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Title IX Biennial Report

2021-2023 Title IX Report

The overviews education and prevention efforts, Title IX reports and referrals, and formal complaints. The 2021–2023 report is the first biennial report to incorporate employee data.

2019 -2021 Title IX Report

The inaugural ÌÇÐÄÔ­´´ includes information from two years—July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2021.

The report includes four primary areas: support and resources, investigations and adjudications, prevention and education, and leadership and policy. The first report focuses on UW student experiences.

Report FAQs

Annual report FAQs

It’s considered a best practice for Title IX offices to publish regular reports. Students, faculty, and staff have also requested this information from our office.

We agree that an institution like UW should be transparent about this information, and we wanted to be responsive.

In the inaugural report, we focused on student experiences and investigations because students initially asked for this information about other UW students.

The second biennial report includes information about employee investigations. We worked with the Civil Rights Investigation Office and UW Human Resources to present information about investigations of employees.

We plan to publish the report every two years. You can expect our next report in Spring 2026.

No. The 2024 Title IX regulations did not affect the data in the 2021-2023 report. We anticipate the 2024 regulations will significantly impact the data collected for our 2026 Biennial Report.