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EDC&I 345 Bilingualism and Biliteracy in Multilingual Classrooms (5)
Provides students with the opportunity to examine various methods and materials for teaching biliteracy in multilingual classrooms. Builds an introductory understanding of the methods for supporting the language and content of multilingual students, using their primary language as a tool and asset in the acquisition of English. Prerequisite: EDC&I 359; recommended: EDUC 225.

EDC&I 351 Teaching as a Profession (5) SSc, DIV
Helps students assess the profession of teaching. Explores what becoming a teacher means, assesses the organizational structure of teaching as a career and profession, examines social attitudes about education and the work of teachers, and thinks about teaching as social justice work.

EDC&I 352 Teaching to Change the World (5) SSc, DIV
Examines how value structures and political decisions affect systems of education. Considers particular inequalities based on race, class, and gender. Encourages students to see the course as both an academic exercise, and a vantage point for considering their own past and possible future experiences in education.

EDC&I 359 Second-Language Learning in Schools and Communities (5) DIV
What are the major theories of how languages are learned? How do people, especially children and adolescents, learn a second or third language? What are the major factors (individual, social, racial, cultural, political) affecting this process? Course explores how answers to these assist teachers and community educators.

EDC&I 424 Multiethnic Curriculum and Instruction (3) SSc, DIV
Primarily for preservice and in-service teachers who have little or no previous exposure to issues related to ethnicity and schooling. Designed to help teachers better understand the school's role in the ethnic education of students and acquire the insights, understandings, and skills needed to design and implement curricular and instructional strategies that reflect ethnic diversity.

EDC&I 438 Improvement of Teaching: Latin (5) A&H
Offered: jointly with LATIN 475.

EDC&I 450 Educational Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice in Practice (3/5) SSc, DIV
Examines the role of educational practitioners seeking to develop equitable and socially just practices while in dynamic relationships with their community members and colleagues in the context of specific places and cultures of practice. Course overlaps with: B EDUC 495 and T EDUC 471. Prerequisite: EDUC 251.

EDC&I 453 Immigration and Schooling (5) SSc, DIV
A broad framework for understanding the historical, political, legal, policy, and cultural dimensions of schooling for immigrant students in the United States. A general introduction to the issues experienced by culturally and linguistically diverse students.

EDC&I 459 Workshop in Instructional Improvement: Literacy (1-6, max. 18)
Study of special topics in literacy with a focus on practical, classroom topics, and application.

EDC&I 460 Early Literacy Instruction (3)
Theory, research, and practice in early literacy acquisition including emergent literacy, phonemic awareness, word identification, comprehension, invented spelling, and writing. Emphasis on classroom instruction strategies for first and second language learners.

EDC&I 461 Materials for Teaching Reading: Children's and Young Adults' Literature (3)
Designed to provide acquaintance with materials used in the teaching of reading. Trade books and materials from content areas are examined.

EDC&I 462 Reading Comprehension Instruction in Elementary and Secondary School (3) SSc
Research-based practices for explicit teaching of reading comprehension of both fiction and content-area texts including issues of reading strategies, text difficulty, teacher modeling, guided reading, discussion, assessment, and adaptations for struggling students.

EDC&I 464 Educating Native-American Youth (3)
Assists students in understanding the North American Indian child from cultural, socioeconomic, and psychological points of view. Provides opportunities for the student to apply knowledge and skills gained in other courses to prepare programs and learning aids relevant to the educational situation of the Indian child.

EDC&I 465 Social Studies Education: Elementary School Programs and Practices (3)
Stresses curriculum patterns, instructional procedures, resource materials, and the selection of content in social studies. For elementary and middle school teachers and students in Teacher Education Program.

EDC&I 468 Workshop in Instructional Improvement: Social Studies (1-6, max. 15)
Individual or group study projects on the improvement of instruction in social studies.

EDC&I 471 Science Education: Secondary School Programs and Practices (3)
Survey of the status and potential role of science in education; trends and their implications for the teaching of both biological and physical sciences in the junior and senior high schools; representative curricula and related teaching procedures; the psychology of concept formation and problem solving; and organization of science programs.

EDC&I 473 Workshop in Instructional Improvement: Science (1-6, max. 20)
Individual or group study projects on the improvement of instruction in science.

EDC&I 478 Special Topics in Mathematics for Teachers (2-9, max. 9) NSc
Study of selected areas of mathematics. Designed for the improvement of teachers of mathematics. Offered: jointly with MATH 497.

EDC&I 479 Workshop in Instructional Improvement: Mathematics (1-6, max. 20)
Individual or group study projects for the improvement of instruction in mathematics.

