Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for
M E 123 Introduction to Visualization and Computer-Aided Design (4) A&H/NSc
Methods of depicting three-dimensional objects and communicating design information. Development of three-dimensional skills through freehand sketching and computer-aided design using parametric solid modeling. Course overlaps with: B ME 315 and TME 315. Offered: AWSpS.
M E 124 Visualization and Computer-Aided Design Laboratory (2) NSc/A&H
Methods of depicting three-dimensional objects and communicating design information. Development of three-dimensional visualization skills through computer-aided design using parametric solid modeling. Offered: AWSpS.
M E 230 Kinematics and Dynamics (4)
Kinematics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies; moving reference frames; kinetics of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies; equilibrium, energy, linear momentum, angular momentum. Course equivalent to: B ME 223 and TME 223. Prerequisite: A A 210.
M E 299 Independent Project (1-3, max. 10)
Research on special topics under supervision of a faculty member. May include design and construction projects. May not be used to satisfy upper-division major requirements Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.
M E 323 Engineering Thermodynamics (5)
Engineering thermodynamics, including thermodynamic concepts and properties, the first and second laws of thermodynamics, energy conversion, refrigeration, humidification, and combustion. Engineering design applications. Course overlaps with: B ME 331 and TME 331. Prerequisite: either CHEM 142, CHEM 143, or CHEM 145; either MATH 126 or MATH 136; and either PHYS 121 or PHYS 141.
M E 331 Introduction to Heat Transfer (4)
Study of heat transfer by conduction, radiation, and convection; elementary heat-exchanger design. Course overlaps with: B ME 333 and TME 433. Prerequisite: either M E 333 or CEE 342.
M E 333 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (5)
Introduction to the basic fluid laws and their application. Conservation equations, dynamic similarity, potential flow, boundary-layer concepts, effects of friction, compressible flow, fluid machinery, measurement techniques. Course overlaps with: B ME 332; TCE 347; and TME 332. Prerequisite: AMATH 301; M E 323; and either MATH 207 or AMATH 351.
M E 341 Energy and Environment (3) NSc
Energy use. Fossil energy conversion. Oil, gas, coal resources. Air impacts. Nuclear energy principles, reactors, fuel cycle. Prerequisite: either MATH 112, MATH 124, MATH 134, or Q SCI 291; either CHEM 120, CHEM 142, CHEM 143, CHEM 145, PHYS 114, PHYS 121, or PHYS 141. Offered: jointly with CHEM E 341/ENVIR 341; A.
M E 354 Mechanics of Materials Laboratory (5)
Properties and behavior of engineering materials including stress-strain relations, strength, deformation mechanisms, strength, deformation, fracture, creep, and cyclic fatigue. Introduces experimental techniques common to structural engineering, interpretation of experimental data, comparison of measurements to numerical/analytical predictions, and formal, engineering report writing. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: MSE 170, CEE 220.
M E 355 Introduction to Manufacturing Processes (4)
Study of manufacturing processes, including interrelationships between the properties of the material, the manufacturing process, and the design of components. Interpretation of experimental data, comparison of measurements to numerical/analytical predictions, and formal, engineering report writing. Course overlaps with: TME 345 and TME 445. Prerequisite: M E 354.
M E 356 Machine Design Analysis (4)
Analysis, design, and selection of mechanical and electromechanical subsystems and elements, such as gears, linkages, cams, motors, and bearings. Course overlaps with: TME 341 and TME 342. Prerequisite: M E 354.
M E 373 Introduction to System Dynamics (5)
Mathematical modeling, analysis, and design of physical dynamic systems involving energy storage and transfer by lumped-parameter linear elements. Time-domain response by analytical methods and numeric simulation. Laboratory experiments. Prerequisite: either AMATH 351 or MATH 207; either AMATH 352 or MATH 208; E E 215; and M E 230.
M E 374 Systems Dynamic Analysis and Design (5)
Extension of M E 373. Frequency response analysis, generalized impedance concepts and applications, Fourier series analysis and Laplace transform techniques. Modeling and analysis of electromechanical actuators and rotating machinery. Laboratory experiments and design projects. Prerequisite: AMATH 301; M E 373.
M E 402 Additive Manufacturing: Materials, Processing and Applications (3)
Additive manufacturing processes for polymers, metals, ceramics and composite materials. Operating principles, key process parameters important to the part build process, and the importance of design. Microstructure of the build parts, dependence on processing conditions, the mechanical and physical properties, defects and relevant post-processing treatments for each material system. Hybrid processes, and adoption in various fields. Offered: jointly with MSE 489; Sp.
