What do I do if I receive a Notice of Award?
When a PI or campus individual receives a notification of an award, whether or not OSP is included, they should create an Award Setup or Modification Request in SAGE as soon as possible.
- Checklist: Award Setup Request Steps for PI/Campus
- Modifications – Award Changes
- How do I know if I should create an Award Setup Request or a Modification Request?
This will ensure that a complete Award Setup Request or Modification Request gets to the appropriate OSP reviewer quickly.
We recommend paying attention to sponsor emails to help identify an NoA quickly.
Both Principal Investigators (PIs) / campus individuals, as well as the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), receive Notices of Awards (NoAs) from sponsors. Some notices are only sent to the PI.
When sponsors send an award notification only to OSP or when OSP retrieves an award from a sponsor system, OSP initiates an Award Setup Request or a Modification Request and will send it to campus for completion.
What do I do if I receive an Award Setup Request created by OSP?
- CHECKLIST: Award Setup Request Steps for PI/Campus
- Setup Financials – How do I get an award setup at the UW?
- Award Changes – Modification Request guidance
- How do I know if I should create an Award Setup Request or a Modification Request?
- Tips for Success – Award Setup & Modification Requests in SAGE
- New to UW Research
- Agreement Types
- What do I do when I receive an Award Setup Request created by OSP?
- Staff Assignments: Do I need an eGC1, ASR, or MOD?