EDC&I 480 Culturally Responsive STEM Teaching (4) SSc, DIV
Culturally responsive teaching supports students' and teachers' multiple cultures, the culture of math and science, and the culture of school. Tied to these cultures are ways of thinking that are important for learning both in and outside of school. The challenge for teachers is recognizing mainstream culture while recognizing, respecting, and using students' identities and backgrounds as meaningful sources for optimal learning environments.

EDC&I 485 Workshop in Instructional Improvement: Educational Communication and Technology (2-6, max. 20)
Individual or group study projects on the improvement of instruction through use of educational communication and technology.

EDC&I 494 Workshop in Improvement of Curriculum (1-6, max. 20)
Stresses the application of procedures for curriculum development, maintenance, and evaluation. Opportunities furnished to develop and perfect strategies for program development with occasions given to utilize the strategies in master plan and materials preparation for simulated or real school situations. Specific focus of workshop is determined by instructor or by arrangement with district.

EDC&I 495 Workshop in Improvement of Teaching: Selected Topics, Issues, or Problems (1-6, max. 20)
Individual or group projects to help teachers adapt instruction to selected topics, issues, or problems and to identify the approaches and instructional resources that provide the soundest learning experiences.

EDC&I 496 Workshop in Instructional Improvement (2-6, max. 20)
Individual or group study projects on the improvement of instruction with attention to designing instructional plans.

EDC&I 499 Undergraduate Research (*)
Students developing studies under this rubric should be advised that a report or a paper setting forth the results of their investigations should be regarded as a basic part of the program.

EDC&I 500 Field Study (1-10, max. 20)
Individual study of an educational problem in the field under the direction of a faculty member. Prerequisite: approved plan of study and permission of the instructor must be filed in the Office of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education.

EDC&I 502 Foundations of Teacher Education and Teacher Learning for Justice (4)
Explores theories of, and empirical research on, pre-service teacher education and ongoing educator professional learning, in relation to perspectives of justice and justice-centered learning. Draws from foundational historical and current research in the field.

EDC&I 503 Foundations of Curriculum and Instruction (4)
Explores core concepts and questions of curriculum and instruction: Which knowledge and/or ways of knowing (content, skills, values, dispositions) should be taught? Which knowledge and/or ways of knowing are worthwhile, for whom, and who should decide? How should curriculum be taught and learned? How should teachers relate to students? How should the fact that there are various social and cultural groups shape students' education?

EDC&I 505 Seminar in Curriculum and Instruction (1-5, max. 20)
Seminar on advanced topics in curriculum and instruction. Critical examination of current research and practice. Content varies.

EDC&I 506 Special Topics in Research Methods (1-6, max. 20)
Features a special topic in research design and execution such as a particular method of data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, honing a conceptual framework, or reviewing a literature.

EDC&I 507 Teaching and Learning Toward Intersectional Justice (3)
Builds on asset-based frameworks to understand teaching and learning for children who are multiply-marginalized based on race, language, and disability. Discuss and envision how educators can join transformative movements for inclusive education by supporting and sustaining students' cultural, linguistic, and literate lives.

EDC&I 508 Integrating the Arts in Teaching and Learning (2)
Identify basic elements, principles, related concepts, and vocabulary of the creative arts. Islandwood students will be introduced to various media, lesson planning, and ways of integrating the arts into planning academic and multicultural curricula for K-8 classrooms. Serves as a foundation for integrating arts across the curriculum.

EDC&I 509 Advanced Instructional Strategies (3)
Provides opportunities for action research among graduate instructors seeking to apply and refine their practice across a wide variety of educational settings. Students are refining their behavior management; assessment of prior knowledge and new learning; and engagement of students in their learning activities. Recommended: Two quarters of IslandWood's Education for Environment and Community program

EDC&I 510 Collaborative Projects in Educational Leadership (4)
Challenges IslandWood graduate students to develop their leadership potential, either in educational organization leadership or in curriculum and teaching leadership. Emphasis in both strands is placed on collaborative skills and working for social and environmental justice. One strand emphasizes educational leadership and integrated curriculum design. The other emphasizes leadership within a nonprofit educational organization. Recommended: Seven months in IslandWood's Education for Environment and Community graduate certificate program.

EDC&I 517 Early Literacy Development and Instruction (3)
Theory, research, and practice in early literacy acquisition including emergent literacy, phonemic awareness, word identification, spelling, and writing. The focus of this class is on typical and atypical development of literacy and instructional methods appropriate to preschool and early elementary.