M E 410 Nanodevices: Design and Manufacture (3)
Examines design, fabrication, and manufacture of nano devices with state-of-the-art nanotechnology. Covers classification and selection of nanoscale materials and manufacturing methods: Includes nanodevice design projects. Offered: A.
M E 411 Biological Frameworks for Engineers (3)
Introduces the fundamentals of biology for an engineer. Covers mechanisms and biomechanics of DNA, proteins, cells, connective tissue, musculoskeletal tissue, and cardiovascular tissue, integration principles of living systems, structure-function relationships, and techniques to study biology and medicine, and tissue engineering. Offered: A.
M E 412 Biomechanics of Movement (3)
Introduction to the dynamics and control of human movement and other biological systems. An overview of the major challenges in movement biomechanics and experience with the engineering tools we use to address these challenges. Course includes weekly assignment, hands-on labs, and a final project. Prerequisite: ME 374, or permission of instructor Offered: W.
M E 414 Engineering Innovation in Health (3)
Introduces the role of innovation and engineering in the design of medical devices and healthcare technologies, applicable both to medical practice and healthcare-focused engineering. May serve as the first course in a medically related senior design project sequence. Discusses medical practice, clinical needs finding, FDA regulation, insurance reimbursement, intellectual property, and the medical device design process. Recommended: M E 123 and M E 354. Offered: jointly with E E 414; A.
M E 415 Introduction to Cell Mechanics (3)
Emphasizes mechanical engineering principles in the cell as a dynamic system. Covers general forces in cell processes, techniques, and models to assess cell mechanics; techniques and models to assess single cell forces; biomaterials/microenvironments to assess cell mechanics; and introduction to mechanosensitive receptors and corresponding signaling pathways. Recommended: M E 411. Offered: Sp.
M E 416 Mechanobiology (3)
Applications of mechanobiology principles to the development and pathophysiology of tissues and body systems, including orthopaedic and cardiovascular tissues, wound healing and fibrosis, cancer, and regenerative biology and engineering. Recommended: M E 411 or M E 415. Offered: A.
M E 419 Biomechanics Seminar (1, max. 4)
Weekly seminar on biomechanics research, presented by faculty members, researchers, and graduate students from UW, other institutions, and industry. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.
M E 425 HVAC Engineering (4)
Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning of built environment. Human comfort, psychometric processes, load computations, fluid distribution, and controls. Design analysis of HVAC system is taught in the lectures and applied in the class project. Course overlaps with: B ME 435 and TME 435. Prerequisite: M E 323; M E 331.
M E 426 Renewable Energy II (3)
Explores renewable energy principles and practices of energy conversion, focusing on energy conversion from wind and water. Prerequisite: M E 333.
M E 430 Advanced Energy Conversion Systems (4)
Advanced and renewable energy conversion systems and technologies are treated. Included are high efficiency combined cycles; renewable energy conversion involving solar, wind, and biomass; direct energy conversion and fuel cells; and nuclear energy. Environmental consequences of energy conversion and environmental control are discussed. Course overlaps with: B ME 446 and TEE 433. Prerequisite: M E 323.
M E 431 Advanced Fluid Mechanics (4)
Advanced topics in fluid mechanics, including kinematics, potential theory and vortex dynamics, viscous flow, turbulence, experimental and numerical methods, and design. Prerequisite: M E 333.
M E 440 Advanced Mechanics of Materials and Solids (3)
Study of mechanics of deformable bodies, including three-dimensional stress and strain tensors and their transformations. Equations of compatibility, continuity and equilibrium. Elastic constants. Failure criteria including fracture, yield, and instability. Deflection relations for complex loading and shapes. Indeterminate problems. Design applications and numerical methods. Course overlaps with: B ME 341 and TME 341. Prerequisite: M E 354.
M E 445 Introduction to Biomechanics (4)
Presents the mechanical behavior of tissues in the body and the application to design of prostheses. Tissues studies include bone, skin, fascia, ligaments, tendons, heart valves, and blood vessels. Discussion of the structure of these tissues and their mechanical response to different loading configurations. An important part of the class is a final project. Offered: jointly with BIOEN 440; Sp.
M E 450 Introduction to Composite Materials and Design (3)
Stress and strain analysis of continuous fiber composite materials. Orthotropic elasticity, lamination theory, failure criterion, and design philosophies, as applied to structural polymeric composites.
M E 459 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics (3)
Deformation processes leading to fracture, and linear elastic fracture mechanics. Fatigue crack propagation. Fracture control and failure analysis. Prerequisite: M E 354; M E 356.
M E 460 Kinematics and Linkage Design (3)
Synthesis of linkage-type mechanisms using graphical and computer methods.
