Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
LAW B 500 Civil Procedure II (2-4)
Joinder of claims and parties, complex litigation including class actions, securing and enforcing judgments, appellate procedure, and the binding effect of prior decisions: res judicata and collateral estoppel.
LAW B 503 Evidence ([2-6]-, max. 6)
LAW B 505 Introduction to Law for Masters of Jurisprudence (5)
Builds on and incorporates knowledge and fundamental principles of constitutional, contract, tort, property, administrative, and criminal law. Designed for graduate students, seeks to delve more deeply into how law is applied in modern society across many industries. Offered: A.
LAW B 506 Conflicts of Laws ([2-6]-, max. 6)
LAW B 507 Federal Courts and the Federal System (3/4)
LAW B 508 Business, Social Responsibility, and Human Rights (2-4, max. 4)
Addresses business obligations to respect human rights. International human rights norms have historically constrained the behavior only of states. Human rights NGOs, investors, consumers, and governments have increasingly pressed businesses to address human rights, the environment, corruption, and other "social" concerns as part of their operations. Offered: A.
LAW B 510 Problems of Professional Responsibility (2-4, max. 4)
LAW B 511 Decision Making for Lawyers: Concepts, Duties, and Skills (3)
Enhances students' legal judgment, problem-solving, and prediction skills. Analyzes the psychology of decision making; describes the legal malpractice and disciplinary implications of deficient decision making; identifies the frequency, costs, and predictors of adverse legal outcomes; and demonstrate methods to improve decision making.
LAW B 512 Legislation and the Formulation of Public Policy (3/4)
Overview of the constitutional and procedural rules governing the lawmaking process in 糖心原创 State. Provides a survey of the processes common to all proposed legislation, regardless of the substantive area addressed in a particular bill. Covers content in an "issue-neutral" format. Offered: A.
LAW B 513 Advanced Evidence ([2-4]-, max. 4)
Covers advanced topics in evidence law and policy. Prerequisite: LAW B 503, which may be taken concurrently.
LAW B 514 Street Law ([1-8]-, max. 8)
LAW B 515 Criminal Procedure: Investigation (3-5)
LAW B 516 International Contracting ([2-4]-, max. 4)
LAW B 517 Juvenile Justice Seminar ([1-6]-, max. 6)
LAW B 518 Appellate Advocacy ([1-3]-, max. 3)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 519 Pre-Trial Practice (3-4)
Offered: A.
LAW B 520 Trial Advocacy ([2-6]-, max. 6)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 521 Trial Advocacy II (3-, max. 6)
Addresses more advanced trial advocacy issues than are covered in LAW B 520. Includes a civil or criminal track of study and work with trial lawyers who specialize in that area of practice on more sophisticated issues of strategy, evidence, creative use of exhibits at trial, technology in the courtroom, and ethics. Prerequisite: LAW B 520; permission of the Director of the Trial Advocacy Program. Offered: WSp.
LAW B 522 Mediation Skills Training (1)
Focuses on collaborative style of mediation. Through a mix of theory and practice, students learn the skills, tools, and processes used by mediators. Students observe and practice the five-steps of the mediation process, through demonstrations and roleplaying. Individual coaches work with students to hone their skills. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AW.
LAW B 523 Negotiation (2-4, max. 4)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 524 Alternative Dispute Resolution Seminar: Restorative Justice ([2/4]-, max. 4)
Examines array of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) tools including negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. Focuses on restorative justice (RJ) as an evolving ADR tool. Covers the history of RJ and its intellectual and analytic underpinnings. Assesses how RJ compares to Western approaches to justice, examines current RJ debates, and evaluates how RJ compares to the other ADR tools. Offered: Sp.
LAW B 525 Alternative Dispute Resolution (3)
Overview of alternative dispute resolution including negotiation, mediation, arbitration, med-arb, early neutral evaluation, mini-trials, summary jury trials, and E-ADR. Critical evaluation of each process occurs through a combination of assigned readings, roleplay exercises, videotapes, guest presentations, and student-designed classes.
