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UCONJ 100 Introduction to Health Professions (1)
Opportunities in health professions. Information on educational requirements, professional/patient interaction, licensing, registering for practice in profession, salaries, and career opportunities.

UCONJ 290 Diversity Issues in the Healthcare Environment (1-2, max. 2) SSc
Introduction to the complexity of the issues surrounding culture and health, the interrelatedness of ethic and cultural characteristics and healthcare access, health and healthcare concerns of specific communities, traditional and alternative health-care practices, and community-based promotion and disease prevention programs. Credit/no-credit only.

UCONJ 411 Psychology of Aging (3)
Focuses on developing the skills necessary for critically evaluating current psychological theories of aging, research findings in this area, and the implications of findings on the aging person. Special consideration given to the effects of socioeconomic, sex, and ethnic differences in the psychology of aging. Open to upper-division undergraduates and beginning graduate students interested in the field of gerontology.

UCONJ 412 The Family in Later Life (3)
Focuses on issues affecting older persons and their families. Addresses demographic influences on families; roles, rules for and function of family members; inter-generational relationships; economic, political, and social policy affecting family life; and cultural variations and supportive resources for older persons and their families.

UCONJ 413 Current Issues in Aging (3)
Describes the population trends at work in the United States and other developed nations with significant societal implications for care and management of elders. Evaluates selected public policies related to aging. Gives students proficiency in using resources related to aging on the Internet. Evaluates alternative long-term care models.

UCONJ 420 Biological Safety Practices (1)
General introduction to appropriate laboratory procedures used for handling potentially hazardous biological agents. Particular focus on laboratory safety and appropriate protocols that should be employed by those engaged in infectious disease and recombinant DNA research. Credit/no-credit only.

UCONJ 422 Sexually Transmitted Diseases: An Overview (2)
Clinically oriented course designed to provide a knowledge base for upper-division health science students to participate effectively in community outreach programs for the prevention of sexually-transmitted diseases. Offered cooperatively by the departments of Pharmacy and Medicine.

UCONJ 440 Biological Aspects of Aging (3)
Introduction to aspects of the biology of human aging and functional changes associated with normal aging and with illnesses that may be present in the elderly. Explores the relationship between changes in physical function, environment, and quality of life. Includes theoretical perspective on aging as well as the aging process in specific physiological systems. Designed for upper-level undergraduate students with an interest in aging.

UCONJ 442 Social and Cultural Aspects of Aging (3)
Involves faculty members from the various social science fields examining the range and variation of relationships among age-linked attitudes and cultural values related to aging; the social and economic factors that influence the elderly in contemporary society; the effects of ethnic and sex differences in sociocultural aging. Open to upper-division undergraduates and beginning graduate students interested in gerontology.

UCONJ 500 Seminar in Interprofessional Collaboration ([1-3]-, max. 7)
Interdisciplinary teams of students and community members placed in diverse urban settings address an identified community need by developing and implementing collaborative, community-based projects. Seminars emphasize interprofessional collaborative practice, intrapersonal understanding, interpersonal group process skills, organizational savvy, community awareness, and sociocultural sensitivity. Offered through Graduate School of Public Affairs. Offered: AWSp.

UCONJ 504 Advanced Interdisciplinary Case Studies in Global Health (3)
Uses actual multidisciplinary case studies to (1) analyze quantitative parameters of diseases, (2) contrast the descriptive and analytic approaches of health sciences, anthropology, and nutritional sciences, (3) integrate diverse disciplinary perspectives into cohesive information, (4) organize class presentations, and (5) apply critical thinking in approaching complex health issues. Offered: Sp.

UCONJ 510 Introductory Laboratory Based Biostatistics (2)
Introduces methods of data description and statistical inference for experiments. Covers principles of design and analysis of experiments; descriptive statistics; comparison of group means and proportions; linear regression; and correlation. Emphasizes examples from laboratory-based biomedical sciences, and provides demonstrations using standard statistical programs.

UCONJ 517 Interdisciplinary Clinical Research Methods Seminar (2)
Provides an introduction to clinical/translational relational research methods, including selection of research questions, study design, measurement, data analysis, and practical aspects of conducting research in clinical settings. Prerequisite: Students from Health Sciences schools conducting research under the Multidisciplinary Predoctoral Clinical Research Training Program. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: S.

UCONJ 520 Molecular Biophysics Research Seminar (1)
A series of research seminars for faculty and students involved with the molecular biophysics program. Credit/no-credit only.