M E 461 Mechanics of Thin Films (3)
Provides an overview of the thin film deposition processes; the stress and microstructure development during film growth; the mechanisms of adhesion; delamination and fracture; and the state-of-the-art characterization techniques for the microstructure and mechanical properties of thin films, coatings, and nanomaterials. Offered: A.
M E 469 Applications of Dynamics in Engineering (4)
Application of the principles of dynamics to selected engineering problems, such as suspension systems, gyroscopes, electromechanical devices. Includes introduction to energy methods, Hamilton's principle and Lagrange equations, and the design of dynamic system. Prerequisite: M E 374.
M E 470 Mechanical Vibrations (3)
Single-degree-of-freedom linear systems techniques. Matrix techniques for multi-degree-of-freedom linear systems. Applications in vibration isolation, transmission, and absorption problems and instrumentation. Course overlaps with: TME 444. Prerequisite: M E 373.
M E 471 Automatic Control (4)
Dynamic system modeling; control system stability and performance analysis; compensator design by Bode and root-locus methods. Course overlaps with: B ME 343 and TME 373. Prerequisite: M E 374.
M E 473 Instrumentation (4)
Principles and practice of industrial and laboratory measurement. Dynamics of instrument response; generalized performance analysis of sensor systems; theory of transducers for motion, force, pressure, flow, and other measurements. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: M E 374.
M E 477 Embedded Computing in Mechanical Systems (4)
Analysis of electromechanical systems employing microcomputers for control or data acquisition. Microcomputer architecture, memory organization, C language programming, interfaces, and communications. Particular emphasis on design of hardware and software interfaces for real-time interaction with mechanical systems. Weekly laboratory. Course overlaps with: B ME 460 and TME 441. Prerequisite: M E 374.
M E 478 Finite Element Analysis (4)
Development of theory and concepts of finite element analysis. Applications in all areas of mechanical engineering, including mechanics of solids, heat transfer, and design of dynamical systems. Weekly computer exercises. Course equivalent to: TME 478. Prerequisite: M E 123; M E 374; and either MATH 208 or AMATH 352.
M E 480 Introduction to Computer-Aided Technology (4)
Principles of computer-aided technology. Computer-aided design, engineering, drafting, and manufacturing; computer-aided design systems, geometry, computer graphics, hardware, computer-aided vehicle/system design synthesis. System demonstrations, laboratories, and site visits. Prerequisite: M E 123; AMATH 301.
M E 493 Introduction to Capstone Design (3)
Provides overview of engineering design process and professional skills that prepares students for their capstone design project and engineering workplaces. Topics include engineering design process and methodology, overview of several frameworks and tools common in mechanical engineering, teamwork and project management, and technical communication. Prerequisite: M E 123 and M E 354. Offered: A.
M E 494 Capstone Design I (3-)
Capstone design project involving identification and synthesis of mechanical engineering skills. Students work in a team to apply their knowledge of mechanical engineering to representative engineering problems. Topics may include design methodology, analysis techniques, project management, engineering economics, engineering ethics. Prerequisite: M E 123; M E 354; either M E 414/E E 414 or M E 493; recommended: M E 355. Offered: W.
M E 495 Capstone Design II (-3)
A continuation of M E 494. Course content varies from year to year and is dependent on the design topic chosen for M E 494. Prerequisite: M E 494. Offered: Sp.
M E 496 Technology-Based Entrepreneurship (3)
Concentrates on hands-on aspects of innovation and entrepreneurial enterprise development. Examines relationships between innovation, iterative prototyping, and marketing testing. Students identify market opportunities, create new technology-based products and services to satisfy customer needs, and construct and test prototypes. Offered: jointly with IND E 496; Sp.
M E 498 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering (1-5, max. 6)
Lecture and/or laboratory. Maximum of 6 credits may be applied toward an undergraduate degree.
M E 499 Special Projects (1-5, max. 6)
Written report required. Offered: AWSpS.
M E 500 Advanced Composite Structural Analysis (3)
Covers advanced stress analysis methods for composite structures made of beams, laminates, sandwich plates, and thin shells; stress and buckling analyses of solid and thin-walled composite beams; shear deformable theory for bending of thick laminated plates; and stress and fracture mechanics analysis of bonded joints. Prerequisite: A A 532. Offered: jointly with A A 535; Sp, odd years.
M E 501 Modern Manufacturing Processes (3)
General survey and introduction to modern manufacturing engineering processes. Fundamental principles and practices of modern manufacturing processes. Case studies and exercises relating the course material directly to modern industrial practice. Offered: A.
M E 503 Continuum Mechanics (3)
Reviews concepts of motion, stress, energy for a general continuum; conservation of mass, momentum, and energy; and the second law; constitutive equations for linear/nonlinear elastic, viscous/inviscid fluids, and general materials; and examples/solutions for solid/fluid materials. Offered: jointly with A A 503; A.
