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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

B CMU 301 Strategic Business Communication (4)
Strategic approach to communications as a management tool. Analysis of the psychology, semantics, planning, and principles of effective business writing, presenting, and interpersonal and team communication. Practical applications include written and oral messages, inform and persuade, individual and team presentations, and tools and processes to increase collaboration among members of a team.

B CMU 410 Business Reports and Other Specialized Communications (4)
Covers internal and external, written and oral business reporting. Considers communications strategies within the context of rapidly changing technologies. Students learn to apply primary and secondary research to quarter-long, individual projects resulting in a variety of reports: proposals, progress reports, feasibility studies, business plans, etc. Prerequisite: B CMU 301 or B CMU 302.

B CMU 490 Special Topics in Business Communications (1-6, max. 12)
Students and faculty focus on current topics of concern. Prerequisite: either B CMU 301 or B CMU 302.

B CMU 499 Research in Business Communications (1-6, max. 9)

B CMU 501 Professional Communications (1)
Focuses on developing professional communication skills to become more effective managers and team leaders. Credit/no-credit only.

B CMU 509 Finding your Voice (2)
Develop a leadership communication style by discovering core values and learning how to translate those values into effective messages. Students give speeches as well as critique speeches of classmates, produce written evaluation of speeches given in class and receive instructor feedback. Prerequisite: B A 501.

B CMU 510 Business Communications for Managers (4)
Develops understanding of communication theories, describes strategies for planning managerial communications, and builds skills in oral and written reporting and persuading. Looks at how new technologies are changing the way people in business communicate, and the implications those changes have for organizations. Prerequisite: B A 501.

B CMU 579 Special Topics in Business Communication (2/4, max. 12)
Business and managerial communication topics of current interest to faculty and students.

B CMU 600 Independent Study or Research (*)
Offered: AWSp.