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CET 502 Research Methods in Transportation (1)
Introduces the research process, from defining a research question to writing a quality proposal. Students learn how to critique and evaluate research questions; become aware of, and judge transportation journals; and apply skills by producing proposals. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

CET 511 Planning for People and Freight (4)
Introduces transportation planning as a process integrating and balancing the needs of diverse users, including automobile drivers, freight carriers, public and private mobility service providers, cyclists, and pedestrians. Addresses the purpose and goals of the transportation system, the planning process and governance, use of road and curb space, land use - transportation interactions, and tools for analyzing impacts. Offered: A.

CET 512 Transportation Data Collection (3)
Description of types of data collection methods used for transportation planning applications, including both quantitative and qualitative methods. Emerging data sources such as phone and social media also discussed. Pros and cons of various types of data collection. Discussion of sampling, experimental design, survey design and representativeness issues. Ethics also discussed. Recommended: transportation planning; graduate standing; introduction to probability and statistics; and basic levels in programming. Offered: W.

CET 513 Transportation Networks and Optimization (3)
Network and optimization methods, tools, and applications in transportation and other civil engineering systems. Equips students with network and optimization skills towards data analysis and modeling of civil infrastructure systems. Overview of algorithms, and toolboxes of linear/nonlinear optimization, network flow methods, and applications in modeling and optimization of civil engineering systems. Prerequisite: linear algebra or permission of instructor; recommended: linear or nonlinear programming. Offered: A.

CET 521 Inferential Data Analysis for Engineers (3)
Application of statistical methods to analyze transportation systems, with an emphasis on modeling individual behaviors and drawing sound inferences about cause and effect. Addresses linear regression and common misuses; generalized linear models including logit and negative binomial; multilevel modeling; matching methods. Emphasizes frequentist approaches but introduces Bayesian analysis and extensions of regression modeling to machine learning. Prerequisite: either IND E 315, STAT 390, or equivalent; recommended: standard introductory probability and statistics course. Offered: jointly with IND E 546; W.

CET 522 Transportation Data Management and Visualization (3)
Modern concepts, theories, and tools for management, visualization, and analysis of transportation data. Applications of software tools to large data sets, such as highway sensor data, real-time traffic and mobility service data, spatial data, probe vehicle and mobile device data. Addresses information retrieval, storage, knowledge discovery, data exchange, online sharing, visualization, communication, system optimization, and decision support. Offered: W.

CET 561 Transportation Planning and Design (5)
Provides an overview of transportation planning and how sustainability fits into this field. Topics include institutional frameworks, legal/legislative issues, land use, capacity analysis, supply management and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Covers tasks/tools of transportation planning at the site, city, region, and state levels. Offered: A.

CET 562 Livable Communities and Design (4)
Explores the positives and negatives affecting livability. Covers sprawl and compact cities, energy issues and environmental quality, transit-oriented and traditional neighborhood development, and mixed-use and mixed income developments. Includes context-sensitive solutions to transportation projects. Offered: A.

CET 563 Transportation Choices and Technology (4)
Explores the range of sustainable transportation choices for both people and goods. Studies passenger modes of transportation including bicycles, single-occupancy vehicles, care and van pools, shared autos, bus, rail, ferries, trolleys, and foot travel in the context of sustainability. Offered: Sp.

CET 564 Sustainable Transportation from a Systems Perspective (5)
Covers tools to evaluate and develop sustainable transportation systems. Emphasizes design approaches that support sustainable transportation, methods to evaluate the full life cycle impacts of transportation systems, and tools to assess transportation networks as resilient systems. Offered: A.

CET 565 Climate Change and Energy (5)
Covers the nature of global climate systems, global warming, ozone depletion, and human influences. Introduces tools to evaluate current and alternative energy production and conversion options for transportation. Explores the nexus between transportation and energy in the context of climate change adaptation and mitigation. Prerequisite: graduate standing. Offered: W.

CET 566 Environmental Analysis and Assessment (5)
Reviews statistical methods necessary to analyze environmental issues. Uses environmental data to demonstrate how significant impacts are measured and reported. Discusses transportation data sources, sustainable transportation indicators, and related statistical analysis. Includes travel demand forecasting and a review of engineering economy. Offered: Sp.

CET 567 Health and Sustainable Transportation (5)
Examines how transportation policy is driven by human health impacts. Highlights water and air impacts on health along with the health benefit of human powered transportation. Presents legal and regulatory issues. Case studies provide examples of application of these principles to real world transportation issues. Offered: A.