M E 504 Introduction to Microelectro Mechanical Systems (4)
Theoretical and practical aspects in design, analysis, and fabrication of MEMS devices. Fabrication processes, including bulk and surface micromachining. MEMS design and layout. MEMS CAD tools. Mechanical and electrical design. Applications such as micro sensors and actuators, or chemical and thermal transducers, recent advances. Course overlaps with: EE P 504. Offered: jointly with E E 504/MSE 504.
M E 506 Additive Manufacturing: Materials, Processing and Applications (3)
Additive manufacturing processes for polymers, metals, ceramics and composite materials. Operating principles, key process parameters important to the part build process, and the importance of design. Microstructure of the build parts, dependence on processing conditions, the mechanical and physical properties, defects and relevant post-processing treatments for each material system. Hybrid processes, and adoption in various fields. Offered: jointly with MSE 589; Sp.
M E 507 Incompressible Fluid Mechanics (3)
Covers inviscid and viscous imcompressible flows, exact solutions of laminar flows, creeping flows, boundary layers, free-shear flows, vorticity equation, and introduction to vortex dynamics. Offered: jointly with A A 507; W.
M E 508 Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements (3)
Fundamental concepts of mechanical measurements, principles of sensors and transducers, signal conditioning and data acquisition, advanced experiment planning and analysis, and applications in mechanical engineering.
M E 510 Mathematical Foundations of Systems Theory (4)
Mathematical foundations for system theory presented from an engineering viewpoint. Includes set theory; functions, inverse functions; metric spaces; finite dimensional linear spaces; linear operators on finite dimensional spaces; projections on Hilbert spaces. Applications to engineering systems stressed. Offered: jointly with A A 510/CHEM E 510/E E 510.
M E 511 Biological Frameworks for Engineers (3)
Introduces the fundamentals of biology for an engineer. Covers mechanisms and biomechanics of DNA, proteins, cells, connective tissue, musculoskeletal tissue, and cardiovascular tissue, integration principles of living systems, structure-function relationships, and techniques to study biology and medicine, and tissue engineering. Offered: A.
M E 512 Biomechanics of Movement (3)
Introduction to the dynamics and control of human movement and other biological systems. An overview of the major challenges in movement biomechanics and experience with the engineering tools we use to address these challenges. Course includes weekly assignment, hands-on labs, and a final project. Prerequisite: ME 374, or permission of instructor Offered: W.
M E 514 Engineering Innovation in Health (3)
Introduces the role of innovation and engineering in the design of medical devices and healthcare technologies, applicable both to medical practice and other healthcare-related needs. May serve as the first course in a medically-related graduate design project sequence. Discusses medical practice, clinical needs finding, regulatory approval, insurance reimbursements, intellectual property, and the medical device design process. Offered: A.
M E 515 Life Cycle Assessment (3)
Presents and discusses the computation structure and data sources for environmental Life Cycle Assessment. Uses Life Cycle Assessment to analyze materials, products, and services. The analysis either identifies opportunities for improvements or selects a superior alternative on the basis of pollution prevention and resource conservation. Offered: W.
M E 516 Advanced Manufacturing and Energy Technologies (3)
Advanced manufacturing and processing methods for energy devices and systems will be examined, including but not limited to the following application areas: batteries, fuel cells, solar cells, and sensors. This course will study the role of manufacturing in clean energy, discuss current challenges, and investigate opportunities for performance improvement. Recommended: An undergrad training in mechanical or materials science engineering. Prior coursework or experience in the following areas is required: M E 355 or equivalent, M E 395 or equivalent, M E 354 or equivalent, and M E 333 or equivalent. Offered: Sp.
M E 519 Biomechanics Seminar (1, max. 4)
Weekly seminar on biomechanics research, presented by faculty members, researchers, and graduate students from UW, other institutions, and industry. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.
M E 520 Seminar (-1, max. 20)
The graduate seminar series presents speakers of varied interests, industries, and professions. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.
M E 521 Thermodynamics (3)
Fundamental concepts of temperature, thermodynamic properties, and systems. The first, second, and combined laws. Development of the relations of classical thermodynamics. Introduction to statistical thermodynamics. Prerequisite: M E 323 and graduate standing in mechanical engineering or permission of instructor. Offered: A.
M E 522 Thermodynamics (3)
Topics from statistical thermodynamics, including the Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, and Fermi-Dirac statistics. Solutions of the Schrodinger wave equation and evaluation of the partition function for translation, rotation, and vibration. Prerequisite: M E 521 or permission of instructor.
