UW Research



The majority of UW鈥檚 sponsored funding comes from US federal agencies in the form of grants, cooperative agreements, fellowships, contracts, and intergovernmental personnel agreements (IPAs).

The (UG) is the regulatory foundation for federal grants and cooperative agreements.

Be aware of requirements and restrictions which may impact set up and management of federal awards.

Some examples include:

To apply for a grant or cooperative agreement, you respond to a funding opportunity that contains instructions on how to apply.


An Open Researcher and Contributor iD (ORCID) is a unique digital identifier that helps link researchers to their grants, publications, and other research-related work. ORCID iDs are maintained by the nonprofit ORCID. The 糖心原创 strongly encourages researchers to register for an ORCID iD. Review the UW’s ORCID iDs: An Overview for Researchers.

Proposal Submission Methods

Federal agencies have a variety of systems used for external funding administration. Some are used strictly to submit proposals to the agencies and others are for pre-award and post-award management of the application and award.

In addition to following sponsor instructions and guidelines, the UW has internal deadlines and proposal submission requirements that must be followed.

Review more information and links for various Federal Agencies聽 after the Grants.gov section on this page to get started.

Federal Proposal Submission Options

Method Considerations
SAGE Grant Runner 厂耻产尘颈迟听听颈苍听. Reduces duplicate entry and routes with eGC1. Grant Runner includes a single PDF of full sponsor form set & all NIH validations.
Sponsor Specific Systems NIH ASSIST, NSF Research.gov, NASA NSPIRES, etc鈥

Many federal agencies have sponsor specific systems for proposal submission. Links and details are available within the federal agency sections of this page.

Grants.gov: Workspace May be used for all other federal submission opportunities.

Review Grants.gov guidance for proposal submission at the UW.


  • NSF proposals should NOT be submitted via Grants.gov.
  • NIH proposals should be submitted via or .

Federal Contracts

The and agency-specific supplements are the regulatory foundation for federal contracts. To apply for a federal contract, you apply to a solicitation that contains specific requirements and the anticipated terms and conditions for a resulting contract. It is especially important to start early when preparing a federal contract proposal.

These proposals are lengthy, extremely detailed, and require additional review by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).

Requirements in federal contracts will impact your budget, plan ahead. For example, the Department of Defense requirement in contracts effective 11.30.2020, for Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC).

Industry Sponsored Clinical Trials

For industry sponsored clinical studies and trials review Industry Clinical Trials.

Animal Research Considerations

Most federal funding agencies have specific requirements for research using vertebrate animals. A few of these need to be addressed at the planning/proposal stage. More information can be found on the .

Human Subjects Research Considerations

Most federal funding agencies have specific requirements for human subjects research. A few of these need to be addressed at the planning/proposal stage.

Single IRB

Beginning January 20, 2020, all federal funding agencies, except the Department of Justice, require the use of a聽single IRB to review the human subjects activities for collaborative or multi-site studies. This has significant staffing and budget implications.

Emergency Medicine Research

Federally funded emergency medicine research must meet some special compliance requirements. These have budgeting and staffing implications.

Non-discrimination laws

Federal non-discrimination laws must be considered when developing subject inclusion/exclusion criteria. Specifically, participants cannot be excluded from a study on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, disability, or not speaking English (in a domestic study), unless there is a scientific rationale for doing so.


If you are not using a sponsor-specific system (e.g. NIH ASSIST, NSF Research.gov, NASA NSPIRES, etc.) and is not an option,聽 is a source to find and apply for federal grants. OSP is registered as an institution in Grants.gov and submits proposals on behalf of the UW聽after they are routed to OSP and reviewed.

Need to register in Grants.gov? Review UW specific instructions for Grants.gov Registration.

eGC1 preparers need to include the Workspace ID# and upload a PDF of the entire application with form fields completed including all attachments from Workspace to the eGC1.
Review Grants.gov guidance on the Workspace for details.

