Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
EDLPS 302 Introduction to Education Policy: Research, Theory, and Practice (5)
Introduces students to basic research, theory, and practice about educational policy and its influence on student educational outcomes, as well as longer-term outcomes such as future earnings. Discusses the ways in which educational inequalities seen in settings from early-childhood through university contribute to broad social and economic inequality. No prior knowledge or experience is required.
EDLPS 444 Constitution and American Public Education (3-6, max. 6) SSc
Examines the relationships between the Constitution of the United States and the American system of public education, excluding higher education, in areas of constitutional freedom and legal controls, racial desegregation, and equal educational opportunity, including equal financing of the public schools. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with LAW 444.
EDLPS 458 Education in the Forming of American Society (5) SSc
Covers the development of American education in cultural context; history of schools and non-school learning from colonial period to the twentieth-century; apprenticeship and learning societies; community and market-based schooling; liberal learning and the rise of the university; and schools as agencies of economic and political integration and mediators of culture and social status. Offered: jointly with HSTAA 458.
EDLPS 459 History of American Education Since 1865 (3) SSc
Development of American education in cultural context: progressive education, recent criticism, continuing issues and trends. Offered: jointly with HSTAA 459.
EDLPS 479 Crucial Issues in Education (3)
Selected educational issues, policies, and contexts. Evolution of the American education enterprise, legal issues, professionalism, finance, and other vital educational concerns.
EDLPS 496 Workshop: Education Programs and Problems (1-6, max. 10)
Study of such topics as planning, development, supervision, organization, operation, or evaluation of current or emerging programs or problems in education.
EDLPS 499 Undergraduate Research (*)
Students developing studies under this rubric should be advised that a report or a paper setting forth the results of their investigations should be regarded as a basic part of the program.
EDLPS 501 Introduction: Leadership Beyond the Classroom (3-6, max. 6)
First course in principal certification program; explores 糖心原创 state laws, legal principles, context of public schools, multicultural issues, changing population. Essential skills of leadership: communication, human relations, strategies for shared decision making, and dealing with conflict. (Open only to students admitted to the Danforth Principal/Program Administrator Preparation Program.)
EDLPS 502 Leadership Core ([3-6]-, max. 6)
Moral dimensions of leadership; modes of inquiry; organizational theory and change; instructional leadership and supervision; school-centered inquiry and decision-making; policy, planning, and program evaluation; issues on diversity and multicultural education; American and 糖心原创 State school law; school finance and resource allocation; school-community relations. Instruction occurs in units and seminar throughout the academic year. Prerequisite: admission to Principal/Program Administrator Preparation Program.
EDLPS 503 Leadership Core (-[3-6]-, max. 6)
Moral dimensions of leadership; modes of inquiry; organizational theory and change; instructional leadership and supervision; school-centered inquiry and decision-making; policy, planning, and program evaluation; issues on diversity and multicultural education; American and 糖心原创 State school law; school finance and resource allocation; school-community relations. Instruction occurs in units and seminar throughout the academic year. Prerequisite: admission to Danforth Principal/Program Administrator Preparation Program.
EDLPS 504 Leadership Core (-[3-6], max. 6)
Moral dimensions of leadership; modes of inquiry; organizational theory and change; instructional leadership and supervision; school-centered inquiry and decision-making; policy, planning, and program evaluation; issues on diversity and multicultural education; American and 糖心原创 State school law; school finance and resource allocation; school-community relations. Instruction occurs in units and seminar throughout the academic year. Prerequisite: admission to Danforth Principal/Program Administrator Preparation Program.
EDLPS 505 Transition to Leadership (1-, max. 3)
Designed for students in the Danforth Educational Leadership Program. Introduces students to applied educational research concepts; how to conduct inquiry project(s) within schools, with a focus on equity; and to write a research paper around the inquiry project. Prerequisite: admission to College of Education Danforth Educational Leadership Program.
EDLPS 506 Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership: Foundations of Leadership (3)
Focuses on theoretical frameworks and research used to explore athletic leadership within higher education and issues driving athletic department policies and practices. Students develop skills and strategies for leadership and decision-making that enhance student-athlete opportunities and enrich the role of athletics within the educational experience.