M E 523 Energy and Environment Seminar (1, max. 20)
Student discussions of topics in combustion science and technology, alternative fuels, renewable energy, environmental consequences of energy conversion, and design for environment. Also, presentations by outside experts. May be repeated for credit. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.
M E 524 Combustion (3)
Chemical and physical processes of combustion with applications to design of combustors, fuel selection, and consideration of environmental effects. Prerequisite: graduate standing in mechanical engineering or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp, odd years.
M E 525 Applied Acoustics I (3)
Introduces acoustics through various applications such as medical ultrasound, underwater sound, noise control and vibrations. Includes linear acoustics, wave equation, planewave solutions, acoustics scales; reflection, refraction, scattering and diffraction, acoustic sources, radiation form transmission through plates. Prerequisite: graduate standing in Engineering, allied field, or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.
M E 526 Special Topics in Acoustics (3)
Advanced study of special topics in acoustics, such as medical ultrasound, underwater sound, noise control and vibrations. Prerequisite: ME 525, or permission of instructor. Offered: A.
M E 527 Musculoskeletal Biomechanics (4)
A broad introduction to musculoskeletal biomechanics, i.e., applying engineering mechanics to the human body. Examines: experimental techniques; anatomy; basic structure-function relationships; and implementation into research and commercial applications. Briefly covers scientific writing and presentations, literature reviews, and regulatory considerations. Offered: jointly with BIOEN 520.
M E 528 Acoustics of Environmental Noise (4)
Offered: jointly with CEWA 554.
M E 529 Advanced Energy Conservation Systems (4)
Covers advanced energy conversion systems and technologies, including high efficiency combined cycles, advanced rankine, integrated gasification combined cycle, nuclear, biomass thermal conversion, and fuels cells. Discusses environmental consequences. Offered: A.
M E 530 Radiative Heat Transfer (3)
Covers black and gray body radiation, radiative material properties, radiation exchange between surfaces, radiation in participating media, and combined radiation with conduction or convection. Offered: W.
M E 531 Conductive Heat Transfer (3)
Analysis of steady-state and transient heat conduction in single- and multidimensional systems by mathematical, graphical, numerical, and analogical methods. Prerequisite: graduate standing in mechanical engineering or permission of instructor.
M E 532 Convective Heat Transfer (3)
Introduction to fluid flow and boundary-layer theory as applicable to forced- and natural-convection heat transfer. Condensation and boiling heat transfer. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.
M E 534 Fluid Mechanics II (3)
Review of basic principles, some exact solutions and their interpretation, waves (water waves, sound waves, shock waves), boundary layers, jets and wakes, flow stability, turbulence, applications. Prerequisite: M E 507 or permission of instructor. Offered: W.
M E 535 Computational Techniques in Mechanical Engineering (3)
Advanced heat transfer studies of interest to mechanical engineers. Subject coverage varies from year to year. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Offered: Sp.
M E 536 Micro and Nanoscale Fluid Transport Phenomena (3)
Focuses on fundamental fluid transport physics at the micro/ and nanometer scale for applications in micro/nanofluidic devices. Presents the core concepts of low-Reynolds number Newtonian fluid mechanics; mass transfer; charged double layers; electrokinetically driven flow and transport; and surface tension. Discusses state of the art micro and nanoscale total analytical devices. Offered: WSp.
M E 537 Topics in Fluid Mechanics (3)
Selected fluid mechanics relevant to current advances in research and application. Topics selected vary with faculty and student interest, but have included flow stability, special topics in turbulence, and turbulent reacting flows.
M E 538 Advanced Fluid Mechanics (4)
Advanced topics in fluid mechanics, including kinematics; potential theory and vortex dynamics; viscous flow; turbulence; numerical methods; and design. Offered: A.
M E 539 Renewable Energy I (4)
Covers the underlying physics, manufacturing and performance of current and emerging photovoltaic solar cell and module technologies in a comparative approach. The course will also present practical aspects of the solar resource, module integration, systems and energy production. Course overlaps with: TECE 533. Recommended: Undergraduate physics and chemistry at the engineering or science level. Students without some previous solid state physics, electronic materials, or semiconductor device coursework may require extra reading. Offered: jointly with MSE 539; W.
M E 540 Renewable Energy II (3)
Explores renewable energy, principles and practices of energy conversion, focusing on wind and hydrokinetic energy. Offered: Sp.
M E 541 Fatigue of Materials (3)
Macro and micro aspects of fatigue of metals and fatigue mechanisms. Analytical methods for fatigue and life assessment in advanced materials. Offered: W.
