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IMMUN 441 Introduction to Immunology (4) NSc
General properties of immune responses; cells and tissues of immune system; lymphocyte activation and specificity; effector mechanisms; immunity to microbes; immunodeficiency and AIDS; autoimmune diseases; transplantation. Prerequisite: BIOL 220; may not be repeated. Offered: A.

IMMUN 499 Undergraduate Research (*, max. 24)
Investigative work on a variety of topics, including mechanisms of antigen recognition, T-cell development and differentiation, immunogenetics, lymphocyte activation, MHC gene structure and function, retrovirology, and the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, among others. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 532 Intersection of Innate and Adaptive Immunity in Disease (4)
Examines the molecular and cellular basis of immune function. Topics include: hematopoiesis, innate immunity, antigen receptor structure, lymphocyte development, antigen presentation, effector T-cell functions, and immune-mediated diseases. Prerequisite: coursework in molecular genetics; graduate standing in immunology; other graduate students with permission of instructor. Offered: W.

IMMUN 534 Central Issues in Immunology (3)
Presentations by participants of topics relating to the broad study of immunology. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Offered: Sp.

IMMUN 537 Immunological Methods (1.5)
Introduces whole animal, cellular, biochemical, and molecular techniques used in immunological research. Discusses strengths and limitations of each technique and emphasizes caveats in interpreting the resulting data. Offered: A.

IMMUN 538 Immunological Based Diseases and Treatments (2)
Addresses the mechanisms leading to the development of immunologically based diseases. In particular, covers immunological basis and treatment of infection, autoimmunity, and cancer. Offered: Sp.

IMMUN 540 Immunology Teaching Clerkship (2)
The pedagogical requirement addressed by this course is direct experience in teaching undergraduate Introduction to Immunology classes under the direct oversight and mentorship of regular course instructors. By the end of this course, the graduate student will have developed skills, abilities and insights as a science educator and communicator through the sustained support and guidance of the instructor of record. Prerequisite: PhD student standing and permission of instructor; recommended: advanced Immunology course or equivalent. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

IMMUN 550 Selected Topics in Immunology (1, max. 30)
Formal seminar-discussion course for advanced students focused on recent developments in the field and consisting of literature research and intensive in-depth study of important and timely topics. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

IMMUN 551 Research Conference in Regulation of T Cell-Dependent B Cell Maturation (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 552 Research Conference in Principles of Antiviral Immunity (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Prerequisite: immunology graduate student; permission of instructor. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 553 Research Conference in Recombination and Repair in B Cell Development (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 554 Research Conference in Immunogenetic Aspects of Human Autoimmunity (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 555 Research Conference in Model of Autoimmune Disease and Their Regulation (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 556 Research in Conference in Regulation of Autoimmunity and Allergic Inflammation (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate student and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 557 Research Conference in the Mechanisms and Consequences of Programmed Cell Death (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate student and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology or permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 558 Research Conference in Apoptosis and Autoimmunity (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate student and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 559 Research Conference in T Cell Responses during Mycobacterium tuberculosis (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Student may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: immunology graduate student; permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 560 Research Conference in Progress in T Cell Research (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate student and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 561 Research Conference in Mechanisms of Peripheral Tolerance (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate student and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 562 Research Conference in Structural Molecular Immunology and Vaccinology (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Student may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: immunology graduate students; permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 563 Research Conference in Macrophage Biology: Signaling and Phagocytosis (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate student and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 564 Research Conference in Cellular/Molecular Regulation of T Cell Responses (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate student and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 565 Research Conference in Innate Immune Defenses against Virus Infection (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology, with a major focus on understanding virus and host regulation of innate immune processes. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 566 Research Conference in the Studies of Lymphocyte Memory (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: immunology graduate student and permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 567 Research Conference in the Role of miRNAs in Modulating the Immune System (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: immunology graduate student and permission of instructor Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 568 Research Conference in Regulation of the Inflammatory Response of Myeloid Cells (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology, with a major focus placed on understanding the regulation of the inflammatory response of myeloid cells. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 569 Research Conference in T cells in autoimmunity (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: immunology graduate student and permission of instructor Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 570 Research Conference in Mucosal Immunity (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: immunology graduate student and permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 571 Research Conference in Development and Activation of B Cells (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only.

IMMUN 572 Research Conference in Signal Transduction in B-Cells (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only.

IMMUN 573 Immunology Seminar Series (1, max. 30)
Weekly discussion in which original research results are presented and discussed. Emphasis is on new and original contributions to field of immunology and related areas; occasional seminars are concerned with review of important topics. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology; other graduate students with firm background in immunology and permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only.

IMMUN 574 Research Conference in Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpes Virus: Interactions with B-Cells and Endothelial Cells (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only.

IMMUN 575 Research Conference in Infection and Immunity (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only.

IMMUN 576 Research Conference in Innate Immune Mechanisms of Response and Regulation (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than once conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology; permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 577 Research Conference in Lymphocyte Homing and Function (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 578 Research Conference in Immunology and the Pathogenesis of Tuberculosis (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 579 Research Conference in Liver Immunology (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Prerequisite: immunology graduate student and permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 580 Research Conference in Immune Imaging and Structure-Function Biology (1, max. 30)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in Immunology. Students may register for more than one conference each quarter. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 581 Research Conference on the Initiation of Type 2 Immune Responses by Parasitic Worms and Allergens (1)
Weekly group conferences concerning ongoing graduate students and postdoctoral research in Immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 599 Introduction to Immunology Research (1-10, max. 40)
Current problems in immunological research. Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

IMMUN 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Prerequisite: graduate standing in immunology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.