EDC&I 518 Critical Theories and Approaches in Educational Research (3)
Explore range of ideas and tensions in critical theories in educational research and how they have been applied. Examine the work of theorists such as Bourdieu, Hall and theories such as Critical Race Theory and their applications in current educational studies.

EDC&I 520 Current Models in Early Childhood Education (3)

EDC&I 523 Conceptions of Race, Equity, and Social Justice in Mathematics Education (4)
Explores the most current theories shaping the teaching, learning, and schooling of mathematics education. Issues examined include race, equity, social justice, language, class, gender, culture, and power and their intersections with mathematics education.

EDC&I 524 Seminar in Teacher Education (3, max. 15)
Focus on recent research, issues, and proposals for future development in teacher education, certification, and continuing professional growth. Alternate year offering focuses on either preservice or in-service issues.

EDC&I 525 Teacher Learning and School Change (3-4)
Synthetic study of how researchers understand what enables teachers and schools to transform themselves. Examines how the fields of teacher learning and school change can inform each other in order to enrich research and development in professional and school learning.

EDC&I 526 Inside Teacher Communities (3-4)
Examines different perspectives on professional communities, the roles of communities in teachers' learning, the challenges these communities face, and the possible ramifications of professional communities for students. Participants explore practical tools for studying, engaging in, and building professional learning communities in schools.

EDC&I 527 Pedagogies of Professional Education (3)
Investigates the theories of learning, models of teaching, and contextual features that impact the design and enactment of a variety of pedagogies used in various professional education programs. Considers what particular pedagogies demand on the part of the professional educator.

EDC&I 528 Foundations of Language, Literacy, and Culture (4)
Explores the nature of literacy by examining language acquisition and its impact on literacy; historical theories and research on reading and writing processes; and how recognition and appreciation of cultural variation has changed literacy instruction and curricula over the past decades. Draws on seminal historical and current research.

EDC&I 529 Reading and Writing Connections: Theories and Practices for Instruction (3)
Explores the reciprocity of the reading and writing relationship. considers the connections to language development for young children and English language Learners (ELLs), as well as how reading and writing develop for older students.

EDC&I 530 Approaches to Literacy Instruction (4)
Designed to aid experienced teachers who possess background in the teaching of literacy, and presents a variety of approaches and actual analysis of approaches.

EDC&I 532 Seminar in Literacy Research (4, max. 12)
Focuses on understanding scholarly research including various research methodologies (e.g. descriptive, correlational, experimental, quasi-experimental, qualitative) and the research questions they are designed to address. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

EDC&I 533 Informal Pedagogies: Intersections Between Science and Environmental Education (3/4)
Explores the theoretical underpinnings and enduring - and emerging - motivations of environmental education. Examines the current nature of science education, with a deeper focus on field-based science, and how this domain can be a critical site for facilitating knowledge and action related to socio-ecological systems.

EDC&I 534 Reading Comprehension Instruction K-12 (4)
Focuses on research-based comprehension strategy instruction and text-based discussion of different types in K-12 classrooms. Examines various comprehension models, strategies for instruction, and assessments of comprehension. Prerequisite: one 400- or 500-level education curriculum and instruction course in reading or language arts or one graduate course in literature for children or young adults.

EDC&I 535 Education Policy for Teacher Leaders (3)
Students investigate key educational policy issues as they relate to teachers, teaching, and the achievement of equitable opportunities and outcomes for students. Introductory course for teachers and teacher leaders to develop strategies for understanding, critiquing, and sharing information about the various policies that affect schools and communities. Recommended: teaching experience.

EDC&I 536 Writing Instruction: Research, Theory, and Practice (4)
Provides a foundation in writing instruction theory, research, and practice that is relevant for teachers, specialists, curriculum developers, and researchers in literacy.

EDC&I 537 Classroom Discourse (4)
Introduction to theoretical and empirical works on the study of classroom discourse. Exploration of the ways in which classroom discourse can support or constrain opportunities to learn.

EDC&I 538 Discourse in the Mathematics Classroom (4)
Examines ways of looking at discourse in mathematics classrooms as it relates to teaching practice and student learning. Includes reading both seminal and cutting-edge works in the study of discourse in the mathematics classroom, looking at multiple school contexts and across grade levels.

EDC&I 539 Students' Mathematical Thinking, Curriculum, and Pedagogy (4)
Examines ways of understanding the development of students' mathematical thinking. Intensive study of classroom videos, mathematical curricula, and fieldwork enable students to study the relationship among students' mathematical thinking, curriculum, and pedagogy.

