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CL AR 340 Pre-Classical Art and Archaeology (3) A&H
Survey of the art and the other material remains of the civilizations in the Aegean from the Neolithic Age to the end of the Bronze Age, with special emphasis on Minoan Crete and the Mycenaean kingdoms of mainland Greece, illustrated by slides. The history, techniques, and results of significant excavations are examined. Offered: jointly with ART H 340.

CL AR 341 Greek Art and Archaeology (3) A&H
Survey of the material remains and the developing styles in sculpture, vase painting, architecture, and the minor arts from the geometric to the Hellenistic periods, illustrated by slides. Principal sites and monuments, as well as techniques and methods of excavation, are examined in an attempt to reconstruct the material culture of antiquity. Offered: jointly with ART H 341.

CL AR 342 Roman Art and Archaeology (3/5) A&H
Roman architecture and art, with emphasis on the innovations of the Romans; illustrated by slides. Offered: jointly with ART H 342.

CL AR 343 Hellenistic Art and Archaeology (3) A&H
Survey of the art of Greece and the eastern Mediterranean from the time of Alexander the Great to the Roman conquest. Principal sites with their sculpture, painting, mosaics, and minor arts examined in lectures illustrated with slides. Offered: jointly with ART H 343.

CL AR 347 Pompeii: A Time Capsule of Ancient Life (5) A&H/SSc, DIV
Explores the power differential between men and women, slaves and masters, and citizens and foreigners in the cultural melting pot of ancient Pompeii, which was preserved by a volcanic eruption in 79 CE. Graffiti, skeletal remains, everyday objects, humble and world-class art and monuments will be analyzed. Offered: jointly with ART H 347; AWSp.

CL AR 442 Greek Painting (3) A&H
Study of painted decoration on Greek vases, with emphasis on stylistic developments and cultural and historical influences. Painting on other media also examined as evidence allows. Offered: jointly with ART H 442.

CL AR 443 Roman Painting (3) A&H
Study of surviving painting from the Roman world, with emphasis on wall paintings from Pompeii and Herculaneum. Principal topics for discussion: the four styles of Pompeian painting the dependence of Roman painters on Greek prototypes, and the significance of various kinds of painting as domestic decoration. Offered: jointly with ART H 443.

CL AR 444 Greek and Roman Sculpture (3) A&H
History and development of Greek sculpture and sculptors, their Roman copyists, and Roman portraits and sarcophagi. Emphasis on Greek sculpture of the fifth century BC. Offered: jointly with ART H 444.

CL AR 446 Greek Architecture (3) A&H
Detailed study of Greek architecture from its beginnings, with special emphasis on the Periclean building program in fifth-century Athens. Offered: jointly with ART H 446.

CL AR 447 The Archaeology of Early Italy (3) A&H
Study of the principal archaeological sites of early Italy, including Etruria, Sicily, southern Italy, and archaic Rome up to the Republican period. Attention given to the material remains and their relationship to the Etruscan, ancient Sicilian, and early Roman civilizations. Offered: jointly with ART H 447.

CL AR 448 The Archaeology of Italy (3) A&H
Study of the principal archaeological sites in Italy with special emphasis on ancient Rome. Sites include the Alban hills, Ostia, Pompeii, Herculaneum, Tarquinia, Paestum, Tivoli, and Praeneste. Attention given to the relationship between material remains and their purpose in ancient life. Illustrated by slides. Offered: jointly with ART H 448.

CL AR 461 Gender and Sexuality in Classical Art and Archeology (3/5) SSc/A&H, DIV
Examines gender and sexuality in the visual and archaeological records of Greece and Rome, with a focus on topics such as the body, clothing, the gaze, homoeroticism, sexual labor, gendered spaces, and transgressive genders and sexualities. Recommended: previous coursework in Greek and/or Roman art at the 200- or 300-level is encouraged. Offered: jointly with ART H 461; AWSp.

CL AR 513 Athenian Topography (5)
Detailed consideration of the topography and monuments of ancient Athens from the beginning through the Roman period.

CL AR 541 Seminar in Greek and Roman Art (5, max. 20)
In-depth study of selected topics and problems of the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Offered: jointly with ART H 541.