EDLPS 507 Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership: Coaching Philosophy and Pedagogy (3)
Helps athletics coaches develop skills and strategies for decision-making that enhance student-athlete opportunities and enriches the role of athletics within the educational experience. In addition to examining coaching philosophy and mission, students learn and practice basic instructional techniques and coaching pedagogy.
EDLPS 508 Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership: Development and Fundraising in Higher Education (3)
Covers the importance of a comprehensive development plan for the university and intercollegiate athletic department, along with the basic components of development including research, solicitation, stewardship, annual campaigns, and major gifts. Also explores marketing, promotions, sponsorships and communications departments.
EDLPS 509 Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership: Leadership and Management Capstone (2)
Explores the breadth of athletic management through leadership lens. Explores organization mission and culture, while examining their own leadership styles and practices. Participation in case studies, leadership training, crisis management exercises, and other activities designed to analyze and respond to real-world situations.
EDLPS 510 School Finance (3)
Financial practices and problems in districts and schools considered, including state and federal support plans, school plant planning, school business management, resource allocation, and budgeting and educational accountability.
EDLPS 511 School-Community Relations (3)
Examines the dynamics of the interface between the public schools and the community. Special attention is given to the findings of research in relation to school-community power, types, and organizational influences.
EDLPS 512 Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership: Events and Facilities Planning and Management (3)
Athletic departments must plan and manage a variety of events including team practices, competitions, alumni activities, hosted tournaments, and outreach activities. Engages students in understanding the planning process and operations around event production, facilities management, staffing, scheduling, and other event services. Also examines capital planning.
EDLPS 513 Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership: Marketing and Communications in Intercollegiate Athletics (3)
Participants learn the inner workings of a sports organization, gaining broad insight into the areas such as: media relations, public relations, sales, recruiting, branding, sponsorship, ticket sales, event promotions, the use of social media. Students strategize and practice communication an effective message delivery through a variety of mediums.
EDLPS 514 Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership: Informing Policy and Decision-Making with Data (3)
Focuses on methods of assessment and evaluation with a focus on strategic planning and decision-making, accountability systems and assessment-driven decision-making. Students learn to use practical statistical skills, with an emphasis on the use and interpretation of data to guide decision-making.
EDLPS 515 Intercollegiate Athletic Leadership: Ethical Leadership in Collegiate Athletics (3)
Examination of procedures and techniques pertinent to the management of organizational conflict. Among the areas covered are collective bargaining, grievance procedures, mediation, fact finding, and arbitration.
EDLPS 516 Special Education and the Law (3)
Overview of major state and federal laws affecting the operation and management of special education programs in public schools. Emphasis upon procedural and substantive rights of children with disabling conditions. Course overlaps with: T EDSP 547. Offered: jointly with EDSPE 504.
EDLPS 517 Human and Sport Performance (3)
Explores leadership, policy, and program planning and implementation based on human development theory and current issues with sport performance.
EDLPS 519 Special Topics in Educational Leadership ([0-10]-, max. 20)
Readings, lectures, and discussions pertaining to significant topics of special and current interest to educators. Focus is on issues of particular concern to K-12 administrators and other educators in leadership roles in districts and schools. Topics vary.
EDLPS 520 Education as a Moral Endeavor (3)
An exploration of fundamental questions that have faced educational leaders in the past and most likely will continue to face them in the future. Foundational studies in history, philosophy, and sociology provide the basis for discussion and writing about these fundamental questions.
EDLPS 521 Philosophy of Education (3)
Philosophy of education considered as a study of the conceptual basis for educational policy and practice. Emphasis on relationships between enduring educational problems and fundamental philosophic issues; concepts that feature centrally in educational discourse; and conceptual analysis as a means for clarifying decisions regarding educational policy and practice.
EDLPS 522 Social Science, Social Justice, and Qualitative Research (3)
Intensive study of the writings of selected contemporary philosophers of education.
EDLPS 524 Seminar in Philosophy of Education (3, max. 6)
Philosophical examination of ways in which education might be studied. Uses and limits of conventional scientific approaches in education inquiry. Consideration of alternatives.
EDLPS 525 Educational Inquiry (3)
General survey of epistemological issues underlying the several schools of thought or families of inquiry. Overview of various methods used in conduct of educational inquiry, examples of ways those methods are typically used, and exploration of strengths and weaknesses of those methods. Discussion throughout is in terms of assumptions regarding the nature of knowledge and purposes of inquiry. Must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: doctoral status in education. Credit/no-credit only.