EDC&I 540 Immigrant Schooling (3)
Educational needs of bilingual students: research findings, special programs, materials, and methodologies that bilingual-bicultural education can provide to meet those needs. Cultural combinations of bilingual populations in American culture; historical, social, and linguistic factors affecting their K-12 education.

EDC&I 541 Teaching and Learning Across Settings (3/4)
Designed to develop awareness of sociocultural learning theories in order to incorporate these theories into instructional designs in science, environmental, and interdisciplinary education.

EDC&I 542 Approaches to Assessing Second Language Students in K-12 Schools (3)
Examines the multiple ways of assessing linguistically diverse students in K-12 schools, including standardized and alternative assessments of these students. Prerequisite: a course in ESL methods.

EDC&I 543 Cultural Nature of Human Development (3)
Reviews the history of canonical theories of development and explores how modern understanding of development manifests in diverse settings of teaching and learning.

EDC&I 544 Immigration and Education: Immigrant Student Perspectives (3)
Examines the multitude of factors that shape the immigrant student experience in U.S. schools. Takes an interdisciplinary perspective drawing on research from sociology, anthropology, and education, to understand teaching and learning from the perspective of immigrant students. Prerequisite: EDC&I 540 or equivalent.

EDC&I 545 Multilingual Socialization and Development (3)
Explores the research base examining second language acquisition, in and out of school contexts. Focuses on the home language practices of linguistically diverse students with the purpose of understanding how these processes influence school learning.

EDC&I 546 Strategies for Effective School Partnerships (3)
Explores the myriad of practices in leveraging partnerships with schools and trends and practices in formal education. Explores the role of partnerships in student learning and investigates the complexity of educational ecosystems and how the components interact with each other.

EDC&I 547 Sociolinguistics (3)
The study of language in its social context and the study of social life through language. Explores issues in the field of sociolinguistics and sharpens tools to explore educational issues related to linguistic and cultural diversity.

EDC&I 548 Methods in Teaching English as a Second Language (4)
Prepares teachers to teach English as a second language to students who are acquiring English in K-12 settings. Emphasizes the scaffolding of the development of the four language domains; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Prerequisite: EDC&I 540 and EDC&I 545 or permission of instructor.

EDC&I 549 Practicum in Teaching Multilingual Learners in Context (3)
Provides experiences in the field observing and working with an experienced multilingual-endorsed teacher. Consists of observation; planning, teaching, and reflecting on at least two weeks worth of multilingual-focused instruction lessons; and continued development of the methodological competencies needed to teach multilingual students through seminar sessions at the practicum site. Credit/no-credit only.

EDC&I 550 Workshop in Qualitative Methods Research (3)
Introduces students to different qualitative research methods in educational research and provides context for students preparing a proposal for an exam, project, or capstone. Builds understanding of qualitative research methodologies by giving students opportunities to interact directly with researchers.

EDC&I 552 Coaching and Mentoring Adult Learners (3)
Provides a foundation in coaching, mentoring, and other forms of peer-driven professional development in educational settings, grounded within research on adult professional learning and socio-cultural theories.

EDC&I 553 Collecting, Interpreting and Using Data for School Improvement (3)
Examines current trends in data use for school improvement. Explores the role of data in supporting and constraining equity in schools; current research on how teachers interact with data; essentials of data literacy; opportunities for teacher learning through data use; and organizational structures found to support or constrain data use in schools. Recommended: Designed for current and emerging teacher leaders who have previous classroom teaching experience or other instructionally-related experience in schools or school districts. Also appropriate for graduate students who are studying teacher learning.

EDC&I 554 Bilingual Teaching Methods and Assessment (3)
Examines methods and materials in primary language instruction and assessment. Candidates will learn methods for supporting language and content development in students home language. The course uses a target language as a medium of instruction and support in biliteracy development and language instruction in content areas.

EDC&I 559 Principles and Procedures of Curriculum Development (3)
Intensive study of basic principles and procedures utilized in development of curricula. Participants have opportunities to apply such procedures in class activities. Attention given to curriculum foundations.

EDC&I 561 Methods of Reading Instruction (2-10, max. 20)
Covers instructional techniques addressing the comprehension, decoding, vocabulary, and fluency needs for developing readers as well as strategies for assessing students' reading abilities and planning for instruction.

EDC&I 562 Literacy in the Content Areas (4)
Study of reading, writing, listening, and speaking in content area instruction.

EDC&I 563 Topics in Adolescent Literacies (4, max. 8)
Provides an introduction to several important topics in adolescent literacies. Topics covered may change from year to year.

