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NEUSCI 198 The Biology of Human Consciousness (5) NSc
An overview of the basic physiology and anatomy of the human nervous system, then explore a series of topics where direct experiments have given us a view of the biological mechanisms that explain high-level brain functions - language, memory, object recognition, the attachment of emotion to people we know and the sensation of time. Recommended: Those with an interest in psychology, neurology, general science or the brain Offered: A.

NEUSCI 301 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience (3/5) NSc
Introduces students to the physiological and molecular properties of individual nerve cells and the synaptic connections between them, and to principles of nervous system development. Includes weekly laboratory sessions. Course overlaps with: BIOL 461. Prerequisite: BIOL 220. Offered: W.

NEUSCI 302 Introduction to Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience (3/5) NSc
Introduces neuroethology, i.e., the mechanisms by which neurons and the synaptic connections among them produce sensory perceptions and complex behavioral outputs. Available with or without weekly laboratory sessions. Course overlaps with: BIOL 459; T BIOL 312; and T BIOL 412. Prerequisite: NEUSCI 301. Offered: A.

NEUSCI 401 Systems Neuroscience (3) NSc
Introduces students to the anatomical and physiological organization of the major sensory, motor, and associative systems of the mammalian brain. Behavioral data used to stress functional integration of systems. Includes gross brain anatomy demonstration and computer tutorials. Course overlaps with: T BIOL 312. Prerequisite: NEUSCI 301. Offered: Sp.

NEUSCI 402 Diseases of the Nervous System (3) NSc
Introduces the basic mechanisms of mammalian nervous system function through the study of human neurological diseases that result from specific disruption of neuronal signaling. Course overlaps with: B BIO 390. Prerequisite: NEUSCI 401. Offered: W.

NEUSCI 403 Computational Models for Cognitive Neuroscience (3) NSc
Introduces some of the most fundamental concepts of computational models as applied to Cognitive Neuroscience. These models aim at providing explanations of how complex behavior can arise from simple algorithms that are implemented at the neuronal level. Prerequisite: NEUSCI 401. Offered: W.

NEUSCI 404 Neuropharmacology (3) NSc
Actions of drugs on the brain at clinical, cellular, and molecular levels. Therapeutic use of drugs in treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases. Abuse of drugs and the mechanisms of addiction, tolerance, and withdrawal. Course overlaps with: B BIO 390. Prerequisite: NEUSCI 401. Offered: Sp.

NEUSCI 440 Topics in Current Neurosience Research (2, max. 6) NSc
Prerequisite: NEUSCI 302. Credit/no-credit only.

NEUSCI 445 Quantitative Methods in Neuroscience (3) NSc
Quantitative methods applicable to study of the nervous system. Emphasizes computer exercises/discussion of journal papers. May include linear systems theory, Fourier analysis, ordinary differential equations, stochastic processes, signal detection, and information theory. Prerequisite: AMATH 342. Offered: W.

NEUSCI 450 Current Research Literature in Neuroscience (2, max. 6) NSc
Weekly journal club in neurobiology. Students read and discuss original research articles in neurobiology, centered around a specific topic each quarter. Prerequisite: BIOL 220. Credit/no-credit only.

NEUSCI 490 Seminar in Computational Neuroscience (1-3, max. 6) NSc
Supervised readings and group discussions in computational neuroscience. Credit/no-credit only.

NEUSCI 496 Peer Teaching Facilitator in Neuroscience (1-5, max. 10)
For undergraduates assisting in neuroscience courses as facilitators. Peer facilitators assist with laboratories, attend lectures, and attend weekly course meetings, gaining direct course experience. Does not include independent teaching or grading. Prerequisite: NEUSCI 302. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

NEUSCI 499 Individual Research in Neuroscience (3-6, max. 18)
Students carry out projects in laboratories of program faculty. Prerequisite: NEUSCI 301.