UW Research

PI Resources Quick Start

Resources and guidance to support your research at the UW.

Resources Organized by the Research Project Lifecycle





Training and Training Resources

  • Required Research Training: A dynamic resource to assist researchers and their teams in identifying Required Research Trainings
    • : Transcript of your required training completions and requirements
  • : Required for PIs (faculty and non-faculty) no later than twelve months following submission of their first proposal, though recommended soon upon arrival at the UW
  • Responsible Conduct of Research: Information regarding sponsor requirements, and University offerings, for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training.
  • Introduction to Research Administration: Survey course designed to help individuals build a foundational body of knowledge within research administration at the UW
  • Zipline: Help on using the Human Subjects Division’s e-IRB system, the portal for viewing and managing all of your IRB applications
  • IRB 101 Online Tutorial: Covers the basics of human subjects research and provides important practical information about navigating the IRB process at UW

