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M SCI 101 Military Science and Leadership Development (3)
Introduction to challenges and competences critical for effective leadership. Examines how critical thinking, goal setting, time management, and stress relate to leadership. Develops knowledge and comprehension of leadership dimensions. Lessons include history and mission of the Army and leadership, personal development, values and ethics, and tactics and techniques discussions. Offered: A.

M SCI 102 Military Science and Introduction to Tactical Leadership (3)
Overviews leadership fundamentals of problem solving, listening skills, briefings, providing feedback, and effective writing. Explores dimensions of leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive exercises. Introduction of effective oral communication. Develops skills in map reading, land navigation, and tactical maneuvering at team levels. Offered: W.

M SCI 103 Military Science and Introduction to Applied Basic Leadership (3)
Final introductory series on leadership. Applies leadership fundamentals emphasizing attributes, skills, and actions. Students assess capabilities simultaneously, considering their personal leadership. Lessons apply leadership to military tasks of map reading, navigation, and tactics. Offered: Sp.

M SCI 110 Military Science Leadership Laboratory (0.5, max. 3)
Evaluates the challenges of leading teams in complex contemporary environments. Students apply critical thinking skills using challenging scenarios related to small unit operations. Provides feedback on the 16 Army leadership attributes, skills, and actions. Focuses on leadership development. Credits do not count toward graduation. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

M SCI 201 Military Science and Innovative Team Leadership (3)
Explores dimensions of innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles. Practices personal motivation and team building through planning, preparing, and executing group exercises. Develops knowledge of leadership values and attributes through an understanding of Army leadership examples. Lessons include leadership, personal development, values and ethics, officership, and tactics and techniques. Offered: A.

M SCI 202 Military Science and Foundations of Tactical Leadership (3)
Explores creative and innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics and leadership theories. Examines challenges of leading teams in complex contemporary environments. Practical exercises focus on dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, operation orders, and cultural awareness. Lessons include fundamentals of leadership, personal development, and tactics and techniques. Offered: W.

M SCI 203 Military Science and Transformational Leadership (3)
Continues study of the theoretical basis of Army leadership and framework and dynamics of transformational leadership in the context of military operations. Develops greater self-awareness by assessing leadership styles and practices oral and written communication skills. Enables progress to applied and advanced tactical leadership study. Offered: Sp.

M SCI 301 Military Science and Tactical Leadership (3)
Studies, practices, and evaluates adaptive leadership skills. Develops self-awareness and critical thinking skills using challenging scenarios related to small unit operations. Analyzes and evaluates leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions. Lessons focuses on leadership, land navigation, oral and written presentations, tactics, and physical fitness. Prerequisite: M SCI 101; M SCI 102; M SCI 103; M SCI 201; M SCI 202; M SCI 203; may not be repeated if received grade of 2.0 or higher. Offered: A.

M SCI 302 Military Science and Applied Leadership (3)
Continues adaptive approach to leadership applying situations necessary to build skills required in complex scenarios. Develops proficiency in evaluating, decision-making, persuading, and motivating peers through practical exercises. Students evaluate individual leadership values, attributes, skills, and actions, and receive specific feedback on their leadership abilities based on written and oral presentations. Prerequisite: M SCI 101; M SCI 102; M SCI 103; M SCI 201; M SCI 202; M SCI 203; may not be repeated if received grade of 2.0 or higher. Offered: W.

M SCI 303 Military Science and Advanced Tactical Leadership (3)
Finalizes M SCI 301 and M SCI 302 leadership skills that are necessary to successfully lead others while solving complex problems. Explores, evaluates, and develops decision-making skills required in contemporary environments. Reviews critical aspects of combat, specifically stability and support operations. Provides specific leadership feedback and prepares for advanced leadership and management. Prerequisite: M SCI 101; M SCI 102; M SCI 103; M SCI 201; M SCI 202; M SCI 203; may not be repeated if received grade of 2.0 or higher. Offered: AWSp.

M SCI 305 Practicum-Techniques of Military Instructions (1-3, max. 3)
Analysis, review of techniques used in military training and instructions. Students plan, rehearse, deliver, provide written critique on block of military instruction from the Military Qualification Skills Manual. Prerequisite: M SCI 101; M SCI 102; M SCI 103; M SCI 201; M SCI 202; M SCI 203; may not be repeated if received grade of 2.0 or higher.

M SCI 310 Military Science Advanced Leadership Laboratory (1, max. 6)
Evaluates the challenges of leading teams in complex contemporary environments. Students apply critical thinking skills using challenging scenarios related to small unit operations. Provides feedback on the 16 Army leadership attributes, skills, and actions. Focuses on advanced leadership development. Prerequisite: M SCI 110. Offered: AWSp.

M SCI 401 Military Science and Developmental Leadership (3) SSc
Develops proficiency in planning, executing, and assessing complex problems, functioning as a staff member, and providing leadership-performance feedback. Explores situational opportunities assessing values, risk, and ethical decisions. Performance measured by abilities to give and receive systematic, specified feedback on 16 leadership attributes, skills, and actions focusing on advanced leadership development. Prerequisite: M SCI 301; M SCI 302. Offered: A.

M SCI 402 Military Science IV: Advanced (3) SSc
Explores dynamics of leading in complex situations of contemporary environments. Examines differences in customs and courtesies, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement. Lessons review aspects of interacting with nongovernmental organizations, civilians, and host nation support with case studies examining complex ethical and practical demands of leadership. Prerequisite: M SCI 301; M SCI 302; M SCI 303; may not be repeated if received grade of 2.0 or higher. Offered: W.

M SCI 403 Military Science and Advanced Leadership (3) SSc
Completes fundamental learning of advanced leadership attributes, skills, and actions that effectively prepare students for careers in military or civilian leadership. Examines Army modularity, unit organization, joint operations, and the role of junior leaders. Focuses on case studies, situational exercises, student presentations, and battlefield analysis to develop insights on leadership. Prerequisite: M SCI 301; M SCI 302; M SCI 303; may not be repeated if received grade of 2.0 or higher. Offered: Sp.