EDLPS 526 Educational Inquiry (3)
General survey of epistemological issues underlying the several schools of thought or families of inquiry. Overview of various methods used in conduct of educational inquiry, examples of ways those methods are typically used, and exploration of strengths and weaknesses of those methods. Discussion throughout is in terms of assumptions regarding the nature of knowledge and purposes of inquiry. Must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: doctoral status in education. Credit/no-credit only.
EDLPS 527 Advanced Coaching Philosophy and Pedagogy (3)
Focuses on research and theory behind the craft and practice of coaching with heavy emphasis on how to create a dynamic learning environment that integrates peak athletic performance with social and emotional support and growth for athletes. Prerequisite: EDLPS 507; recommended: EDLPS 506; EDLPS 520; and EDLPS 540.
EDLPS 528 Current Issues in Graduate Education (3)
Examines recurrent forces impacting U.S. graduate education including but not limited to research funding, intra-institutional pressure, student unions, and accountability. Analyzes the current literature from different perspectives: historical, psychological, sociological, economic, and educational to illuminate the complexities of graduate education.
EDLPS 530 History of Education (3)
Historical survey of education. Emphasis on relationship between idea and practice. Topics include education and colonialism, formation of state school systems, progressive education, equal educational opportunity, changes in textbooks and curricula, education and social structure, and education in the history of cultures.
EDLPS 531 History of American Higher Education (3)
Examination of the historical development of the American higher education enterprise, including pre-colonial origins. Includes attention to the colonial colleges, the rise of new institutions in the nineteenth century, and the further development of American colleges and universities in the twentieth century. Leaders in these developments are identified.
EDLPS 532 Social, Political, and Cultural Foundations of Education (3)
Explores educational theory and individual beliefs about the sociocultural, historical, and political foundations of teaching and learning in order to provide multiple lenses for analysis and reflection on our society's collective project of schooling.
EDLPS 535 Historical Inquiry in Education Research (3, max. 6)
Methods and critique of historical research in education. Examination of landmark works in education history and historiography. Hands-on experience framing historical questions, finding historical sources, using historical evidence, substantiating historical claims, and addressing issues in the history of education.
EDLPS 536 Historical Problems in the Transfer of Culture (4)
Provides an analysis and interpretation of the history of education in its broadest sense: the transfer of culture across generations. Pays special attention to issues of cultural conflict, cultural change, and curricula as representations of culture. Examines problems of evidence and interpretation in exemplary historical works.
EDLPS 537 Perennial Debates in the History of Education (3)
Analysis of the historical underpinnings of debates about educational issues.
EDLPS 538 Education for Liberation (3)
Analyses of the different educational histories of American ethnic, social, gender, and religious groups and how they relate their own definitions of "education for liberation."
EDLPS 539 History of Urban Education (4)
Examines the complex ways that race, class, real estate interests, the quest for social mobility, and a range of government policies have interacted to structure the social and spatial distribution of educational opportunity in cities historically. Includes a comparative historical analysis of urban case studies, including Seattle.
EDLPS 540 Sociology of Education (3)
Examination of education and educational institutions by using the major conceptual tools of sociology. Emphasis on sociological thought and findings that have particular bearing on the understandings and judgments of educators.
EDLPS 544 Comparative Education: Introduction to Concepts and Methods (3)
Introduction to research methods used in comparative education studies. Considers ways to study familiar and unfamiliar contexts, identifies the common pitfalls of international comparisons. Reviews ethnomethodological tools of interview construction, cross-cultural observation strategies, documentary analysis. Education policy and practice is primary focus; useful for comparing other public policy issues internationally.
EDLPS 545 Knowledge and Data in Relation to Action ([0/3]-, max. 3)
Introduces Leadership for Learning (L4L) students to systematic inquiry - to fundamental ideas about knowing and knowledge, data and evidence, and to the applications of these ideas in settings that invite leadership action to address educational issues. Prerequisite: admission to the Leadership Learning program.
EDLPS 546 Leadership Inquiry I: The Design of Research on Local Problems of Practice ([0/3]-, max. 3)
Examines evaluation design, action research, critical inquiry, and mixed method research. Equips L4L students to recognize and create viable, rigorous designs for action-oriented research into local problems of practice. Prerequisite: admission to the Leadership Learning program.