LAW B 526 Mediation Clinic ([1-10]-, max. 10)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 527 Criminal Prosecution Clinic (8)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 528 Workers' Rights Clinic ([2-8]-, max. 12)
Provides clinical training in workers' rights and administrative law under the supervision of members of the Law School faculty. Students represent workers in employment law matters such as unemployment compensation benefits or wage claims. Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 529 Advanced Environmental Law and Practice ([1-4]-, max. 4)
LAW B 530 Judicial Externship (1-18, max. 18)
LAW B 531 Immigration Law Clinic ([1-12]-, max. 12)
Clinical training in immigration law under the supervision of members of the Law School faculty. The clinic offers a seminar component covering applicable immigration law and procedure, skills training and professional responsibility concerns. The clinic's practice component will consist of students representing clients in deportation and political asylum cases. Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 532 Advanced Clinic (1-4, max. 4)
Advanced clinical training under the supervision of a law school faculty member in order to complete a project or case begun by the student during a clinic, or to pursue in more depth the subject of the clinic. Prerequisite: Clinical basis for continued work. Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 533 Interviewing and Counseling for Lawyers (2/3)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 534 Counseling Workshop (1-, max. 3)
Provides an introduction to the culture of counseling in the legal profession. Students learn about effects of power and privilege in the United States and implications for counseling relationships. Students increase their abilities to engage in respectful practice of counseling people from all backgrounds.
LAW B 535 Legislative Externship (1-18, max. 18)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 536 Drafting Business Documents ([1-3]-, max. 3)
LAW B 537 Refugee Advocacy Clinic ([1-12]-, max. 12)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 538 Agency Externships (1-18, max. 18)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 539 Public Interest Law Externship ([1-18]-, max. 18)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 540 Japanese Law (3-4)
Basic institutions and processes of the Japanese legal system. Historical development and traditional role of law, reception of Western law, and cultural and structural factors that influence the function of law and legal institutions. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 540.
LAW B 541 Chinese Law (4)
Introduction to the institutions and processes of the Chinese legal system. Focuses on the contemporary system and its role in relation to political, economic, and social developments. Examines legal aspects governing foreign trade and investment in China. Offered: jointly with JSIS A 541.
LAW B 542 Comparative Korean Law (2-4)
Introduction to basic institutions and processes of the Korean legal systems. Emphasis on the historical development and traditional roles of law, the reception of Western law, and cultural and structural factors that influence the function of law and legal institutions.
LAW B 544 Space Law and Policy (4)
Law and policy foundations of outer space activities. Essential origins, sources, and role of space law, as well as key institutions, forums, and forces shaping the contemporary governance of space activities. Provides a thorough grounding in U.N. treaties, principles, resolutions, regulations, and private international and national space laws and policies. Offered: Sp.
LAW B 545 Deposition Practice (3)
Offers intensive training in the applicable law, strategy, skills, and techniques of deposition practice. Combines traditional lectures and demonstrations with the case model developed by the National Institute for Trial Advocacy. Multiple opportunities to prepare, take, and defend depositions, with substantial feedback and criticism. Prerequisite: LAW B 503 or LAW B 513; LAW B 520, either of which may be taken concurrently. Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 546 Cross-Border Business Transactions (4)
Covers policies of U.S. government toward foreign direct investment (FDI) into the U.S.; business objectives of the purchaser including environmental social governance (ESG) factors; legal issues arising and documentation used throughout inbound FDI transactions; and various types of acquisition and post-acquisition finance.
LAW B 547 Comparative Constitutional Law (2-5)
Examines the constitutional structure of the U.S. government and the jurisprudence of U.S. constitutional courts, and compares them with the constitutional structures and jurisprudence of several foreign countries.
LAW B 548 Forensics (4)
Introduces the world of expert witnesses in both criminal and civil cases, looking at the forms of scientific and technical knowledge commonly involved. Covers not only the standard and rules governing expert testimony, but also provide opportunities for hand on experience. Offered: W.
LAW B 549 Government Regulation of Business in Japan (3)
Offered: jointly with JSIS D 549.
LAW B 550 American Legal Systems and Method ([1-6]-, max. 6)
Provides an integrated introduction to the basic structure and principles of the U.S. public and private law systems; the sources and techniques for basic legal research; and the analytical and writing skills expected of U.S. trained lawyers. Offered: A.
LAW B 551 Comparative Law Seminar ([2-6]-, max. 6)
Provides an introduction to comparative legal scholarship and comparative methods for research in Asian, European, and American law. Examines the challenges and controversies found in comparative law and comparative legal studies as well as methodological innovations in modern comparative legal studies
LAW B 552 Tutorial in Comparative Law ([1-4]-, max. 6)
LAW B 553 Chinese Legal Tradition (3)
Offered: jointly with JSIS D 553.
LAW B 554 Research Tutorial ([1-15]-, max. 15)
Introduces students to social science research methods that may be applicable to their research agenda. Focuses on reading, discussion, commentary, writing, and especially rewriting under close and targeted supervision by the professor.
