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LAW H 501 Fundamentals of Health Law (4)
Topics include: healthcare reform; obligations to provide care (including EMTALA); medical decision-making law; private health insurance and managed care (including ERISA, HIPAA, and COBRA); Medicare; Medicaid and SCHIP; regulation of healthcare providers; staff privileges and hospital-physician contracts; tax exemption; antitrust, and fraud and abuse laws.

LAW H 502 Medical Malpractice (3-4)

LAW H 503 Medical Ethics and Jurisprudence (3-)
Examines the relationship between bioethics and law. Reviews the basic concepts of both disciplines; their theoretical and practical connections. Analysis of principle legal cases and statutes illustrating such issues as informed consent to treatment, foregoing life support, research with human subjects, confidentiality, and allocation of health care resources. Offered: jointly with B H 535.

LAW H 504 Legal, Ethical, and Social Issues in Public Health Genetics (3)
Equips the student to anticipate and assess potential legal, ethical, and social barriers complicating the incursion of new genetic advances, information, and technologies into public and private healthcare delivery efforts. Prerequisite: GENOME 361, GENOME 371, or equivalent. Offered: jointly with B H 514/GCNSL 512/PHG 512; A.

LAW H 506 International Bioethics, Social Justice, and Health Seminar (1, max. 3)
Explores case studies of ethical dilemmas in research and medical practice and violations of international human rights norms in the design, implementation, and evaluation of health programs and policies. Bioethics and human rights law are the foundational tools for critically evaluating global health impact. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with G H 517; Sp.

LAW H 507 Law, Medicine, and Ethics in the Context of Pain Management (2)
Reviews the problem of physicians failing to relieve pain of patients in the dying process and legal and ethical issues they face as well as cultural sources of the problem.

LAW H 508 Beginning of Life: Rights and Choices (2)
Addresses the controversial legal issues engendered by our increasing control over the beginning of life. Focuses on the law, regulation, and policy implications of contraception; new reproductive and genetic technologies, including surrogate parenthood, sperm and egg donation, in-vitro fertilization, and other methods of conquering infertility; and abortion.

LAW H 509 End of Life: Rights and Choices (2)
Address controversial legal issues engendered by our increasing control over the end of life. Focuses on patient autonomy issues at the end of life including withdrawal of life support, surrogate decision making, advance directives, and patient choice to hasten death with medical assistance (physician aid in dying). Offered: Sp.

LAW H 510 Topics in Law and Medicine ([1-4]-, max. 4)
Seminar deals with controversial issues arising from interface and relationship between law and medicine. Focuses on role of government and oversight bodies in understanding and regulating access, use and misuse of medical treatments, and technology.

LAW H 511 International Research Ethics, Law, and Policy (3)
Exploration of legal requirements and ethical principles related to responsible conduct and research in a variety of different government structures, healthcare systems, and research environment. Compares and contrasts law and ethical standards applicable to research enterprises in developing countries, industrialized countries, and ethically distinct communities. Offered: jointly with B H 553; A.

LAW H 512 Public Health Law (2-4, max. 4)
Focuses on the role of law in public health administration and in the increasingly regulated healthcare industry. Provides a foundation in the relevant law for public health officers and healthcare industry administrators. Offered: jointly with HSERV 551; A.

LAW H 513 Legal Issues in Emerging Healthcare Technologies (4)
Covers legal issues related to the cutting edge ways to deliver healthcare, including telemedicine, healthcare robots, mobile medical apps, gene sequencing, nanotechnology and personalized medicine.

LAW H 515 Global Health Law (3)
Provides an examination of the legal, economic, social, ethical, and political aspects of global health. Explores the emergence of global health law as a multilateral tool to address health disparities and improve the health of the vulnerable. Offered: A.

LAW H 516 Study Abroad: Global Health, Human Rights, and the Rights of the Child in Cambodia (10)
Study abroad exploring the theoretical underpinnings and practical aspects of the rights of the child in the context of Cambodia's health system, focusing on children with disabilities. Approaches the rights of the child from legal and health services perspectives, combining methodologies of research and analysis for practical application. Offered: S.

LAW H 517 Legal Issues for Global Health Programs (2)
Examines the role of the law, legal strategy and legal research in supporting and advancing global health programs. Provides students an outline of the legal issues impacting global health programs and instruction on working with local counsel and research partners in foreign jurisdictions. Offered: W.

LAW H 518 Legal and Policy Solutions to Improve Global Health of Women, Adolescents, and Children (1-2, max. 2)
Explores specific examples of how legal and policy frameworks can impact health inequities for women, children, and adolescents. Teaches to formulate multi-disciplinary strategies to improve health outcomes. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

LAW H 520 Genetics and the Law (3)
Explores legal issues arising from genetic and genomic research, practice and policy. Analyzes implications of constitutional, contract, tort, criminal, employment, insurance, intellectual property, and family law using multiple sources of law, including statutes, regulations, and cases. Offered: jointly with PHG 523; W.