EDLPS 547 Inquiry and Data-Informed Leadership I ([0/3]-, max. 9)
Deepens students' understanding of a cycle of inquiry approach to strengthen their leadership, with a particular emphasis on working with evidence from a systemic, equity, and excellence stance. Prerequisite: Leadership for Learning EdD students only.
EDLPS 548 Inquiry and Data-Informed Leadership II ([0/3]-, max. 9)
Strengthens students' engagement with and application of cycle of inquiry approach to their leadership practice. Prerequisite: Leadership for Learning EdD students only.
EDLPS 549 Special Topics in Educational Studies (1-6, max. 20)
Readings, lectures, and discussions pertaining to significant and enduring ideas in the philosophy, history and sociology of education. Specific topics are critically examined in light of contemporary problems in education. Topics vary.
EDLPS 550 The Dynamics of Educational Organizations (4)
Exploration of the literature in organizational theory and leadership, the assumptions that underlie the development of various approaches to organizational theory and how these approaches are applied, and an acquaintance with different conceptual frames that can be used to determine how to improve and change organizations.
EDLPS 551 Organizational Theory and Educational Change (4)
Introduces students to the interdisciplinary research literature on organizations and its applicability to the research and practice of educational organizations. Engages students in understanding and critiquing organizational research and using it to develop conceptual frameworks to guide educational research and practice.
EDLPS 552 Organizational Change in Education (3)
Change and innovation in educational organizations. Theoretical approaches include sociopsychological, rational planning, political perspectives, and those associated with notion of organized anarchies. Specific topics related to change and innovation (e.g., roles of beliefs, symbols and norms, diffusion of innovations, and research issues).
EDLPS 553 Human Resources in Educational Organizations (3)
Analysis of factors involved in human resource problems related to operation of educational organizations. Motivation, perception, communication, role analysis, and dynamics of groups are studied through use of cases and seminal literature.
EDLPS 554 Professional Growth Planning I (5)
Supports students' professional growth and development, as simultaneously builds a professional culture and network among cohort members to maximize student success in the program. Prerequisite: Leadership for Learning EdD students only. Credit/no-credit only.
EDLPS 555 Professional Growth Planning II (5)
Supports students' professional growth and development, and scaffolds the internship and capstone portfolio processes within a professional culture and network that maximized student success in the program. Prerequisite: Leadership for Learning EdD students only. Credit/no-credit only.
EDLPS 556 Leadership for Equitable Systems I ([2-6]-, max. 9)
Supports students in taking a systemic approach to their leadership, regardless of their formal position. Major topics include resource allocation and an introduction to policy design and implementation. Prerequisite: Leadership for Learning EdD students only.
EDLPS 557 Leadership for Equitable Systems II ([2-5]-, max. 9)
Supports students in taking a systemic approach to their leadership, regardless of their formal position. Major topics include governance, collaborative decision-making, and the design and redesign of organizations. Prerequisite: Leadership for Learning EdD students only.
EDLPS 558 Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods in Education (3)
Provides a basic overview of qualitative research methods. Covers the purpose, design, and conduct of qualitative research.
EDLPS 560 Educational Policy Studies and Practice (3)
An introduction to key policies, reforms, and issues in education, with a central focus on policy actors, instruments, and actions in promoting educational equity. Discusses theoretical frameworks, analytical models, and policy practices in U.S. schools.
EDLPS 561 Education Policies and Leadership in Political Context (3)
Systematic consideration of the structure and function of educational policies and problems of research in political context.
EDLPS 562 American School Law (3)
Examination of persistent legal issues, including an analysis of how these issues are manifest in public policy debates.
EDLPS 563 Education, The Workforce, and Public Policy (4)
Examination of policy issues involving education, training, the economy, and the development of the nation's human resources. Relationship between education, training, and work, and among the various levels of the education system, underutilized workers, race and gender issues, and the role of education and training in economic development. Offered: jointly with PUBPOL 571.
EDLPS 564 Seminar in Economics of Education (3)
Current problems in school finance, including costs, ability to support schools, and financial implications of educational principles. The economics of public education. Problems of federal, state, and local school support. Financing capital outlay, research, and public relations.