M E 543 Fluid Turbulence (3)
Methods of characterizing fluid turbulence; probability concepts; spatial and temporal velocity correlations; spectral energy transfer; turbulent diffusion; isotropic turbulence and Kolmogoroff's hypothesis; Taylor's hypothesis; hot-wire measurement techniques. Prerequisite: 3 credits of graduate level fluid mechanics or permission of instructor. Offered: W, even years.
M E 544 Advanced Turbulence Modeling Techniques (3)
The Reynolds stress transport equations; plane homogeneous shear flow; modeling the pressure-strain, diffusion, and dissipation rate correlation tensors; one and two-equation turbulence models; near-wall turbulence and wall functions; limitations of length scale and eddy viscosity modeling. Prerequisite: 3 credits of turbulence-related coursework. Offered: Sp, even years.
M E 545 Introduction to Control Theory (4)
Introduction to classical control theory. Stability analysis using Routh-Hurwitz criterion. Open-loop and closed-loop controller design. Bode plots. Compensator design using root locus and frequency-domain techniques. Prerequisite: M E 564, which may be taken concurrently. Offered: A.
M E 546 Micro-Scale Heat Transfer (3)
Covers advanced heat conduction and radiation principles, emphasizing micro-scale applications. Offered: Sp, odd years.
M E 547 Linear Systems Theory (4)
Linearity, linearization, finite dimensionality, time-varying vs. time-invariant linear systems, interconnection of linear systems, functional/structural descriptions of linear systems, system zeros and invertibility, linear system stability, system norms, state transition, matrix exponentials, controllability and observability, realization theory. Course overlaps with: E E 547/A A 547 and EE P 547. Offered: W.
M E 548 Linear Multivariable Control (3)
Introduction to MIMO systems, successive single loop design comparison, Lyapunov stability theorem, full state feedback controller design, observer design, LQR problem statement, design, stability analysis, and tracking design. LQG design, separation principle, stability robustness. Course overlaps with: A E 513. Prerequisite: A A 547/E E 547/M E 547. Offered: jointly with A A 548/E E 548.
M E 549 Estimation and System Identification (3)
Fundamentals of state estimation for linear and nonlinear systems. Discrete and continuous systems. Probability and stochastic systems theory. Models with noise. Kalman-Bucy filters, extended Kalman filters, recursive estimation. Numerical issues in filter design and implementation. Course overlaps with: A E 514 and TECE 555. Prerequisite: either A A 547, E E 547, or M E 547. Offered: jointly with A A 549/E E 549.
M E 550 Nonlinear Optimal Control (3)
Calculus of variations for dynamical systems, definition of the dynamic optimization problem, constraints and Lagrange multipliers, the Pontryagin Maximum Principle, necessary conditions for optimality, the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, singular arc problems, computational techniques for solution of the necessary conditions. Offered: jointly with A A 550/E E 550.
M E 551 Elasticity I: Elastostatics (3)
Elastostatics, including general formulations of 2D and 3D elastostatic problems (stress function method, complex variable method, displacement potential method). Eshelby's method is emphasized and used to solve 2D and 3D problems with special application to composite materials. Offered: W.
M E 552 Viscoelasticity and Plasticity (3)
Covers viscoelasticity, including the stress-strain equations in terms of convolution integral, Fourier transform, and Laplace transform modes. Plasticity focuses on generalized plastic behavior.
M E 553 Adhesion Mechanics (3)
Introduction to adhesive systems and test/evaluation techniques. Stress/strain analysis methods used with adhesive joints. Examples of practical applications. Prerequisite: graduate student status or permission of instructor. Offered: Sp, even years.
M E 555 Thermoelasticity (3)
Basic equations of thermoelasticity for isotropic elastic solids. Analysis of disks, cylinders, spheres, beams, and plates under steady temperature and sudden and slow heating and cooling. Introduction to thermoelastic stability. Prerequisite: M E 551 or permission of instructor.
M E 556 Experimental Stress Analysis I (3)
Theory and practice of experimental techniques including strain gages and strain gage-based devices, thermocouples, LVDTs, and transducer design. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. Offered: A.
M E 557 Experimental Stress Analysis II (3)
Theory and practice of optical mechanics, including interferometric techniques (moire and holographic), geometric moir methods, and photoelasticity. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. Offered: W, even years.
M E 559 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics (3)
Applications of linear fracture mechanics to failure analysis and fracture control based on actual case studies. Fracture toughness and fatigue testing techniques, crack initiation, and propagation fatigue life prediction of mechanical components subjected to environmental effects. Offered: W.
M E 561 Mechanics of Thin Films (3)
Provides an overview of the thin film deposition processes; the stress and microstructure development during film growth; the mechanisms of adhesion; delamination and fracture; and the state-of-the-art characterization techniques for the microstructure and mechanical properties of thin films, coatings, and nanomaterials. Offered: A.