NIH & NSF Proposals and Grants.gov:

NIH proposals should be submitted via or. Review more NIH proposal preparation guidance. Check to see if your can be submitted via .

NSF proposals should NOT be submitted via Grants.gov. Review more guidance for NSF proposal preparation.

Grants.gov Registration

To create a Workspace, you must use one of the UW Unique Entity Identifier’s (UEI) and . DoEd applications use UEI# NFJ3CMQ4B418, all other Federal agency applications use UEI# HD1WMN6945W6.

  • To Create a you must register as an organization applicant.
  • To edit or view a Workspace, register as an applicant.

Review Grants.gov information on

After you register as an Organization Applicant, the OSP Central Operations Team receives an email and will authorize your 鈥淢anage Workspace鈥 role, which allows you to create Workspaces.

Need to prepare both DoEd and other federal agency proposals? Link your account to both UEI numbers.

Be sure to create your Workspace under the correct UEI number. You cannot change UEI numbers on a Workspace. The only way to correct a UEI number is to create a new Workspace.

Department of Commerce

Includes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

For error-free submission to eRA Commons on Dept. of Commerce applications, additional information is required in the SF-424 form beyond the Grants.gov validation requirements.

  • In field 鈥4. Applicant Identifier鈥, PD/PI eRA Commons User ID must be included.
  • The applicant organization鈥檚 UEI is required in field 8c.


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Department of Defense (DoD)

UW receives funding from various Department of Defense agencies, specific agency information is included here.

DoD: Foreign Interests in Sponsored Programs

Review UW guidance on Foreign Interests in Sponsored Programs.

Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)

issues funding opportunities called 鈥淏road Agency Announcements (BAAs)鈥. AFOSR uses for submitting grant and cooperative agreement proposals.

Post-award reporting is submitted via an .

US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC)

is the grants and contracts office for the USAMRMC. See site for terms & conditions and reporting information.

is a DoD grant program, managed by USARMC and USAMRAA. 聽The requires a pre-application in the (eBRAP), a full application via , and application verification in eBRAP. Contact osp@uw.edu for access to eBRAP.

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)

funds both grants and contracts using program-specific funding opportunities and broad agency announcements (BAA). Check your funding announcement closely for submission instructions.

DARPA has a Foreign Influence policy and a Risk Rubric they will use to review disclosures from all proposed Senior/Key Personnel.

Review :

    • Senior/Key Personnel Foreign Influence Risk Rubric
    • Countering Foreign Influence Program (DARPA Policy)
    • Countering Foreign Influence Program (CFIP) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Cooperative Agreements: DARPA uses for submitting grant and cooperative agreement proposals.

Contract proposals: Follow funding announcement instructions, contract proposals may need to be submitted via hard-copy or .

DARPA BAA Account Instructions:

PIs need a DARPA “Extranet Account” and a separate submission account for each proposal. Accounts are only issued to the PI.

If the PI does not already have a DARPA Extranet Account or it has expired,聽 there is a two-step process the PI needs to complete.

  1. Register using the “Account Request” link, then
  2. Create your user account for DARPA BAA Submission website by selecting the 鈥淩egister your Organization鈥 link.

Once an account is created the PI can view solicitations, submission instructions, and upload/finalize executive summary.

We recommend logging into your DARPA account periodically to keep the account active. DARPA “Extranet Accounts” are deleted after 60 days of inactivity.

BAA Proposals:

  • Proposals are created in two volumes and must be encrypted per DARPA instructions.
  • Prepare and submit an eGC1 in SAGE and route to OSP.
  • After OSP review of the , the PI submits the proposal in the sponsor site.
  • Once submitted, the PI receives an email indicating that the submission account is deactivated.

Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)

DTRA鈥檚 application process consists of Phase I, Pre-application White Paper and Phase II, Invited Proposal. 聽Review the funding opportunity carefully. Submissions can occur via Grants.gov or the , depending on the opportunity.

