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Detailed course offerings (Time Schedule) are available for

PABIO 498 Undergraduate Thesis (*)

PABIO 499 Undergraduate Research (*, max. 12)

PABIO 500 Introduction to Pathobiology Research (3-9, max. 15)
Rotation through research laboratory. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

PABIO 536 Bioinformatics and Gene Sequence Analysis (3)
Nature and relevance of molecular sequence information, computer-based protein, and DNA sequence analysis, molecular sequence and genomic databases, and methods for database accession and interrogation. Prerequisite: background in molecular biology and permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with PHG 536; Sp.

PABIO 548 Molecular and Cellular Parasitology (3)
Molecular and cellular biology of parasites of health-related significance, emphasizing current research topics unique to parasites, particularly well-suited for study in parasites, and especially important to study in host-parasite systems. Prerequisite: familiarity with molecular and cellular biology and permission of instructor.

PABIO 550 Diseases and Issues in Global Health (2)
Provides a broad perspective on global health issues; the biology and strategies for control of diseases of global importance; the global health landscape; and factors that influence global health. Recommended: Background in cellular and molecular biology, and microbiology recommended. This course is intended for students pursuing laboratory-based research in pathogen biology. Offered: jointly with G H 565; A.

PABIO 551 Biochemistry and Genetics of Pathogens and Their Hosts (4)
Provides a strong foundation in biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics for students interested in disease. Principles illustrated through examples focusing on pathogens, and infectious and non-infectious disease. Prerequisite: undergraduate-level coursework in molecular biology or biochemistry, or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with G H 566; A.

PABIO 552 Cell Biology of Human Pathogens and Disease (4)
Cell biology and immunology explored through diseases of public health importance. Examples of pathogen interaction with host cell biology and immune systems, unique aspects of the cell biology of pathogens, perturbations of these systems in non-infectious diseases, and design of therapeutics and vaccines to combat diseases of public health importance. Prerequisite: undergraduate-level coursework in biology or molecular biology or permission of instructor. Offered: W.

PABIO 553 Survival Skills for Scientific Research (2)
Focuses on skills needed for scientific career: writing abstracts, curriculum vitae, research proposals; preparing for oral presentations; lab management skills; discussion of mentorship/trainee relationships; case-based discussions of various topics in ethics and scientific misconduct. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

PABIO 580 Pathobiology Seminar (1, max. 21)
Research from students, faculty members, and invited speakers presented and discussed. Topics include immunochemistry, viruses, membranes, infectious diseases, immune response, and other related topics. Offered: W.

PABIO 581 Current Literature in Pathobiology (1, max. 15)
Develops skills in analyzing data and assessing conclusions through an analysis of current literature in pathobiology. Focuses on breadth and analytical skills. Prerequisite: enrollment in the pathobiology graduate program.

PABIO 582 Critical Thinking and Research Design in Pathobiology (1.5, max. 12)
Analysis of issues, hypothesis and experimental design and testing. Prerequisite: graduate standing in pathobiology. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: Sp.

PABIO 590 Selected Topics (1-20, max. 20)
Individual offerings focusing on topics such as pathogenesis, immunology, virology, disease agents, bioinformatics and grant writing. Small lecture format. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

PABIO 591 Rotating Pathobiology Minicourses (1)
Individual offerings focusing on topics such as pathogenesis, immunology, virology, disease agents, bioinformatics and grant writing. Small lecture format with discussion. Offered: Sp.

PABIO 598 Didactic Pathobiology (*, max. 12)
Supervised teaching experience in pathobiology courses for PhD candidates. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

PABIO 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of Graduate Program Adviser. Credit/no-credit only.

PABIO 700 Master's Thesis (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of Graduate Program Adviser. Credit/no-credit only.

PABIO 800 Doctoral Dissertation (*-)
Prerequisite: permission of Graduate Program Adviser. Credit/no-credit only.