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LAW 100 Introduction to American Law (2-5, max. 5) SSc
Examines the structure of the American legal system and how laws are made. Surveys key doctrinal areas of the law learning fundamental legal concepts, and explore how the law functions and evolves over time, including legal issues and decision-making related to statutory or common law. Offered: A.

LAW 300 Introduction to Law (3-6, max. 6) SSc
Understanding the legal system, its functions in the social-economic order, legal reasoning, and the world of legal education and the legal profession. Open to nonlaw students only.

LAW 305 Global Health and Justice (3) SSc
Explores health as a human right, focusing on injustices and inequities that occur around the world that result in disease, disability and death. Using a justice framework, considers social determinants of health and vulnerabilities of marginalized groups. Students learn about sustainable development goals, human rights law, bioethics and the pivotal role that law and ethics play in addressing injustices in health, including in the U.S. Offered: jointly with G H 305; W.

LAW 310 Law, Science, and Technology (4) SSc

LAW 410 Problems in Professional Responsibility (4) SSc

LAW 415 Criminal Justice (3) SSc
Examines pre-trial rights of persons suspected or accused of crime, primarily those rights covered by the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments of the U.S. Constitution.

LAW 416 International Contracting: Negotiation and Drafting (3) SSc
Skills course designed to introduce process and problems of negotiating and drafting international agreements. Client interviewing and counseling and negotiation and drafting of a contract between parties in the United States and Japan. Open to nonlaw students only. Credit/no-credit only.

LAW 422 Copyright (3) SSc

LAW 429 Public Land Law (3) SSc

LAW 440 Legal Issues of Internet Law (3) SSc
Introduces the basic legal issues raised by networked digital technologies, such as the Internet. Covers jurisdiction, speech, privacy/access, propriety rights (copyrights, domain names), emerging law, leading policy debates, as well as fundamental Internet technical skills. Offered: S.

LAW 442 Land Law and the Urban Environment (3) SSc
Examination of the major legal tools available to shape the urban environment by controlling the use of land. Considers zoning, subdivision controls, urban renewal, private land-use restrictions, and the rules of nuisance law. Open to law and nonlaw students. Credit/no-credit only.

LAW 443 The Legal Process I (3/5) SSc
The system of law and its functions rather than substantive law pertaining to any particular subject or discipline. Open only to nonlaw students.

LAW 444 Constitution and American Public Education (3-6, max. 6) SSc
Examines the relationships between the Constitution of the United States and the American system of public education, excluding higher education, in areas of constitutional freedom and legal controls, racial desegregation, and equal educational opportunity, including equal financing of the public schools. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with EDLPS 444.

LAW 445 Major Issues in American Constitutional Law (3) SSc
Significant themes in American constitutional law. Doctrine of judicial review, application of the Bill of Rights to the states, Supreme Court's recognition of fundamental rights, the Equal Protection clause, the Religion clauses, freedom of speech, and presidential powers. Open to law and nonlaw students.

LAW 447 Critical Perspectives in Law (3) SSc
Examination of modern critical legal thought and critics views regarding proposed alternative forms of social ordering.

LAW 476 International Economic Relations and Trade Policy (3) SSc
Consideration of international control of national trade policies and permissible transnational reach of national trade or other regulation. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the international monetary system examined from legal and economic perspective. Examination and comparison of prescriptive jurisdiction to public international law.

LAW 477 Law, Literature, and Film ([2-4]-, max. 4) A&H/SSc
An examination of literary and cinematic portrayals of and issues important to law, lawyers, and the legal system. Considers both portrayals purporting to depict the legal system as well as works envisioning lawyers and the legal system in a "better world.".

LAW 481 Land, American Culture, and the Law: Perspectives on the Use and Ownership of the Natural Environment (1-6, max. 6) SSc

LAW 489 Law and Aging (3) SSc
Survey of principal areas of law of special concern to aging population, considering healthcare and healthcare decision-making, public and private income maintenance programs, taxation, guardianships, conservatorships, and other methods of protecting the property of the elderly, counseling, and professional responsibility.

LAW 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)

LAW 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)