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N SCI 101 The Naval Service (3)
General introduction to the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, with emphasis on organization, missions, roles, tasks, assets, and operations. Offered: A.

N SCI 102 History of U.S. Sea Power I (3) SSc
A study of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps as they fit into the history of the United States, from the American Revolution to the outbreak of World War II. Prerequisite: N SCI 101. Offered: W.

N SCI 103 History of U.S. Sea Power II (3) SSc
A study of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps as they fit into the history of the United States, from World War II to the present day. Prerequisite: N SCI 102. Offered: Sp.

N SCI 110 Naval Science Laboratory (*, max. 12)
Evaluates the challenges of leading teams in complex contemporary environments. Topics vary. Required each quarter for NROTC students. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

N SCI 115 Fundamentals of Marine Corps Organization, Training and Equipment (1, max. 12) SSc
Provides hands-on instruction in the fundamentals of the United States Marine Corps organization, culture, training requirements, and common equipment operation. Offered: AWSp.

N SCI 201 Naval Leadership and Management (3) SSc
Introduction of the theory and techniques of naval leadership based on principles of behavioral science pertinent to understanding individual and group behavior of adults. Introduces the management process and the relationship of management functions to leadership. Stresses acceptance of a traditional deep sense of moral responsibility on the part of the aspiring leader. Prerequisite: minimum 2.0 grade in N SCI 101. Offered: A.

N SCI 202 Navigation I (3) NSc
The science and practice of maritime coastal navigation, including visual fixing, dead reckoning, and piloting methods. Computation of tides and currents and nautical rules of the road. Prerequisite: N SCI 101. Offered: W.

N SCI 203 Navigation II (3) NSc
Basic theory and practice of celestial and electronic navigation. Relative motion theory and contact coordination practice in a multiple ship environment. Prerequisite: N SCI 202. Offered: Sp.

N SCI 301 Naval Ship Systems I (3)
Study of fundamental principles of energy transfer and thermodynamics. An introduction to nuclear propulsion, gas turbines, and auxiliary power systems. Offered: A.

N SCI 302 Naval Ship Systems II (3)
Study of ship characteristics, ship design, hydrodynamic forces, stability, damage control, and shipboard electrical systems. Includes introduction to engineering documentation, electrical safety, preventative maintenance, and personnel qualifications. Prerequisite: N SCI 301. Offered: W.

N SCI 303 Naval Weapon Systems (3)
Study of fundamental principles of sensor, tracking, weapon delivery subsystems, and current naval weapons. Includes techniques of linear analysis of ballistics and weapons, and dynamics of basic components of weapon-control systems. Prerequisite: N SCI 302. Offered: Sp.

N SCI 321 Evolution of Warfare (3) SSc
Focuses on how and why warfare has changed. Explores how warfare technology has evolved over time. Topics include military theory, fourth generation warfare, and Marine Corps doctrine. Designed for future Marine Corps Officers, but open to all students. Offered: A.

N SCI 325 Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare (3)
Introduces the foundational concepts and history of a Maneuver Warfighting Organization. Uses both historical examples from previous military operations as well as current doctrine to develop an individual who is a critical thinker and scholar in the profession of arms. Consists of three phases: warfighting concepts and themes; introduction to operations in the joint environment; and preparing future leaders. Prerequisite: N SCI 110 and N SCI 421. Offered: Sp.

N SCI 401 Naval Operations (3)
Introduction to naval operations, the employment of naval forces, naval tactics, formulation of operations plans and orders, employment of detection equipment, and meteorology. Prerequisite: N SCI 101. Offered: A.

N SCI 402 Naval Leadership and Ethics (3) SSc
Study of leadership and ethics within a military context using applicable case studies. Examines the Law of Armed Conflict and Code of Conduct; the importance of integrity, moral courage, and ethical behavior to effective leadership; and the interrelationship between authority, responsibility, and accountability. Offered: W.

N SCI 403 Naval Organization and Management (3)
Study of organization, systems, and techniques employed in the Navy for management of its human, material, and financial resources. Some work relates to the administration of discipline in the Navy under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Emphasis on the leadership and management role of the junior officer in the fleet. Prerequisite: minimum 2.0 grade in N SCI 402. Offered: Sp.

N SCI 421 Amphibious Warfare (3) SSc
Provides basic knowledge of evolution of amphibious warfare from premodern era to present. Strategic, operational, and tactical considerations in planning specific operations and amphibious landings. Prerequisite: either N SCI 321 or minimum two POL S or JSIS courses. Offered: A, even years.