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SMEA 103 Society and the Oceans (5) NSc/SSc, DIV
Explores the social, justice, and policy dimensions of the ocean environment and ocean management policy. Pays attention to how human values, institutions, culture, and history shape environmental issues and policy responses. Examines case studies and influential frameworks, such as the ocean as "tragedy of the commons." Offered: jointly with ENVIR 103/JSIS B 103; Sp.

SMEA 201 Climate Governance: How Individuals, Communities, NGOs, Firms, and Governments Can Solve the Climate Crisis (5) SSc/NSc, DIV
Examines climate change, its causes and impacts (on ecosystems, water availability, extreme weather, communities, health, and food) globally, nationally, and locally. Surveys its solutions (mitigation, adaptation, migration, and just transition), actors that implement them (governments, firms, NGOs, activists, communities, individuals) and approaches they use (regulation, markets, planning, innovation, social movements, behavioral change). Offered: jointly with ENVIR 201; Sp.

SMEA 407 International Organizations and Ocean Management (3) SSc
Surveys the manner in which international regimes and organizations govern and manage ocean use. Primary emphasis is on the analysis of the effectiveness of regimes and of processes that support or constrain organizations in different issues or regions, such as climate change or the Arctic.

SMEA 430 Development and the Environment (3) SSc, DIV
Critically examines policy approaches that balance economic development, natural resource use/environmental protection, and socioeconomic and political diversity. Examined policy approaches include market instruments, standards, information-based regulation, and corporate responsibility. Offered: A.

SMEA 433 Environmental Degradation in the Tropics (5) SSc/NSc
Considers theories and controversies of environmental degradation in the tropics, ecological and social case studies of Central American rain forests and Southeast Asian coral reefs, and implications of environmental management techniques. Offered: jointly with ENVIR 433/JSIS B 433.

SMEA 473 Practicum in Community-Engaged Ecocultural Research (3) SSc, DIV
Theory and methods for developing community partnerships for environmental research. Readings in feminist science and technology studies, Indigenous studies, political ecology and reflexive writing support development of a community engagement protocol on a topic of interest. Offered: Sp.

SMEA 474 Environmental Justice in a Changing World (3) SSc/NSc, DIV
Explores social movements, critical environmental science, policy approaches, and theoretical frameworks. Students reflect on how their backgrounds inform their work as scholars and professionals.

SMEA 476 Introduction to Environmental Law and Process (3) SSc
Use and application of key statutes in marine living resources management. Overview of administrative law and process. Basic legal research, reading, and briefing selected judicial opinions. Participatory case study component. Designed for non-law graduate and advanced undergraduate students. Offered: jointly with ENVIR 476; A.

SMEA 480 Human Dimensions of Fishery Management (3) SSc/NSc
Techniques and philosophy for conservation, management, and development of harvested marine populations. Emphasis on integration of ecological, sociological, and economic dimensions of institutional decision making for policy formation in uncertain environments. Offered: jointly with FISH 480.

SMEA 485 Pacific Recreation and Tourism Issues (3) SSc/NSc, DIV
Examines how marine tourism links people to one another and to the environment. Utilizes concepts from cultural anthropology, sociology, political science, geography, ecology, conservation biology, and planning. Topics include: ecotourism, ethnic tourism, marine parks and protected area, fisheries, sustainable development, tourism ethics, and marine environmental education.

SMEA 499 Undergraduate Research (1-15, max. 15)
Research on assigned topics under the supervision of faculty members.

SMEA 500 Marine and Environmental Affairs Theory and Practice (3)
Explores interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives and multiple ways of knowing in marine and environmental affairs, approaches to collaborative problem-solving and decision-making, and ethical engagement with communities in environmental management contexts. Reading, writing, communication, and teamwork activities provide a foundation for working in diverse teams in policy, research, and community-engagement settings. Offered: A.

SMEA 501 Integrated Marine Affairs Practice (3)
Survey of tools used in integrated assessment of contemporary problems in marine affairs explored through evaluation and comparison of theory and practical application. Prerequisite: SMEA 500 plus two of the following: SMEA 519, SMEA 536, SMEA 591, or permission of instructor. Offered: W.

SMEA 502 Decision Making and Action Taking in Marine Affairs (3)
Focuses on the dynamic interaction between human- and natural-world marine environmental systems and the policy- and decision-making, implementation, evaluation, and adjustment that must follow for effective response to problems that emerge within the human dimensions of global change in the marine environments framework. Prerequisite: SMEA 500; SMEA 501.