LAW B 555 Roman Law (2/3)
Constitutional and historical background of Roman law as it evolved over a thousand years: the law of persons (marriage, families, and slavery); the law of property and inheritance; the law of contracts; the law of crimes and torts; and constitutional public law. Focus on the "classical" period of Roman law, roughly 100 BCE to 200 CE. Knowledge of Latin not necessary.
LAW B 556 Islamic Law (2-5, max. 5)
Selected topics in Islamic law that highlight major aspects of Islamic civilization. May only be taken for credit once. Offered: jointly with MELC 536.
LAW B 557 Graduate Writing Seminar ([2-6]-, max. 6)
Through class instruction and individual tutoring, students select research topics, submit periodic writing assignments, and make formal presentations, culminating in the submission of a major research paper.
LAW B 558 Doctoral Seminar ([2-10]-, max. 10)
Covers basic analytical frameworks and methodology to help prepare students for writing a dissertation. Surveys doctrinal and interdisciplinary legal theory. Examines law teaching and academic scholarship. Students research, draft, edit, and submit a scholarly article for publication. Offered: AW.
LAW B 559 Comparative Law: Europe, Latin America, and East Asia (4)
LAW B 560 Criminal Justice Externship (1-18, max. 18)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 561 International Law of the Sea (3-4)
LAW B 562 Quantitative Methods (4)
Covers logic, applications, and limits of quantitative reasoning in the law. Includes mathematics from areas such as statistics, game theory, and social-choice theory, together with legal examples from areas such as discrimination, torts, and CLS to help (re)consider issues such as proof, deterrence, and identity politics.
LAW B 563 Marine Law and Policy Seminar ([2-6]-, max. 6)
Study and research in selected legal problems relating to ocean and coastal law, marine trade and transportation, marine resources, and protection of the marine environment. Students prepare and present a research paper and critique papers prepared by other students. Prerequisite: LAW B 561, LAW B 565.
LAW B 564 Women, Poverty, and Natural Resource Management (2-3)
Seminar examines the links between women, law, land/natural resources, poverty in international development. Issues covered include reasons for focusing on women or men within households rather than households as units; land/natural resource rights as critical to household food security and development; the role of law in supporting women's rights. Issues are examined through the lens of a legal practitioner in international development. Offered: A.
LAW B 565 U.S. Coastal and Ocean Law (3-5)
Study of the legal framework in the United States controlling allocation and use of coastal and marine resources. Topics include coastal zone management, fisheries management, protection of marine mammals and endangered species, marine pollution, offshore oil and gas development, and marine transportation.
LAW B 566 Legal Problem Solving in the Corporate Context (3)
Focuses on the lawyer as a problem-solver in advising corporate and business clients. Topics include resolution of legal risks at the intersection of the duties of officers and directors, corporate governance, securities regulation, internal investigations, whistleblowers, alternative means of resolving disputes, and related issues. Offered: Sp.
LAW B 567 General Externship Perspectives Seminar (2, max. 6)
Seminar intended for students working in School of Law student externships. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.
LAW B 568 Field Seminar in Law, Rights, and Governance (3-5)
Exposes students to theoretical and policy debates about the causes and consequences of legal evolution, rule of law, and a broad range of world governance concerns. Topics include human rights, markets, commerce, climate, environment, migration, institutions, justice, order, and rule of law. Offered: jointly with JSIS 599.
LAW B 569 Development Innovations Laboratory (1-3, max. 6)
Students work in teams on international development and human rights projects for nonprofit/nongovernmental organizations under the close supervision of faculty. The work includes legal and factual research and often fact-gathering through interviews. Students present their findings and recommendations to client organizations orally and in writing. Offered: WSp.
LAW B 570 Bio-entrepreneurship and the Law (3)
Covers legal issues in bio-entrepreneurship by tracking product development through a VC-backed start-up company.
LAW B 571 PhD Colloquium (1-3, max. 3)
Designed for students to engage with research agendas in the academy and to build a professional skill set for success - from writing conference abstracts and preparing articles for publication to 'workshopping' papers and developing their dissertations. Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 572 Election Law (2-4, max. 4)
Advanced study of law and courts in the United States. Focuses on election law. Topics include electoral design, voting rights, money in politics, and administration of elections.
LAW B 573 Supreme Court Decision Making Seminar (2-4, max. 4)
Examines Supreme Court decision making from both a theoretical and practical perspective. Surveys representative cases on the Court's current docket. Extensive preparation required of participants, who play the roles of lawyers, justices, and commentators. Emphasis on developing appellate advocacy skills.