EDC&I 566 Seminar in Social Studies Education: Secondary Emphasis (3)
Intensive study of the social studies curriculum, with particular emphasis on current literature and research.

EDC&I 568 Youth Multiliteracies: Intersections of Race, Multilingualism, and Modality Across Spaces (4)
Focuses on the role of multiliteracies in youths' lives across school, community, and digital spaces. Redefines literacy within evolving social and political contexts, focusing on intersections of race, language, modality, and identity. Offers practical expansive literacy approaches that honor and support diverse youth.

EDC&I 571 Ambitious Learning by Design in Science Classrooms (4)
Explores the frontiers of research in science learning environments that are both rigorous and equitable. Allows individuals to wrestle with the current problems of teaching and learning, including how to design opportunities for all students to participate in the discourses and practice of science. Prerequisite: EDC&I 471 or equivalent.

EDC&I 572 Action Research in Education (3)
Introduces students to action research, a form of self-reflective, systematic inquiry by practitioners. Topics include identifying problems to investigate, selecting appropriate research methods, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions from research. Recommended: teaching experience.

EDC&I 573 School Reform and Multicultural Education (3)
Similarities and differences among the visions, goals, and strategies of proposals for school reform and multicultural education are analyzed; implications for practice in curriculum and instruction are deduced from these analyses. Prerequisite: one course in multicultural education or permission of instructor.

EDC&I 574 Race, Gender, and Knowledge Construction: Curriculum Considerations (3)
Using historical and contemporary perspectives, considers ways in which knowledge related to race and gender has been and is constructed and the implications of ways in which knowledge is constructed for curriculum reform and teaching. Prerequisite: one course in ethnic studies, multicultural education, or women studies or permission or instructor.

EDC&I 575 Seminar in Mathematics Education: Elementary Emphasis (3)
Investigation of curriculum and instruction in mathematics at the elementary-school level; review of research and preparation of proposals.

EDC&I 576 Seminar in Mathematics Education: Secondary Emphasis (3)
Investigation of curriculum and instruction in mathematics at the secondary-school level; review of research and preparation of proposals.

EDC&I 577 Current Issues in Mathematics Education (1, max. 20)
Discussion of problems and issues of current interest and importance in mathematics education.

EDC&I 578 Multicultural Education Across Nations: Policy and Curriculum Issues (3)
Acquaints students with concepts, theories, research, and practices in multicultural education, diversity, and citizenship education in nations around the world. Emphasis on how nations educate students for citizenship and balance unity and diversity. Completion of a major paper that examines diversity and citizenship within a nation outside of the United States.

EDC&I 579 Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies: Teaching and Learning for Justice in a Changing World (3)
Culturally sustaining pedagogy (CSP) offers a vision of school that seeks to perpetuate and foster linguistic, literate, and cultural pluralism as part of schooling for positive social transformation and revitalization. Reclaiming and reimagining schooling as a site to sustain Indigenous, Black, Latinx, Asian and Pacific Islander communities, including the ways these identities/memberships intersect multiple other identities.

EDC&I 581 Cognitive Systems Design (3)
Covers the design of applied technology-based learning systems, informed by current views of learning, technology, and cognition. Emphasizes synthesizing students' knowledge of technology, learning and research in collaborative settings. Prerequisite: EDPSY 501 or permission of Instructor.

EDC&I 582 Design Experimentation and Implementation in Context (3)
Introduces theoretical, methodological, and practical issues involved with studying the designed use of learning technologies in real world settings. Focuses on engaging in empirical study of the designed system through partnerships involving education researchers, educators, and technologists. Prerequisite: EDPSY 501 and a quarter of qualitative methods, or permission of Instructor.

EDC&I 587 Design and Application of Interactive and Immersive Instructional Systems (3)
Theoretical and empirical questions involved in design of interactive instructional systems using such technologies as virtual reality and CAI. Specific problems inherent in design of complex learning environments: immersion, control, structure, sequence of experiences, navigation, learner guidance. Educational uses of systems. Prerequisite: either EDC&I 583 or permission of instructor.

EDC&I 595 Seminar in Analysis of Teaching (3)
Investigation of the ways in which classroom teaching has been analyzed from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Focus on methods, findings, and implications of research on teaching. Prerequisite: teaching experience.

EDC&I 599 Independent Studies in Education (*)
Independent studies or readings of specialized aspects of education. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

EDC&I 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

EDC&I 601 Internship ([1-10]-, max. 20)
Prerequisite: permission based on approval of proposal submitted during quarter preceding the internship. Credit/no-credit only.