CET 568 Transportation Economics (5)
Economics applied to transportation planning, operations, maintenance, and management problems; microeconomic and macroeconomic theories; benefit-cost analysis; and the effect of uncertainty. Presents the effect of tolls, parking pricing, transit subsides, and other pricing and incentive policies. Offered: W.

CET 569 Policy Development, Finance, and Sustainable Transportation (5)
Covers the development and implementation of transportation policies to support sustainable transportation systems. Reviews regulations and finance opportunities at the local, state, and federal level highlighting those that promote sustainable transportation. Offered: Sp.

CET 579 Advanced Traffic Detection Systems (3)
Introduction to advanced tracking and detection technologies in transportation engineering, including Global Positioning Systems (GPS), inductance loop detection systems, remote traffic microwave radar, computer-vision based technologies, and other emerging detection technologies with cutting-edge research in these areas.

CET 581 Travel Demand Forecasting (4)
Application of mathematical models to forecast urban travel behavior. Introduces emerging methods, land use models, travel demand models, including trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and network assignment. Discusses validation and ethics. Offered: A.

CET 582 Intelligent Transportation Systems (3)
Application of modern computer and communication technologies to transportation systems. Benefits to public agencies, commercial companies, and travelers. Coordination between private and public sectors. Intelligent Transportation System's (ITS) social, organizational, and operational changes. Offered: A.

CET 583 Transportation Energy and Sustainability (3)
Addresses technical and policy options for making transportation more sustainable, considering economic, environmental, and equity impacts. Topics include transportation demand management; vehicle technologies; alternative fuels; dynamics of technology change; and roles of state, federal, and international policy. Prepares students to think broadly, analyze systematically, and communicate effectively in this area. Offered: Sp.

CET 585 Analytical Methods in Transportation II (3)
Applications of advanced econometric methods to transportation issues. Topics include, but not limited to, systems of equations, duration models, limited dependent variable approaches, and count models. Hands-on modeling, with numerous data sets, available for application. Collaborative projects. Prerequisite: CEE 584 or permission of instructor.

CET 586 Pedestrian Travel, Land Use, and Urban Form (3)
Seminar concentrating on walking as a mode of transportation in cities and city-regions, including social, cognitive, and perceptual dimensions of pedestrian movement and behavior theory. Offered: jointly with URBAN 576.

CET 587 Transportation Logistics (4)
Physical and information flows in supply chains. Economic drivers of supply chain choices as well as applications of technology, policy, and infrastructure to improve freight transportation systems. Focus on fundamental supply chain transportation and logistics concepts that can be mathematically demonstrated, and that underpin more complex analyses or tools used. Offered: Sp.

CET 589 Transit Systems Planning (3)
Planning, operational methods for urban public transportation. Review of technological, operating characteristics of vehicles and systems; financing, management, institutional aspects. Paratransit. Short-range planning, operational strategies, revenue-fare structures. Service monitoring. Mode choice, transit demand relating to service. Computer-aided methods for planning, design of transit systems. Offered: Sp.

CET 590 Traffic Systems Operations (3)
Operational planning, management of arterial and freeway traffic systems. Review of transportation system management strategies to achieve more efficient use of existing infrastructure, including improved and innovative traffic control systems and demand management policies, measures of effectiveness, impact assessment, traveler response. Introduction to use of relevant computer models and packages. Prerequisite: CEE 327. Offered: A.

CET 591 Freight Transportation (3)
Overview of the technical and institutional aspects of transporting freight. Topics include the different modes of moving freight, the technology of transferring freight between modes at ports and terminals, issues that impact freight movement such as congestion and government regulation, and the future of freight mobility. Also covers regional freight demand modeling techniques. Offered: A.

CET 593 Transportation System Analysis (3)
Applications of mathematical models to model traffic flow on transportation system. Introduces graph theories of transportation networks, basic network flow methods, network equilibrium and pricing concepts. Discusses impact of emerging techniques (e.g., shared mobility) on transportation. Prepares students on transportation system analysis fundamentals for them to conduct more advanced research. Offered: Sp.

CET 599 Special Topics in Transportation Engineering (1-5, max. 20)
Special topics in transportation engineering offered occasionally by permanent or visiting faculty members. Offered: AWSpS.