LAW B 575 Family Law: Selected Topics (2-3)
Covers current cutting-edge and complex areas of family law that challenge traditional definitions of "family." Examines marriage, dissolution, and parenting disputes through the lens of "nontraditional" families and families created through medical intervention. Prerequisite: LAW A 580 or permission of instructor. Offered: A.
LAW B 576 Climate Justice Seminar ([1-6]-, max. 6)
LAW B 577 Law, Literature and Film ([2-4]-, max. 4)
An examination of literary and cinematic portrayals of, and issues important to law, lawyers, and the legal system. Considers both portrayals purporting to depict the legal system as well as works envisioning lawyers and the legal system in a "better world."
LAW B 578 Seminar on Legal Problems of Economic Development ([1-6]-, max. 6)
Focuses on the application of law of international development (comparative, transnational and international) to a series of issues; income redistribution (prominently including comparative land reform and decollectivization experience), health and population, environmental and other aspects of "sustainability", women's participation, and role of transnational resource flows.
LAW B 579 Law and Sustainable International Development (3/4)
Examines the role of law in fostering economic and social development in developing countries, emerging markets, and nations in transition. Provides a historical overview of the role of law in alleviating poverty and exposes students to key theoretical perspectives. Offered: A.
LAW B 580 Externship Tutorial (2)
Credit/no-credit only.
LAW B 581 Land, American Culture, and the Law: Perspectives on the Use and Ownership of the Natural Environment ([1-6]-, max. 6)
LAW B 582 International Development Practicum (1-8, max. 8)
Provides experience with an approved non-profit organization, business, judicial or legislative body, or intergovernmental or governmental agency on issues related to law and development and sustainable development. Students work under the guidance of experienced practitioners. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.
LAW B 584 Indigenous Governance Law ([2-6]-, max. 6)
Covers advanced topics in Indian Law. Prerequisite: LAW A 565 or permission of instructor.
LAW B 585 Natural Resources Law ([1-4]-, max. 4)
LAW B 586 Global Development Law and Policy Workshop (2-, max. 4)
Students engage in hands on legal research to address current development challenges in partnership with key development organizations. Offered: WSp.
LAW B 587 Sustainable Business Law (2/4, max. 4)
Covers current international legal developments in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives, and the changing nature of corporate governance and corporate compliance in relation to sustainability. Examines roles of investors, consumers, policymakers, companies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in driving new corporate performance indicators in financial markets
LAW B 588 Title Leadership in Sustainable Development Colloquium (1-2, max. 2)
Professional development colloquium for students in Sustainable international Development graduate program. Students will meet with experts from the nonprofit sector, governmental and intergovernmental organizations and the private sector to learn about different career paths in the field of sustainability. Students will learn about key skills necessary for career placement. Offered: Sp.
LAW B 589 Social Enterprise Law (2-3)
Social enterprise is increasingly driving commerce, corporate norms, and investment foals globally. Begins with an introduction of social enterprise, including underlying principles and legal framework, followed by in-depth analysis of governance, operational and investment considerations, both domestic and abroad Includes lectures, reading, and one student project. Offered: W.
LAW B 590 Constitutional Law: Current and Future Issues Seminar (2)
Examines cutting edge constitutional claims currently making their way through the lower courts or that seem likely to be litigated in the near future. Prerequisite: LAW A 507 and LAW A 592.
LAW B 591 Law and Society in Asia ([2-6]-, max. 6)
LAW B 593 Natural Resources Commons Property (3)
A review of the different forms of natural resources and an exploration of the desirability of managing certain resources as commons or private property. Covers a review of the successes and failures by various groups in setting policy in this area.
LAW B 594 Public Land Law Seminar ([2-6]-, max. 6)
LAW B 595 International Humanitarian Law (3-5)
Investigates International Humanitarian Law (sometimes called the Law of Armed Conflict), the field concerned with rules developed by civilized nations to protect victims of armed conflict, including the Geneva Conventions. Case studies include the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as developments in Afghanistan and Iraq. Offered: Sp.
LAW B 596 International Human Rights ([2-4]-, max. 6)
Examines international treaties and customary laws protecting fundamental human rights against abuse by governments. Covers major international systems including UN, Council of Europe, European Union, Inter-American, and African Union. Readings include international and American judicial opinions, treaties, and studies by human rights groups and scholars.
LAW B 597 Journal Seminar (1-, max. 2)
Focuses on topic selection, research, and drafting to assist students on one of the law school journals. Provides students with the opportunity to explore a topic in depth, to think critically about current law, and to consider future developments by writing a substantial note or comment. Offered: AW.
LAW B 598 Advanced Research and Writing Seminar ([1-6]-, max. 6)
LAW B 599 Special Topics (1-12, max. 12)