EDLPS 565 Race, Equity, and Leading Educational Change (3)
An introduction to key leadership theories, research, and practice, with a central focus on issues of race, class, power and privilege in addressing educational inequities. Applies a leadership lends to examine research and problems of practice in organizational transformation in U.S. schools and educational organizations.
EDLPS 566 Education Policy Serving Disenfranchised Groups (3)
Examines programs and policies aimed at ameliorating conditions that face disenfranchised groups in contemporary K-12 schooling. Seminar members critically analyze the assumptions, design, and likely impact of these programs and policies on institutions and individuals. Designed for advanced doctoral students. Others admitted with permission of instructor.
EDLPS 567 Education Policy and the Improvement of Teaching and Learning (3)
Examines connections between policies and classroom practice, in P-12 and higher education settings. Of particular concern is the capacity of policy to improve the quality of curriculum and instruction. Students design and critique policies, drawing on research and feedback from policymakers.
EDLPS 568 Policy Evaluation in Education (3)
Examination of methods for evaluating educational policies across the educational continuum. Students design and conduct a policy evaluation which draws on the policy evaluation literature. Examination of the uses of policy evaluation information in shaping organization-decision making is also included.
EDLPS 569 Issues in P-12 School Reform (3-5, max. 20)
Offers rigorous ways to explore the meaning and action implications of contemporary reform movements in the P-12 public school system. Examines a different topic each quarter concerning reform at school, district, state, or federal levels through readings, discussion, projects, and analytical writing assignments.
EDLPS 571 Instructional Leadership I ([0/3]-, max. 9)
Strengthens students' ability to exercise instructional leadership across various roles inside and outside school systems. Prerequisite: Leadership for Learning EdD students only.
EDLPS 572 Instructional Leadership II ([2-5]-, max. 9)
Strengthens students' ability to exercise instructional leadership across various roles inside and outside school systems with emphasis on bringing instructional leadership to scale at the district level. Prerequisite: Leadership for Learning EdD students only.
EDLPS 573 Professional Learning and Instructional Renewal (2-4, max. 4)
Investigates professional learning and how to support it, based on cognitive research, sociocultural theory, and scholarship on teacher education (preservice and inservice). Offers system-level leaders ways to address the quality of teaching and learning in classrooms. Prerequisite: admission to the Leadership Learning program.
EDLPS 574 Mixed Methods in Educational Research (3)
Introduces the principles of mixed methods research design, whereby qualitative and quantitative components inform each other in sampling, data collection, and data analysis. Explores design issues and solutions primarily in the context of education policy research.
EDLPS 575 Education Policy Implementation (4)
Analyzes influences on implementation outcomes. Focuses on how skilled use of theoretical frameworks can help reveal relationships between policy and practice and evidence-based decisions that may improve implementation. Credit/no-credit only.
EDLPS 576 Antiracist Educational Leadership (3)
Conceptualizes anti-racist leadership in student-driven areas of education through a review of literature and theories about anti-racism and leadership in service of historically marginalized youth and communities. Recommended: EDLPS 565.
EDLPS 577 Applied Quasi-Experimental Research in Education (3)
Introduces research designs and statistical models that are often applied to large-scale longitudinal data. These models include, but are not limited to, instrumental variables, difference-in-differences, propensity score matching, regression discontinuity, and fixed-effect estimates. Prerequisite: either EDPSY 538 or equivalent, or permission of instructor.
EDLPS 579 Special Topics in Organizational and Policy Analysis ([0-6]-, max. 20)
Readings, lectures, and discussions pertaining to significant topics of special and current interest to educators. Focus is on issues related to the analysis of educational organizations, policies, and policy making. Topics vary.
EDLPS 580 The American College and University (3)
Introduction to contemporary United States higher education, with special emphasis on emerging trends, roles of the several kinds of institutions, the composition and character of student bodies and faculty, and the state coordination of colleges and universities.
EDLPS 583 Higher Education and the Law (3)
Legal implications of university operations and an explanation of the legal and constitutional rights of students, faculty, and staff within the university. Special attention given to faculty employment and termination decisions; student protections, including due process; and university liabilities.
EDLPS 584 Academic Governance and Collective Bargaining in Higher Education (3)
Explores the concept and operation of collective bargaining in higher education: its origin; the reasons for its growing popularity as a governance mechanism; the legal framework within which it operates; the rights, powers, and duties subsumed under its operation; and its relationship to the traditional form of faculty governance mechanisms.