M E 562 Introduction to Electronic Composites (3)
Fundamentals of microstructure-macro-property relation of electronic composites. This course covers applications (computers, laser packages, medical devices, MEMS, avionics), functions (mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic, and optical), microstructure-macro-property relations, processing issues, and modeling of electronic composites. Offered: jointly with MSE 562; Sp.
M E 563 Advanced Composites: Manufacturing and Processing (3)
Introduction to polymer rheology and laminate theory. Manufacturing and design considerations for polymer-matrix composites. Fundamental concepts related to composite fabrication methods such as filament winding, autoclave, press-consolidation, thermoplastic molding, extrusion, etc. Concepts governing automated fabrication methods such as automated fiber placement. Manufacturing and processing guidelines for bonding and welding composites. Prerequisite: either MSE 475, M E 450, or equivalent by permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with MSE 563; Sp.
M E 564 Mechanical Engineering Analysis (3)
Application of mathematical methods to the description and analysis of systems in mechanical engineering. Analogies in heat transfer, fluid flow, stress distribution, dynamics, and feedback control. Prerequisite: graduate standing in mechanical engineering or permission of instructor. Offered: A.
M E 565 Mechanical Engineering Analysis (3)
Applications of vectors, matrices, and partial differential equations to mechanical engineering systems, including computational techniques and analogies. Prerequisite: graduate standing in mechanical engineering or permission of instructor. Offered: W.
M E 567 Micro- and Nanostructured Biosensors (3)
Focuses on biosensors based on micromachining and nanotechnology. The working principles on molecular detection and analysis are introduced with the fabrication process, system integration and evaluation. Helps students to classify biosensors detecting molecules, design the fabrication process and identify the evaluation methods. Offered: jointly with MOLENG 567; W.
M E 568 Active and Sensing Materials (3)
Fundamental knowledge of the nano-structure property relations of active and sensing materials, and their devices. Examples of the active and sensing materials include: shape memory alloys (SMAs), ferromagnetic SMAs, ferroelectric, pyroelectric and piezoelectric materials, thermoelectrics, electroactive and conducting polymers, photoactive polymers, photovoltaics, and electrochromic materials. Offered: jointly with MSE 568; Sp.
M E 572 Methodologies for Engineering Design: Conceptual Design (3)
Methodologies particularly useful in the conceptual or preliminary phase of a design. The design process. Impact of formulating independent functional requirements. Physical and functional coupling in design. Case studies in conceptual design of products and processes. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of instructor. Offered: W, even years.
M E 574 Introduction to Applied Parallel Computing for Engineers (3)
Utilization of GPU-based parallel computing for engineering applications. Basics of hardware and software for GPU-based parallel computing. Introduction to GPU programming, language extensions, and interfaces. Introduction to parallel methods for numerical analysis and digital design. Applications in imaging, inspection, and computer-aided design. Hands-on experience creating GPU-powered parallel applications. Prerequisite: Introductory computing; graduate standing or permission of instructor; recommended: Some introductory computing experience and graduate standing in engineering Offered: W.
M E 575 Introduction to Cell Mechanics (3)
Emphasizes mechanical engineering principles in the cell as a dynamic system. Covers general forces in cell processes, techniques, and models to assess cell mechanics; techniques and models to assess single cell forces; biomaterials/microenvironments to assess cell mechanics; and introduction to mechanosensitive receptors and corresponding signaling pathways. Recommended: M E 411 or M E 511. Offered: Sp.
M E 576 Mechanobiology (3)
Applications of mechanobiology principles to the development and pathophysiology of tissues and body systems, including orthopaedic and cardiovascular tissues, wound healing and fibrosis, cancer, and regenerative biology and engineering. Recommended: M E 511 or M E 575. Offered: A.
M E 578 Convex Optimization (4)
Basics of convex analysis: Convex sets, functions, and optimization problems. Optimization theory: Least-squares, linear, quadratic, geometric and semidefinite programming. Convex modeling. Duality theory. Optimality and KKT conditions. Applications in signal processing, statistics, machine learning, control communications, and design of engineering systems. Prerequisite: A A 510, CHEM E 510, E E 510, or M E 510. Offered: jointly with A A 578/CSE 578/E E 578.
M E 580 Geometric Methods for Non-Linear Control Systems (3)
Analysis and design of nonlinear control systems focusing on differential geometric methods. Topics include controllability, observability, feedback linearization, invariant distributions, and local coordinate transformations. Emphasis on systems evolving on Lie groups and linearly uncontrollable systems. Offered: jointly with A A 580/E E 580; Sp, even years.
