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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

O S 550 P-Directed Studies in Oral Surgery (*, max. 16)
See DPHS 449 for course description. Credit/no-credit only.

O S 574 Clinical Stomatology (3)
Diseases of the oral cavity and jaw are presented as the practitioner encounters them - detailed clinical pictures, laboratory tests, radiographic findings, surgical exploration for the establishment of a therapeutic diagnosis. Offered: jointly with ORALB 574; Sp.

O S 651 Oral Surgery Rotation at Harborview Medical Center (2, max. 8)
Exposes the dental student to a broad scope of advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS). Students participate in ward rounds, scrub and assist in the operating room, participate in the outpatient clinics and OMS program didactics. Prepares students to visit other OMS programs by teaching them hospital etiquette and provides them one-on-one interactions with the OMS faculty. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

O S 654 Clinical Oral Surgery - Selective (1)
This course provides students with 40 extra hours of surgical experience above and beyond that which is required for entry into General Practice Dental Clinic. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

O S 655 Peer Mentor Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Selective (1, max. 12)
Senior dental students participate as Peer Mentors for 1st and 2nd year dental students in various pre-clinical Oral Surgery courses. This experience builds upon, enhances and refines the students in Peer Mentoring. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

O S 656 Internal Medicine for Dentistry - Selective (2)
Intensive review of major human medical diseases including common pathophysiology of diseases, medical interventions including detailed reviews of pharmacologic agents and current therapeutic procedures. Modifications necessary for dental treatment and medical emergency management are also detailed. Diseases of the respiratory, cardiovascular, and endocrine will be emphasized. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AS.

O S 661 Elements of Moderate Sedation - Selective (1)
Theory, techniques for rendering moderate and IV moderate sedation. Airway management, pharmacology, physiology, pharmacokinetics of common sedative agents, their usual applications, special considerations, emergency prevention, recognition and management. Emphasis on monitoring, proper record keeping, legal issues. Prerequisite: O S 656 Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

O S 662 Fifty Oral Lesions - Selective (1)
This course covers the most important fifty oral diseases focusing on the detection of oral diseases in their early stages. It will cover common diseases, uncommon but important diseases, and, most importantly, problem cases that can be avoided by careful examination and interpretation of the clinical data. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AS.

O S 664 Advanced Clinical Oral Surgery - Selective (1, max. 3)
Extends biomedical knowledge base and augments surgical skills. Offers didactic instruction in a small group setting. Patients referred for surgical care serve as the basis for didactic and clinical instruction. Prerequisite: DENTCL 637 and permission of course director. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

O S 672 Intravenous Sedation - Selective (1-2, max. 4)
Students will attend clinic and under the supervision of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery faculty or residents complete preoperative/sedation checklists, start and stabilize intravenous catheters, administer sedative medications, monitor patients during and following sedation, complete recovery evaluation of patients, and discharge patients to the care of their escorts. Prerequisite: Successful completion of O S 656 and O S 661. Offered: WSp.