There is only one UW account for the DTRA submission system.

  • OSP uploads proposal documents in the
  • PI or departmental designee reviews and approves the uploaded materials with their OSP reviewer.
  • OSP submits the proposal.

Office of Naval Research (ONR)

ONR proposals are submitted via Grants.gov. Login to Grants.gov and look for the Opportunity Number desired and download the proposal package. Search .

Department of Education (DoEd)

The 聽typically accepts grant applications via 聽and has a Grant Management System, , which OSP uses to retrieve awards and submit changes. The UW Unique Entity Identifier for DoED is NFJ3CMQ4B418.

When creating Grants.gov Workspace for DoEd, be sure to use your Grants.gov account that is linked to the DoEd UEI number.

Department of Energy (DOE)

UW PIs must forward their DOE proposals to OSP for submission.

The has an online funding opportunity and application portal called Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) . DOE has other funding opportunities that are submitted via .

Review .

The is used to submit pre-applications, letters of intent, revised budgets, and receive merit reviewers’ comments for the DOE Office of Science.

The DOE Office of Science requires research proposals to include a 聽 as an appendix to the proposal narrative.

DOE: Foreign Interests in Sponsored Programs

Review UW requirements related to Foreign Interests in Sponsored Programs. The DOE does not allow participation in the Foreign Talent program by its employees or contractors. Additionally, when the UW receives DOE awards that reference , the PIs and other participating UW personnel must complete this Foreign Government-Sponsored Talent Recruitment Programs (FGTRP) Disclosure form.

Department of the Interior (DOI)

Use for competitive proposal submissions and for non-competitive or mandatory applications.

Review the UW instructions to request a GrantSolutions account.

Department of Justice (DoJ)

DoJ grants run through the聽聽and use聽

DOJ award management runs through their聽听蝉测蝉迟别尘.

Review DoJ resources and other resources.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Use for proposal submission. The EPA also provides a variety of material to support applicants and recipients:

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

Many agencies that fall under the HHS use to capture proposals after submission through or , such as National Institutes of Health (NIH), Agency for Healthcare and Research Quality (AHRQ), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

eRA Commons

NIH, AHRQ, CDC, FDA, SAMHSA, and the VA all use .

Review eRA Commons roles at the UW and follow specific agency and funding opportunity guidance for your proposal submission.

The PI role is needed to complete the grant administration process or to delegate this responsibility to another individual. PI鈥檚 can only access information about grant(s) on which they are the designated PI.

If you need to update or change your eRA Commons login or account credentials for yourself or member of your UW team: Contact your department administrator with eRA Commons 鈥楢O鈥 role. If no local administrator is available, contact osp@uw.edu.

More select agency guidance is available below.

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

(EHB) single access point for all HRSA grant and non-grant programs for grant submission and administration.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

NIH proposals should be submitted via or . Check to see if your can be submitted via Grant Runner.


Department of Agriculture (USDA)

  • 2018 Farm Bill Indirect Cost (IDC) Provision:

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

The VA uses for proposal submission.

Note, that while the VA follows the :

  • The UW can receive funding from a non-Federal source (such as SIBCR) for VA research work.
  • If a Federal sponsor awards funds to the UW and a VA researcher performs and receives compensation on that award, the payment is allowed, subject to any separate Federal sponsor limitations.

Review more information about setting up Intergovernmental Personnel Act Agreements.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System ()

Researchers must in and request affiliation with the 糖心原创. OSP confirms or denies affiliations.

Review more information on such as the NASA Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual, as well as the NASA Proposer’s Guidebook.

NASA UW Application Process:

  • Complete all elements in NSPIRES, including Proposal Summary, Business Data, Budget, Program Specific Data, and Proposal Team.
  • Upload the final proposal as an attachment and link the proposals to allow OSP to view.
  • To allow OSP to submit, lock the proposal in NSPIRES.
  • Download a PDF copy of the application from NSPIRES and attach it to the . This is used during the review process and meets audit requirements.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

UW proposals to NSF should NOT be prepared in Grants.gov. UW proposals to NSF should be prepared via . If you are responding to an submit via as indicated in the Solicitation or Program Announcement.