M E 581 Digital Control System Design (4)
Digital control system design by classical methods. Discrete-time systems and the z-transform. Modeling sampled-data systems. Frequency response of discrete time systems and aliasing. Nyquist stability criterion and gain and phase margins. Discrete-time control law determination by direct z-plane root locus and loop shaping methods. Includes hands-on-with-hardware projects. Course overlaps with: TECE 553. Prerequisite: AA/EE 447 or ME 471. Offered: jointly with A A 581/E E 581; W.
M E 582 Introduction to Discrete Event Systems (3)
Modeling DES with automata and Petri nets. Languages. State estimation and diagnostics. Control specifications. Feedback control. Dealing with uncontrollability and unobservability. Dealing with blocking. Timed automata and Petri nets. Prerequisite: A A 447/E E 447/ M E 471. Offered: jointly with A A 582/E E 582; Sp, even years.
M E 583 Nonlinear Control Systems (3)
Analysis of nonlinear systems and nonlinear control system design. Phase plane analysis. Lyapunov stability analysis. Describing functions. Feedback linearization. Introduction to variable structure control. Course overlaps with: TECE 551 and TECE 555. Prerequisite: A A 447/E E 447/M E 471. Offered: jointly with A A 583/E E 583.
M E 585 System Identification and Adaptive Control (3)
Theory and methods of system identification and adaptive control. Identification of linear-in-parameter systems, using recursive LS and extended LS methods; model order selection. Indirect and direct adaptive control. Controller synthesis, transient and stability properties. Offered: jointly with A A 585/E E 585.
M E 586 Biology Inspired Robotics (3)
Principles and practices for converting insights from biology into functioning robotic systems. Concepts vary from year to year and can include passive dynamic stability, soft and flexure-based robotics, model-free control, mechanical intelligence, and machine learning. Term project. Prerequisite: M E 373 or equivalent Offered: A.
M E 588 Dynamics and Vibrations (3)
Variational techniques, Hamilton's principle, Lagrange's equations applied to dynamics of particles and rigid bodies. Vibration analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom and continuous systems. Prerequisite: graduate standing in engineering or permission of instructor. Offered: A.
M E 589 Vibrations (3)
Study of systems with nonlinear damping and restoring forces excited by deterministic or random inputs. Applications in measurement, testing, and design of mechanical systems. Nonlinear systems are emphasized. Prerequisite: M E 588 or permission of instructor. Offered: W, even years.
M E 591 Robotics and Control Systems Colloquium (1, max. 30)
Colloquium on current topics in robotics and control systems analysis and design. Topics presented by invited speakers as well as on-campus speakers. Emphasis on the cross-disciplinary nature of robotics and control systems. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with A A 591/CHEM E 591/E E 591.
M E 592 Mechatronics Master's Project (1-6, max. 9)
Special project in mechatronics and robotics research areas under the supervision of a faculty member. Offered: AWSpS.
M E 593 Feedforward Control (3)
Design feedforward controllers for precision output tracking; inversion-based control of non-minimum-phase systems; effect of plant uncertainty on feedforward control; design of feedforward controllers for applications such as vertical take off and landing aircraft, flexible structures and piezo-actuators. Prerequisite: A A 547/E E 547/M E 547. Offered: jointly with A A 593/E E 593; Sp, even years.
M E 594 Robust Control (3)
Basic foundations of linear analysis and control theory, model realization and reduction, balanced realization and truncation, stabilization problem, coprime factorizations, Youla parameterization, matrix inequalities, H-infinity and H2 control, KYP lemma, uncertain systems, robust H2, integral quadratic constraints, linear parameter varying synthesis, applications of robust control. Prerequisite: A A 547/E E 547/M E 547. Offered: jointly with A A 594/E E 594; Sp, odd years.
M E 597 Networked Dynamics Systems (3)
Provides an overview of graph-theoretic techniques that are instrumental for studying dynamic systems that coordinate their states over a signal-exchange network. Topics include network models, network properties, dynamics over networks, formation control, biological networks, observability, controllability, and performance measures over networks. Prerequisite: A A 547/E E 547/M E 547. Offered: jointly with A A 597/E E 597.
M E 598 Graduate Projects (1-6, max. 9)
Graduate student special projects completed under the supervision of a faculty member. Maximum of 9 credits may be applied toward graduation. Prerequisite: Permission of faculty supervisor and graduate program coordinator Offered: AWSpS.
M E 599 Special Topics (1-5, max. 18)
Topics of current interest in Mechanical Engineering. Offered: AWSpS.
M E 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Written report required. Offered: AWSpS.
M E 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.
M E 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Offered: AWSpS.