The Office of the Title IX Coordinator offers several brochures for the UW community. Contact the Office of the Title IX Coordinator to request hard copies of the Title IX brochure.
Title IX Brochure
This brochure provides Title IX resources to address sex- and gender-based violence, harassment, and discrimination. It covers the online Title IX reporting form, available supportive measures, guidance on pregnancy and related conditions, and tips for supporting a colleague, student, or friend.
Know Your Rights & Resources Guide
This comprehensive guide was prepared for any member of the University community who has experienced sexual assault, relationship or intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual harassment, or other types of sexual misconduct.
Internships, Off-Campus Placements, and Title IX Brochure
Title IX and UW policies on sex discrimination and sexual harassment also apply to internships and off-campus placements. This brochure informs students on what to do if they experience inappropriate behavior in a workplace or at a field site. It explains how to access University resources and obtain assistance to understand relevant rights and options. Contact the Office of the Title IX Coordinator to request hard copies of this brochure.