UCONJ 524 Developmental Neurobiology (3)
Survey of contemporary issues in developmental neurobiology, including neurogenesis and differentiation; electrophysiological, morphological, and neurochemical regulation of cellular phenotype; neuronal pathways and synaptic contacts; cellular and synaptic plasticity; and behavior. Examination of molecular biological, morphological, electrophysiological, and behavioral approaches. Prerequisite: background in neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, molecular neurobiology. Offered: Sp.

UCONJ 525 Overview of Faculty Research in Neurobiology (1)
Reviews research topics currently being studied in neurobiology. Student preparation consists of reading pertinent articles published on each topic. Prerequisite: first-year graduate student in neurobiology. Credit/no-credit only.

UCONJ 530 Issues in Indian Health (2)
Surveys historical and contemporary issues in Indian health. Covers Indian contributions to health, traditional Indian medicine, current disease epidemiology, development of federal Indian health policy, the Indian Health Service, tribal health programs, and consequences of major legislation on Indian health. Prerequisite: current health science student or permission of instructor.

UCONJ 531 Introduction to Mind Body Medicine-An Experiential Elective (2)
Sessions contain a didactic component followed by an experiential component and cover a variety of self-care techniques including meditation, exercise, and nutrition. Goals are to promote personal well being, a healthy lifestyle, reduce burnout, and reduce academic difficulties. Credit/no-credit only.

UCONJ 532 Health Sciences Common Book Seminar (1, max. 4)
Covers material related to the current health sciences common book, and provides knowledge of key barriers underserved populations face in obtaining adequate healthcare, and strategies health professions can use to effectively care for underserved individuals. Guest speakers include community leaders. Service learning course. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: W.

UCONJ 546 Emergency Response for Health Professionals (2, max. 6)
Focuses on interdisciplinary emergency preparedness and response for graduate students in health professions. Includes system and policy issues with emphasis on clinical relevance for health professionals. Second of two interdisciplinary courses focusing on "all-hazards" preparedness. Credit/no-credit only.

UCONJ 548 Current Issues in First Nations Behavioral Health: Mental Health and Substance Abuse (3)
Historical and intergenerational antecedents of tribal psychiatric and substance abuse disorders. Oppression, economic circumstances, and family functioning as shaping mechanisms for attachment. Implications of insufficient attachment for neuro-development and developmental psychopathology. Traditional vs. mental health and substance abuse assessment and treatment. Self as provider to tribal clients, communities, systems.

UCONJ 550 Healthcare in the Underserved Community (1)
Gives graduate/professional students in health sciences an introduction to health related issues faced by underserved populations. Credit/no-credit only.

UCONJ 565 The Healer's Art: Awakening the Heart of Healthcare (1)
Encourages the cultivation of humanism, meaning, and interprofessional connection in healthcare. Through large and small groups, students co-create community alongside practicing clinician facilitators. Students practice self-reflection, curiosity, and generous listening. Explore themes of wholeness, grief, mystery, service, and courage within healthcare. Prerequisite: enrollment in health science professional training program. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: A.

UCONJ 584 Plant Tumors (1, max. 9)
Discussion of the literature of plant tumors and current research work being done in this area at the University. Offered cooperatively by the departments of Biochemistry, Biology, and Microbiology and Immunology. Prerequisite: offered only to persons actively pursuing work in this area. Credit/no-credit only.

UCONJ 599 Selected Readings in Interdisciplinary Clinical Research (1, max. 6)
Analysis and synthesis of selected readings and works in progress related to multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary clinical research. Prerequisite: UCONJ 517; permission of instructor. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSp.

UCONJ 624 Health Equity and Community Organizing (1)
Equips students with tools to organize themselves and others to address social and structural injustices that perpetuate health disparities. Didactic coursework complemented with opportunities to apply skills and gain confidence through hands-on collaboration with local leaders and engagement in community-driven listening and advocacy campaigns. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AW.

UCONJ 646 Introduction to Advocacy for the Health Professions (1)
Learn from advocacy and topic specific experts about fundamental elements of health advocacy. Develop hands-on skills for moving beyond witnessing health disparities to upstream action rooted in community-centered advocacy. Credit/no-credit only. Offered: AWSpS.

UCONJ 647 Antiracism in Action for Health Professionals (1)
Provides health sciences students opportunity to reflect and build skills necessary to become an anti-racist health care professional. Examines racism at the individual, institutional and societal level, and provides opportunities for a diverse group of health professions to share ideas and perspectives about collective action. Offered: AWSp.