SMEA 505 Coastal Management Field Experience (3)
Students participate in field trips and site visits to learn about management and stewardship practices around Puget Sound. Sites represent natural assets, environmental stewardship and restoration, urban use, natural resource management, food production, and cultural heritage. Managers and stakeholders share stories and experiences. Associated readings provide additional context for each field trip. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

SMEA 506 International Law of the Sea (3)

SMEA 507 International Organizations and Ocean Management (3)
Survey of the manner in which international regimes and organizations attempt to manage and regulate the uses of the ocean. Primary emphasis is on the analysis of the effectiveness of regimes and of processes that support or constrain these organizations. Prerequisite: SMEA 500 or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with PUBPOL 538.

SMEA 508 National Marine Policy Processes (3)
Comparative institutional dimensions of marine policy processes. Marine policy context at the national level and the dynamics that drive policy formulation and policy implementation.

SMEA 509 Integrated Coastal Management (3)
Managing multiple uses of coastal waters and the adjacent land; conflicts arising from competition for space and resources; organization, scientific, and economic problems associated with coastal management; planning and management experience in the United States and Southeast Asia. Prerequisite: SMEA 500 or permission of instructor.

SMEA 510 Topics in Marine Ecology (3)
Study of ecological principles as they apply to marine species, populations, and ecosystems, using current examples from the primary literature, including contemporary issues such s species declines, species additions, pollution, and global change. Offered: W.

SMEA 511 Coastal Environment Management (3)
Evaluation of human uses of the coastal and upland areas in the context of coupled social-ecological systems. Concepts and techniques for evaluation and practical application.

SMEA 512 Interviewing Methods and Environmental Topics (3)
Focuses on qualitative techniques employed by social scientists and other researchers (e.g., sociologists, cultural anthropologists, political scientists, journalists, reporters) in interview situations. Students conduct interviews and limited participant observation with people in public, private, and activist sectors. Relevant to students with interests in marine affairs, forestry, fisheries, and environmental studies.

SMEA 514 Marine Pollution Management Issues (3)
Management and policy aspects of marine environmental protection, emphasizing the two-way interaction between environmental managers and environmental and policy scientists which shapes policy.

SMEA 515 U.S. Coastal and Ocean Law (3-5)
Study of the legal framework in the United States controlling allocation and use of coastal and marine resources. Topics include coastal zone management, fisheries management, protection of marine mammals and endangered species, marine pollution, offshore oil and gas development, and marine transportation.

SMEA 517 Marine Uses: Transportation and Commerce (3)
Role of the oceans in the transportation of people and materials, character and trends in vessel design and terminal facilities, pattern and nature of industry organization, regulations, economics of the shipping industry, management of fleets and vessels, individuals at sea and ashore, national policies affecting the merchant marine and port facilities. Prerequisite: SMEA 500 or permission of instructor.

SMEA 519 Marine Policy Analysis (3)
Goal is appreciation for and basic working knowledge of techniques used in policy analysis. Techniques are explored in both quasi-realistic settings and in application to real world problems of marine policy.

SMEA 521 Climate Change Governance (3)
Exploration of major scientific, policy, and legal issues pertaining to governance of global climate change mitigation and adaptation by a diverse set of governmental and non-governmental actors. Offered: A.

SMEA 523 International Science and Technology Policy (3)
Analyzes the relationships between research and development policy, capabilities, and national technological strategies for advanced industrial and less-developed countries. Deals with international implications as countries make policies in regional and global organizations. Examples chosen from space telecommunication, weather and climate modification, airline transportation, nuclear energy, and seabed exploration.

SMEA 525 Marine Protected Area Management and Science (3)
Examines management and scientific issues involved with the design, establishment, operation, and maintenance of MPAs. Offered: Sp.

SMEA 530 Development and the Environment (3)
Examines two intertwined concepts that are frequently in conflict, economic development and the environment. Examines sustainable development, growth management, sustainable yield, and corporate social responsibility; the emergence, effectiveness, and their relationships with democracy and equity. Offered: A.

SMEA 536 Applied Microeconomics for Marine Affairs (3)
Acquaints students with microeconomic tools commonly employed in policy analysis. Emphasis is placed on mastery of basic concepts, definitions, and models useful to marine policy, including determinants of price and outputs in competitive markets, effects of other market structures, market failure, and applied welfare economics.

SMEA 537 Economic Aspects of Marine Policy (3)
Development of pertinent economic concepts and their application to selected topics in marine policy decision making, including maritime policy, OCS oil and gas development, and wetlands management. Prerequisite: SMEA 500 or permission of instructor. Offered: jointly with ECON 537; W.

SMEA 538 Economics of Living Marine Resources (3)
Develops pertinent economic concepts and applications for conservation, regulation, and restoration of fisheries and other living resources. Gives special attention to fishery management, including harvest regulation and enforcement, recreational fisheries evaluation, property rights regimes, contemporary issues, and marine protected area management. Offered: jointly with ECON 538; Sp.