LAW H 521 Medicare and Medicaid Finance and Reimbursement (2-3)
Covers the history of Medicare and Medicaid, how they are administered, how eligibility is determined, payments are made, and financing is structured. Includes changes to both programs from the Affordable Care Act, how the federal government audits providers, and the available appeals. Offered: W.

LAW H 522 Affordable Care Act Seminar: Legal and Policy Issues in Health Reform Implementation (2)
Delves into the Affordable Care Act, including its historical context, key provisions, policy choices, legal challenges, implementation issues and future directions. As part of the seminar, which utilizes a multi-disciplinary approach, each student analyses an ACA provision of interest.

LAW H 524 Forensic Evidence (3)
Examines the application of the rules of evidence in cases that involve forensic evidence. Examines paradigmatic cases involving homicide and physical or sexual assault, although the principles examined are applicable generally in civil and criminal cases.

LAW H 525 Business Transactions in Healthcare (3)
Focuses on the complex business transactions involved in modern healthcare mergers. In addition to the transactional business aspects, the students also address government rules, regulations, and prohibitions that arise, Students in teams represent different sides of the transaction in this simulated experiential learning opportunity. Offered: W.

LAW H 526 Healthcare Employment Law (3)
Focuses on employment in health care settings, and will specifically cover "at will" employment and the development of implied and express individual employment contracts, recruiting and hiring, negotiated collective bargaining agreements, managing health care employees, and termination of employment. Offered: Sp.

LAW H 528 Health Law Practicum (1-6, max. 6)
Provides experience with an approved non-profit organization, judicial or legislative body, or governmental agency on issues related to health law or policy. Students work under the guidance of experienced practitioners. Both student and field supervisor provide the supervising law faculty member with a final written evaluation. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

LAW H 529 HIV and the Law: Legal and Political Developments of the AIDS Crisis (2-4, max. 4)
Traces thirty years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, beginning with the discovery of the disease through the present. Focuses on many of the socio-political-legal aspects of the HIV/IDS crisis, including discrimination, quarantine, immigration, criminal law, insurance, public heath, and family law issues. Offered: Sp.

LAW H 530 Disability Law and Policy (3-4)
Considers the definition of disability as defined by statute (ADA, FRA), case law, and social perception. Focuses on education law and entitlements, access to and discrimination in employment, housing, public transportation, and healthcare.

LAW H 531 Health Law Advocacy (2-4, max. 4)
Explores select aspects of legal advocacy for vulnerable patients and surrogate decision-makers in healthcare settings. Focuses on practical, pragmatic solutions to complex health law advocacy issues, using both classroom participation and mock guardianship hearings. Offered: Sp.

LAW H 534 Mental Health and the Law (3)
Covers medical and legal definitional issues as well as major civil and criminal law issues, including standards and procedures for involuntary commitment; consent for, and informed refusal of, treatment; de-institutionalization/community-based treatment; the insanity defense; competency to stand trial; and punishment of the mentally ill convict.

LAW H 536 Research Ethics and Regulation (3)
Explores the ethical foundations, principles and concepts, and U.S. laws related to the conduct of research with human subjects. Required for graduate students in the Department of Bioethics and Humanities, School of Medicine. Offered: jointly with B H 536; W.

LAW H 545 FDA Law (3)
Surveys the scope of regulatory authority accorded to the FDA. Focuses on products used in medical care, notably pharmaceutical drugs, medical devices, and biologics. Considers food safety, regulation of cosmetics, and oversight of carcinogenic substances. Offered: Sp.

LAW H 550 Medical Products Liability Law (3)
Focuses on product liability claims arising from defective design/development, manufacture, marketing, and distribution of medical technologies. Considers the concepts of strict liability, negligence, breach of warrant, and informed consent as well as the relative roles of state and federal law. Offered: W.

LAW H 579 Interactive Seminar (1, max. 30)
Seminar series on topics related to public health genetics, including current bioethical, legal, medical, biotechnology, and public policy issues. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with PHG 580; AWSp.

LAW H 580 Competition in Health Care (3)
Examines the role competition and its opposite, regulation, play in the healthcare industry in the United States.

LAW H 582 Healthcare Fraud and Abuse (2-3)
Considers federal and state laws that impose criminal and civil penalties on healthcare providers for activities ranging from payment for referrals, submissions of false claims, misconduct in medical research, the illegal disclosure of patient information, and the abuse and neglect of patients in long term care settings.

LAW H 590 Advanced Research and Writing Seminar in Health Law (2-, max. 4)
Dedicated research and writing seminar. Includes a substantial paper on a health law topic. Offered: WSp.

LAW H 599 Health Law Tutorial (1-4, max. 4)
Focuses on a specialized area of health law. Prerequisite: limited to students in the graduate program in health law; must be approved by the program director. Offered: AWSp.