDADM)
- Educational Leadership (T EDLD)
- School Psychology (T SPSY)
- Secondary Mathematics Education (T EDSM)
- Secondary Science Education (T EDSS)
- Special Education (T EDSP)
School of Engineering and Technology
- Civil Engineering (TCE)
- Computer Science and Systems (TCSS)
- Computer Engineering and Systems (TCES)
- Cybersecurity and Leadership (T CSL)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering (TECE)
- Electrical Engineering (TEE)
- Information Technology and Systems (T INFO)
- Institute of Technology (T INST)
- Mechanical Engineering (TME)
Global Affairs
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
- American Studies (T AMST)
- Anthropology (T ANTH)
- Arts (T ARTS)
- Biology (T BIOL)
- Biomedical Sciences (TBIOMD)
- Chemistry (T CHEM)
- Chinese (TCHIN)
- Communication (T COM)
- Cultural Studies (TCULTR)
- Economics (TECON)
- Environmental Science (TESC)
- Environmental Sustainability (TEST)
- Ethnic, Gender, and Labor Studies (T EGL)
- Film Studies (T FILM)
- Geography (T GEOG)
- Geosciences (T GEOS)
- Global Honors (T GH)
- History (T HIST)
- Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (TIAS)
- Latino/a and Latin American Studies (T LAX)
- Law (T LAW)
- Literature (T LIT)
- Mathematics (TMATH)
- Non-Profit Studies (TNPRFT)
- Philosophy (T PHIL)
- Physics (T PHYS)
- Political Science (TPOL S)
- Psychology (TPSYCH)
- Religion (TRELIG)
- Sociology (T SOC)
- Spanish (TSPAN)
- University Studies (T UNIV)
- Women Studies (T WOMN)
- Writing Instruction (TWRT)