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MOLENG 510 Molecular Engineering Principles (3)
Covers molecular aspects of condensed organic materials, particularly molecular and collective interactions and resulting interfacial forces, entropic phenomena and condensation to systems of higher complexity. Includes the exploration of molecular system constraints and the molecular origin of resulting macroscale properties. Provides introduction into computer modeling.

MOLENG 515 Advanced Molecular Bioengineering (4)
Covers fundamentals of molecular recognition and design: thermodynamics, dynamics, and kinetics. Includes molecular design of macromolecules, recognition processes for current molecular engineering applications in biomedicine, and therapeutics based on cells. Offered: jointly with BIOEN 557; A.

MOLENG 520 Seminar in Molecular Engineering (1, max. 30)
Weekly seminars on current topics in molecular Engineering. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: jointly with CHEM 597; AWSp.

MOLENG 525 Introduction to Synthetic Biology (3)
Studies mathematical modeling of transcription, translation, regulation, and metabolism in cell; computer aided design methods for synthetic biology; implementation of information processing, Boolean logic and feedback control laws with genetic regulatory networks; modularity, impedance matching and isolation in biochemical circuits; and parameter estimation methods. Prerequisite: either MATH 136, MATH 207, MATH 307, AMATH 351, or CSE 311; and either MATH 208, MATH 308, or AMATH 352. Offered: jointly with BIOEN 523/CHEM E 576/CSE 586/E E 523.

MOLENG 535 Seminar in Clean Energy (1, max. 10)
Weekly seminars on interdisciplinary current topics in clean energy. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

MOLENG 567 Micro- and Nanostructured Biosensors (3)
Focuses on biosensors based on micromachining and nanotechnology. The working principles on molecular detection and analysis are introduced with the fabrication process, system integration and evaluation. Helps students to classify biosensors detecting molecules, design the fabrication process and identify the evaluation methods. Offered: jointly with M E 567; W.

MOLENG 599 Current Topics in Molecular Engineering (1-5, max. 30)
Readings, lectures, and discussions on topics of current interest in the field of molecular engineering. Offered: AWSpS.

MOLENG 600 Independent Study/Research (*)
Study and research under the supervision of an affiliated faculty member.

MOLENG 601 Internship (1-10, max. 99)
Molecular Engineering graduate internship and Co-Op program. Requires written report. Prerequisite: Permission of supervisory committee chair. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

MOLENG 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*)
Study and research under the supervision of an affiliated faculty member.