EDLPS 585 Resource Allocation in Higher Education (3)
After attention to the basic tools of economic analysis, focus is on application of those tools to specific topics in higher education (e.g., access, budgeting, finance and policies, and funding alternatives).
EDLPS 586 Navigating the P-20 Pipeline (3)
Introduction to programs, policies, and challenges related to supporting students as they transition from K-12 schools to institutions of higher education. Exploration of localized/region-based efforts to decrease the post-secondary opportunity gap, including funding models, collaborations and networks, and data and measurement strategies to increase rates of post-secondary attainment.
EDLPS 587 Seminar in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (3, max. 9)
Theory and practice of instruction and learning in higher education.
EDLPS 588 Leadership and Management in Higher Education (3)
Introduction to enduring and emerging philosophical and theoretical perspectives on leading and managing in college and university settings. Provides tools to be more explicit with the ways in which leaders and managers go about their work in higher education.
EDLPS 589 The Community College (3)
Intensive study of the community college-its history and present and future status. Curriculum, instruction, financial, and governance issues are also discussed.
EDLPS 590 Student Populations and Experiences in Higher Education (3-4)
Examines foundational literature on students in United States higher education. Focuses on student diversity, similarities and differences in their experiences, and the role of societal values, campus climate and structure, family, work, and peers on student access, engagement, well-being, and success.
EDLPS 591 Higher Education and Public Policy (3)
Covers public policy processes affecting higher education. Issues examined vary, but typically include fiscal context of higher education policy, access, equity, distance learning, and accountability policies.
EDLPS 592 Higher Education Equity, Reform, and Policy (3)
Develops the critical and analytical lens that students apply to public policy issues as they directly relate to higher education in the United States.
EDLPS 593 Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education (3)
Covers the key components of evaluation design and implementation, particularly what researchers and practitioners define as good assessment and evaluation approaches. Develops competencies in planning assessment and evaluation strategies using these approaches.
EDLPS 594 Globalization and Internationalization of Higher Education (4)
Impact of globalization on higher education and strategies used by higher-ed institutions to achieve internationalization. Conceptual frameworks linking higher education institutions to economic competitiveness in the global economy. Critically analyzes recent local (UW, community colleges), national, and international initiatives and activities to achieve internationalization of the institutions and global awareness of students, faculty, staff.
EDLPS 595 Information Management and Technology in Sports (3)
Explores the information perspective, including the role and the use of information, information management, and information technologies applied to the sports context. Examines modern and emerging information management and technology systems and their design and use in administering intercollegiate athletic functions. Course overlaps with: IMT 525.
EDLPS 596 Secondary Data Analysis (3-5)
Introduces the conceptual and practical issues involved in conducting educational research using existing sources of data, commonly known as secondary data analysis. Covers several fundamental concepts in order to become an informed and competent researcher who uses secondary data. Prerequisite: basic understanding of educational statistics.
EDLPS 597 Advanced Secondary Data Analysis (3)
Applied methods. Introduces the conceptual and practical issues involved in conducting educational research using existing sources of data, commonly known as secondary data analysis. Covers several fundamental concepts in order to become an informed and competent researcher who uses secondary data. Prerequisite: EDLPS 596.
EDLPS 598 Special Topics in Higher Education (1-6, max. 20)
Readings, lectures, and discussions pertaining to significant topics of special and current interest to educators. Focus is on issues related to education in community colleges, four-year colleges, and universities. Topics vary.
EDLPS 599 Independent Studies in Education (1-10)
Registration must be accompanied by a study prospectus endorsed by the appropriate faculty adviser for the work proposed, and which with permission of the instructor, must be filed with the Office of Leadership and Policy Studies in the College of Education. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.
EDLPS 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Registration must be accompanied by a study prospectus endorsed by the appropriate faculty adviser for the work proposed, and which with permission of the instructor, must be filed with the Office of Leadership and Policy Studies in the College of Education. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.
EDLPS 601 Internship ([1-6]-, max. 20)
Internship opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge learned in coursework and provide real-world experiences. Requires permission of Supervisory Committee Chairperson or Graduate Program Adviser. Credit/no-credit only.