Some NSF funding opportunities require pre-proposals or letters of intent. Most are submitted by OSP within the sponsor system, but some are submitted by the PI. Check the funding opportunity. If OSP is submitting a pre-proposal, an is required and internal deadlines apply.

Instructions for NSF Proposal Submission

Make sure you have and that you request an appropriate role and affiliation with the UW.

  1. Review NSF guidance
  2. Confirm you have the appropriate role:
    • PI/Co-PI should have the PI role
    • All other proposal preparers /reviewers should have 鈥淥ther Authorized User鈥 (OAU) role
  3. Review proposal preparation instructions in NSF鈥檚 .
  4. Prepare the proposal in Research.gov.
  5. Resolve errors/warnings from the sponsor system validations on your proposal.
  6. Give OSP ability to review the proposal in NSF鈥檚 system
    • Click on 鈥淧roposal Access for SPO/AOR鈥
  7. Download a PDF copy of the application that was prepared in the sponsor system and attach it to your . This PDF is used during the review process.
  8. OSP reviews the proposal in SAGE and in the sponsor system

OSP submits the final proposal in the sponsor system.

Biographical Sketches

NSF requires Biographical Sketches for senior / key personnel at the time of the proposal using the Common Disclosure Form in SciENcv.

When the form is completed it requires each senior/key personnel to certify that they are not party to a , that the information is current, accurate, & complete, and that misrepresentations/omissions may be subject to prosecution.

Individual Development Plans for Post-Doctoral & Graduate Students

For proposals that request substantial support post-doctoral and graduate students, each individual must have an . These plans should map educational goals, career exploration, and professional development of the individual and be updated annually. NSF defines 鈥渟ubstantial support鈥 as an individual that has received one person month or more during the annual reporting period under the NSF award.

Mentoring Plan for Post-Doctoral or Graduate Students

All proposals that request support for post-doctoral or graduate students require a single page . The mentoring plan must describe mentoring that will be provided to all postdoctoral scholars or graduate students supported by the project. Individual separate plans are not required for each postdoctoral scholar or graduate student. The plan may, however, specify how components of the mentoring program will be enacted for the each of the two types of researchers.

Seek & Obtain Tribal Nation Approval for Proposals that May Impact Tribal Resources or Interests

NSF proposals that may impact the resources or interests of a federally recognized Tribal Nation will not be awarded by NSF without prior written approval from the official(s) designated by the relevant Tribal Nation(s).

  • Seek guidance from the potentially impacted Tribal Nation on activities that require review and prior approval from that Tribal Nation鈥檚 authorized designee.
  • Submit a written request to the relevant Tribal Nation (based on their guidance), for approval to carry out the proposed activity that requires their review and approval.
  • Complete the checkbox for 鈥淧otential Impacts on Tribal Nations鈥 on the Cover Sheet. Note, lead organizations are responsible for this on collaborative proposals & proposals with subawards considered a single unified project.
    • Upload one of the following into 鈥淥ther supplementary documents鈥 of Research.gov:
      • a copy of the written request to the relevant Tribal Nation(s) to carry out any proposed activity/activities that may require prior approval from them.
      • written confirmation from the Tribal Nation(s) that review and approval is not required.
      • a copy of relevant Tribal Nation approval.

NSF Collaborative Proposals

When the UW is not the lead institution on an NSF proposal, we may submit our portion of a collaborative proposal ahead of the lead institution.

Review more UW Guidance on Current and Pending or Other Support.

When the UW is the lead institution follow:

NSF Pre-Award Updates /Revisions

Send an email to osp@uw.edu for NSF pre-award updates/revisions items after a proposal is submitted and before an award arrives at the UW.