SMEA 539 U.S. Fisheries Management and Policy (3)
Examination of basic laws and policies in the US that govern fisheries management and their implementation by managers at federal, tribal, state, and international levels. Includes lectures, guest speakers, and field trips. Offered: jointly with FISH 539.

SMEA 540 International Strategic Planning for Marine Resources (3)
Marine economies are affected by declining resources, population pressure, and economic globalization. International examples and case studies are used to explore opportunities for strategic planning . Prerequisite: SMEA 500 or permission of instructor. Offered: A.

SMEA 550 Special Topics in Marine Studies (1-3, max. 18)
Examination of various aspects of marine studies. Content varies, depending upon the interests of the faculty and students. Intended for the joint participation by the faculty and advanced students in the investigation of selected topics. One or more groups are organized each quarter.

SMEA 570 Thesis Presentation (1)
Completion of the thesis requirement for SMEA. Prepare a professional presentation to a peer audience. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

SMEA 571 Non-Thesis Seminar (1)
Capstone course for students enrolled in non-thesis track to synthesize and integrate their learning into concrete products. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

SMEA 572 Environmental Justice and Political Ecology Field Course: Indigenous Perspectives, Coalitions, and Activism (5)
Helps to familiarize students, especially those concerned with environmental justice, with Indigenous perspectives, leaders and activists. Prepares students for forging stronger interracial, environmental protection coalitions. Students not only read on these issues but are also introduced to them, via field excursions around the Puget Sound. Offered: A.

SMEA 573 Practicum in Community-Engaged Ecocultural Research (3)
Theory and methods for developing community partnerships for environmental research. Readings in feminist science and technology studies, Indigenous studies, political ecology and reflexive writing support development of a community engagement protocol on a topic of interest. Offered: Sp.

SMEA 574 Environmental Justice in a Changing World (3)
Explores social movements, critical environmental science, policy approaches, and theoretical frameworks. Students reflect on how their backgrounds inform their work as scholars and professionals.

SMEA 580 Coding in R for Marine and Environmental Affairs (3)
Provides an introduction to R programming language and gives students the tools to become autonomous users. Includes topical presentations and time to work through individual projects. Course overlaps with: FISH 552 and FISH 553. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

SMEA 581 Case Study Research: Design and Methods (3)
Provides in-depth training in case study theory, design, and methods. Designed for exploring prospectus ideas or beginning analysis of thesis research. Through readings, discussions, exercises, and lectures, students learn how to select units of analysis, control data quality, and collect, analysis, and report data. Offered: jointly with FISH 581.

SMEA 583 Research Design (3)
Examines types of evidence required to accurately describe a phenomenon, test a hypothesis, evaluate a program, and empower participants. Students learn and critically evaluate core research designs such as longitudinal, cross-sectional, experimental, case study, and activist research design. Students develop a research prospectus for an original study of their choice. Offered: W.

SMEA 584 Statistics for Marine and Environmental Policy (3)
Surveys statistical approaches to data analysis with applications to marine and environmental policy, including descriptive statistics, data visualization, and hypothesis testing. Students learn how to make and use data-based claims, critically examine properties and limitation of various datasets relevant for marine and environmental policy, and use appropriate statistical software. Offered: A.

SMEA 585 Climate Impacts on the Pacific Northwest (4)
Knowledge of past/future patterns of climate to improve Pacific Northwest resource management. Topics include the predictability of natural/human-caused climate changes; past societal reactions to climate impacts on water, fish, forest, and coastal resources; how climate and public policies interact to affect ecosystems and society. Offered: jointly with ATM S 585/ENVIR 585/ESS 585; Sp.

SMEA 586 Introduction to Spatial Data Manipulation and Visualization (3)
Introduces available technologies for programmatic spatial data manipulation and visualization using the R software environment. Focuses on technology, but intersperses tips for good map making. Recommended: knowledge of the R programming language and familiarity with the dplyr and ggplot packages from the Tidyverse. Offered: Sp.

SMEA 591 Marine Science in the Coastal Zone (3)
Presentation and analysis of the marine science of estuarine, coastal, and open ocean systems, including evaluation and interpretation of scientific information necessary for management. Lectures, discussions, and readings emphasize the relevance of natural processes to marine environmental management and decision-making. Offered: A.

SMEA 600 Independent Study or Research (*-)

SMEA 650 Marine and Environmental Affairs Capstone Project (1-9, max. 9)
Student teams develop, manage, and complete an applied project relevant to marine or environmental affairs, in collaboration with an outside stakeholder and in consultation with faculty adviser. Offered: AWSpS.

SMEA 700 Master's Thesis (*-)